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Dr. Christopher's Anti-Plague Formula

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th a heaping Tablespoon-full). You can always add more cayenne after a day or two if you think you can stand it hotter than you started with. (Cayenne available in most stores varies greatly in BTU's, so you will need to taste-adjust this. It SHOULD be spicy hot-the purpose of this is to "burn" out stagnant energy.)

Then to this combination add as much Organic Apple Cider Vinegar as necessary so that the resulting combination is between 1/3 and 1/2 chopped ingredients and the rest liquid.

Shake or stir a few times a day. You can use this almost immediately, although it gets better with age.

To use: Add one Tablespoon of strained liquid to one cup of water (hot or cold). If hot, a spoonful of honey (optional) makes this a nice spicy beverage.

For maintenance/prevention: Drink one cup of this every morning on arising.

For treatment of flu/plague-like problems: Drink a cup several times a day.
