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Hoxsey - How Healing Becomes A Crime (Video)

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1 hr 23 min 32 sec

Jan 1st 1987


    This documentary concerns Harry M. Hoxsey, the former coal miner whose family's herbal recipe has brought about claims of a cancer cure. Starting in 1924 with his first clinic, he expanded to 17 states by the mid 1950s, along the way constantly battling organized medicine that labeled him a charlatan. Hoxsey's supporters point out he was the victim of arrests, or "quackdowns" spearheaded by the proponents of established medical practices. Interviews of patients satisfied with the results of the controversial treatment are balanced with physicians from the FDA and the AMA. A clinic in Tijuana Mexico claims an 80% success rate, while opponents are naturally skeptical. What is apparent is that cancer continues to be one of humankind's more dreaded diseases, and that political and economic forces dominate research and development.





    "It has been condemned as a worthless quack remedy by others because they were genuinely misinformed or because they were BAREFACED AND DELIBERATE LIARS."—Dr Richards & Frank Hourigan.

    "After presenting a rather effective lecture on cancer…the windshield was shot out of my car on the road back to San Francisco. The next night the glass window in the tail gate was shot out (300 miles removed from the first shooting). The police said, 'maybe someone is trying to tell you something'. The late Arthur Harris, M.D. was threatened by two men with assassination if he continued to use laetrile. Since that time we have de-centralised the work so that, if any two of us are shot out of the saddle, it will have only a slight negative effect on the program."─ Dr. Krebs

    "In truth, as time has gone on, I have found much evidence to make me believe that the FDA had, indeed, done a great many studies on Laetrile. The problem was they apparently had found that — when properly used with other vitamins, minerals, enzymes and diet — Laetrile could be very beneficial to many cancer patients. There was no way the FDA was going to admit this! For more than fifteen years they had been saying that Laetrile was of no value. To come out now and say that they had been wrong was unthinkable. The fuss and furor that would have come from the people of this country would have been tremendous. Congress, rapidly, would have been forced to do away with the FDA. To the government, this would have been a terrible loss. After all, the "most important" function of any government bureaucracy is to perpetuate itself. It is my opinion, and only an opinion, that it was easier for the FDA to say that they had done no studies than to reveal what their studies had actually shown. It was far less dangerous to go through Administrative Hearings than to admit that they were wrong." ─ ALIVE AND WELL by Philip E. Binzel, Jr., M.D.

    "The anti-cancer effect of amygdalin was demonstrated in Mexico by government sponsored reserach under Dr. Mario Soto De Leon and its use is legal. Dr Soto was the first medical director of the Cydel Clinic in Tijuana (taken over by Dr Manner) .It is very important that it be prepared and administred correctly in sufficient dosage or it will not be effective. The trial performed at the Mayo Clinic in the early 80's involved the use of the racemic mixture rather than the levo-rotary form and thus was only 10% of the strength required. In spite of this, towards the end of the experiment, the patients began to show improvement, but it was discontinued and declared ineffectual." ─ Dr Robert Willner, M.D.

    According to Richard Walters, Dr. James Cason of the University of California, Berkeley, analyzed the compound used in the Mayo Clinic study using infrared spectrophotometry and determined that it did not contain amygdalin at all.

    "Amygdalin (laetrile) is another key component for keeping cancer from growing and should be considered a standard, entirely safe treatment for all cancer patients." ─ Dr. Atkins.,M.D.

    "Laetrile is most assuredly a very potent anti-cancer factor but requires stringent methods of use in order to succeed. Amateurs invariably fail. High sounding U.S. pronouncements that ‘laetrile’ is toxic and ineffective are fraudulent and calculated to deceive. It will become again one of the major weapons in the cancer therapy armamentarium."— Dr Richards & Frank Hourigan.

    ""You get cats in with high fevers, 105-108 degrees. There is nothing you can give them that will bring down that high a fever--except laetrile." ─ Dr Kearns, DVM. (Dr Kearns uses 50mg of laetrile orally until the leukemia is under control.)



    [Mentally and financially ruined by legal proceedings and AMA harassment. Arrested 157 times in 16 months. Died in suspicious circumstances, possibly murdered.]

