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Black Listed Cancer Treatment Could Save Your LIfe

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ed the medical world when he developed a serum that "shrank cancer tumors in 45 minutes!"

Headlines hit every major paper around the world. Scientists and researchers applauded. Time and again this life-saving treatment worked miracles, but the FDA shut him down, ignoring the research he had done and the hope he had given to many.

You read that right. He was not only shut down -- but also forced out of the United States where others may have benefited from his discovery. That was 32 years ago. How many other treatments have they been allowed to hide? Just as in the case of this miracle serum, these too go unmentioned.

Two-Nutrient Cancer Breakthroughs...

Decades ago, European research scientist Dr. Johanna Budwig, a six-time Nobel Award nominee, discovered a totally natural formula. It not only protects against the development of cancer, but fights existing cancer as well. People all over the world who were diagnosed with incurable cancer and sent home to die have greatly benefited from this research and went on to lead normal lives-- thanks to this amazing formula.

After 30 years of study, Dr. Budwig observed that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was deficient in certain nutrients. It was the lack of these nutrients that allowed cancer cells to grow out of control.

By simply eating a combination of two natural and delicious foods (found on page 134) not only can cancer be prevented -- but in case after case it was actually healed! "Symptoms of cancer, liver dysfunction, and diabetes were completely alleviated." Remarkably, what Dr. Budwig discovered was a totally natural way for eradicating cancer.

However, when she went to publish these results so that everyone could benefit -- she was blocked by drug manufacturers who stood to lose a lot of money. Since natural substances cannot be patented, drug companies won't make money by marketing them. For over 10 years now her methods have proved effective -- yet she is denied publication -- blocked by the giants who don't want you to read her words.

What's more, the world is full of expert minds like Dr. Budwig who have pursued cancer remedies and come up with remarkable natural formulas and diets that work for hundreds and thousands of patients. How to Fight Cancer and Win author William Fischer has studied these methods and revealed their secrets for you -- so that you or someone you love may be spared the horrors of conventional cancer treatments.

As early as 1947, Virginia Livingston, M.D., isolated a cancer-causing microbe. She noted that every cancer sample analyzed (whether human or other animal) contained it. This microbe -- a bacteria that is actually in each of us from birth to death -- multiplies and promotes cancer when the immune system is weakened by disease, stress, or poor nutrition. Worst of all, the microbes secrete a special hormone protector that short-circuits our body's immune system -- allowing the microbes to grow undetected for years. No wonder so many patients are riddled with cancer by the time it is detected. But there is hope even for them...

Turn to page 82 of How to Fight Cancer and Win for the delicious diet that can help stop the formation of cancer cells and shrink tumors.

They walked away from traditional cancer treatments... and were healed!

Throughout the pages of How to Fight Cancer and Win, you'll meet real people who were diagnosed with cancer -- suffered through harsh conventional treatments -- turned their backs on so called modern medicine -- only to be miraculously healed by natural means! Here is just a sampling of what others have to say about the book.

"We purchased How to Fight Cancer and Win, and immediately my husband started following the recommended diet for his just diagnosed colon cancer. He refused the surgery that our doctors advised. Since following the regime recommended in the book he has had no problems at all, cancer-wise. If not cured, we believe the cancer has to be in remission." -- Thelma B.

"I bought How to Fight Cancer and Win and this has to be the greatest book I've ever read. I have had astounding results from the easy to understand knowledge found in this book. My whole life has improved drastically and I have done so much for many others. The information goes far beyond the health thinking of today." -- Hugh M.

"I can't find adequate words to describe my appreciation of your work in providing How to Fight Cancer and Win. You had to do an enormous amount of research to bring this vast and most important knowledge to your readers.

My doctor found two tumors on my prostate with a high P.S.A. He scheduled a time to surgically remove the prostate, but I canceled the appointment. Instead I went on the diet discussed in the book combined with another supplement. Over the months my P.S.A. has lowered until the last reading was one point two." -- Duncan M.

If anyone you love has cancer, don't let them fight it alone. Claim your copy of "How to Fight Cancer and Win" and discover the most powerful cancer survival kit ever assembled

[Edit: I don't know, but I suspect that one of those ingredients is Laetrile - vitamin B-17. Alan] You can order this book from Agora, for $20 +frt. Go to their website:

Here is another story which was referred to in the above article:   How-to-Fight-Cancer-and-Win---A-Book-Review&id=2681

How to Fight Cancer and Win - A Book Review

By David Snape

How to Fight Cancer and Win is a book written by William L. Fischer.

You might find this book interesting and useful. Despite being published in 1992, it remains (as of this writing) among the top 20,000 sellers on a popular book-selling site.

William Fischer worked for pharmaceutical companies in Germany. He later became a writer on natural healing methods and has traveled far to learn the healing methods that exist in different cultures.

In his book, How to Fight Cancer and Win, William doesn't advise you to ignore your oncologist's treatment plan. He does, however, give you plenty of information on how to supplement your fight against cancer. Flaxseed oil is part of that advice.

There is the very popular Essiac Tea that a nurse name Rene Caisse used to treat thousands of people with cancer. She received the formula from the Obijiway Indians. It consists of herbs that you can find at your local health food store.

Fighting cancer can be a tough battle to win. I have met two people who believe they have beaten their cancer through a powerful system called Falun Dafa. You can read more about these gentle but powerful exercises on the website.

You can download a book filled with stories of people that have overcome all kinds of illness here:

If you know of someone who has cancer, perhaps you should let him or her know about these resources. This article is for information purposes only. Nothing in this article is intended to diagnose, treat or prescribe for any health condition. If you have or suspect you have a health condition, contact your physician immediately. That is especially so for something like cancer.

David Snape is the author of What You Should Know about Gum Disease available at   A primary tool that promotes oral health can be found at  Dave also answers questions at

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