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Microwave Protection Technology


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I recommend that anyone interested in microwave protection technology go to this website and check it all out:

All of the hard science is there, including dark field microscopy of the blood, thermography scans, CAT scans, MRI scans, sensitivity studies, white blood cell recovery studies after chemo etc. etc. There are two basic technologies, both patented, which are combined together to create an external and internal microwave inhibitor effect as well as a bio-energy counter-field/wave effect which harmonizes the body's signature resonances with the Schuman Resonance of 'Earth frequency'. The Schumann Resonance of the Earth has been increasing and is now approaching 13 HZ, whereas micro waves are 'pinging' every cell and nerve ending and our DNA at 1200 GHZ, which is virtually impossible for the cells to accept. There is nothing in nature that pings our cells at 1200 GHZ, so the body's innate defense responses kick in, and draw on deep core energy to 'fight' an invasive influence that it cannot isolate because it is everywhere, hitting all of the cells at all times.

Micro waves and scalar waves are 'ground penetrating' and can go to depths far below ground, even within concrete construction, so complete penetration of the cells of the body, balls to bones, is clearly not impeded. I am going to write a synops on this and post, but only if you are open to the information. We've been making 'structured water' for personal health reasons for years, but the water technology from Biopro is far more coherent and far more energized than anything that we have made with our other much more expensive machine. The testimonials are pretty amazing. Results are immediate. We can provide more information as needed. Although the company does not publish information or test results regarding scalar frequencies, we have muscle tested for years and have found that this past year, and even within the past few months and weeks, HAARP radionics and scalar frequencies are off the chart so to speak. We've had to take even stronger measures with the use of the special 'pendent' and polymer chips. There is technology for the home or office as well which simply plugs into a wall socket. More later. Bedtime.

Best regards,