    In Iowa, Hoxsey was treating 300 patients a day in the late -1920s. During the vicious 1937-39 period when Fishbein was stopping Rife's treatment, Hoxsey was charged more than a hundred times with practicing medicine without a license in Texas.

    Still, Hoxsey's Dallas clinic grew to the point where it was handling as many as 12,000 patients, with affiliate clinics being established in Illinois, Pennsylvania and other states. In a legal action against Fishbein and the AMA in 1949, Hoxsey won. Fishbein' attorney admitted that Hoxsey' treatment did cure cancer. Judge W. L. Thorton ruled: "I am of the firm opinion and belief that Hoxsey has cured these people of cancer. Hoxsey has been done a great injustice and . . . articles and utterances by defendant Morris Fishbein were false, slanderous, and libelous."

    Nevertheless, through an organized conspiracy of the AMA, the FDA and the NCI, Hoxsey's clinics were closed. Doctors who worked with Hoxsey lost their licenses. Pathologists who examined tumors for Hoxsey lost their businesses. State medical boards closed free clinics where hundreds of "terminal" cancer patients were being saved. His treatments have never been officially tested, despite admissions by opponents that they work and court testimony by experts which resulted in a jury concluding that Hoxsey's cancer treatment had therapeutic value. Hoxsey's primary assistant still operates a Hoxsey clinic in Mexico.(Ref: Barry Lynes)

    "There had been a head of the FDA (who later turned out to be a fraud) his name was Fishbein and he was rampantly opposed to any alternative therapy. He went after Hoxsey, the Hoxsey therapy back in the 1940's and 50's, and destroyed Hoxsey. But not before Hoxsey sued the AMA and Fishbein and [proved] that the therapy actually worked. But it didn't help him because they closed him down anyhow" ─ Gary Null


    James Duke former chief botanist at the US Dept Agriculture Medicinal Plants Laboratory has analyzed the tonic. All of the Hoxsey herbs have known anticancer properties, he said.

Bio-Medical Center (Hoxsey Clinic)

    Since 1963, this clinic has provided Hoxsey therapy. It was one of the first alternative cancer facilities in Mexico. Mildred Nelson, who was Harry Hoxsey's chief nurse at the Hoxsey Clinic in Dallas until he left clinical practice, carried on the therapy in Mexico until her death in 1999. Her sister now runs the clinic.

    The clinic was closed for 6 weeks around March 2000 by Mexican medical authorities, but it was allowed to reopen. They are being monitored by local health department officials.

    It is not as expensive as many therapies - it costs only $3500 for the therapy no matter how long it takes, with 30% due at the first appointment.

    There are several books and videos available on Hoxsey. Go to our books, audios, and videos page to see titles we recommend about Hoxsey.

    In addition to the Hoxsey treatment, comprised of a liquid elixir containing a mixture of herbs and several topical salves, the clinic may also use other supplements, diet, nutrition, and chelation therapy. They treat most types of malignancies, but it is said to be especially effective with skin cancer (including melanoma), breast cancer, and has been successful with some recurrent cancers and even with patients who've had radiation and/or chemotherapy. Often what people will do is combine Hoxsey treatment with other approaches, like laetrile.

For a write up on the clinic, go to:

Contact information:

Bio-Medical center

615 General Ferreira, Colonia Juarez

Tijuana, B.C. Mexico.

Mailing Address:

PO Box 433654

San Isidro, CA 92143-3654

Tel: 011-52-664-684-90-11

Fax: 011-52-664-684-9744

The information on this page is provided by The Cancer Cure Foundation based on information we have received from a variety of sources, including the clinic itself, feedback from people who have gone to the clinic, and in some cases from clinic tours. The listing of a doctor or clinic here does not signify an endorsement by the Cancer Cure Foundation, unless we have indicated it. We encourage you to check out each clinic by visiting the clinic if possible, talking to people who have gone to the clinic (ask the clinic for contact information of people who have gone to the clinic), and by checking with other organizations as to what they know about the clinic. There are also some forums you can join to get feedback from others. We would also be happy to tell you what we know about any of these clinics.

If you do go to any of these clinics for treatment, be sure to mention you heard about them through The Cancer Cure Foundation, and be sure to let us know about your experience, positive or negative. Any feedback you can offer may help others who are trying to decide which clinic to go to or which therapy to use.


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