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A Recipe for Drinking Light

Dieter Braun -

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Blend with water and strain....OR.....put through juicer, and then add water (as much as you feel you need).

Add 1/4 ts0 of sea salt and a dash of good quality oil.

If you can imagine a drop of ink in a swimming pool and watch it immediately spread throughout the pool, drinking living food can have the same effect on us.  The photons are the "ink"...keep your body bathed in photons at this time.  Swirl your drink for 30 seconds and send it loving thought (water responds to human emotion and thoughts).  Enjoy drinks like this on a regular basis, combined with regular walks in the sun and lots of fresh clean water, and you are even further along on your restoration than you were yesterday.  May this day bring you all you desire.



I am absorbing and transmitting LIght