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Ever New Joy Creation

Ramanathan Iyer

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rience the joyful, healthy life we wish to have!

The people of this planet have been disconnected from their lower three chakras. I have found that light workers in particular have been trained to only go "up" and focus in the sixth and seventh chakras, the violet and the gold.

In order to accomplish the shift in the world that we are all striving for, we need to have POWER IN OUR LOWER THREE CHAKRAS.

The lower three chakras are the chakras that most directly relate to the health of the physical body. The upper three chakras, the blue, the violet, and the gold, relate more to the clarity of our mind and the expansiveness of our spiritual bodies.

What this world needs most is for us to be FULLY EMPOWERED IN OUR LOWER THREE CHAKRAS.

The world has not yet shifted in the way we want. We want abundance in our daily lives. We want wealth and joy and FREEDOM to roam the planet and the galaxy. WE WANT TO BE FREE IN OUR PHYSICAL BODIES.

Whenever something is not happening the way you want, please remember: "It is not what you are doing that will give you results, it is what you are NOT doing." As a community of lightworkers and a planet of people, we are not properly focusing our power in the lower three chakras.

When we do focus in the lower three chakras, and re-enter our physical bodies, THEN we will be radiating our power as Cosmic Beings into the physical plane to accomplish the abundance and governmental and societal shifts that we are looking for!

The new Age of Ever New Joy is defined by the fact that we simply cannot continue to neglect our physical bodies and our lower three chakras. We MUST re-integrate our astral body with our physical body. We MUST re-expand our lower three chakras and take power in the physical plane.

In the new, Eternal Age of Ever New Joy, we as Infinite-Dimensional Beings will forever be growing the Beauty of our physical bodies, as well as increasing our endless expressions of Joy at being alive!

We are pioneers of the New Cosmic Age, an age where Joy and MORE Joy is what life is all about!


My name is Ramanathan, or "Rama" for short. I have been working endless hours behind the scenes helping to forge this New Creation Structure, and I have realized that now it is time for me to work directly with all of you!

I would like to offer you my services both in private sessions as well as in a group teleconference setting, where I will work with you to help you empower yourselves.

My wish is to enable you to heal yourselves, and give you simple and powerful Body Activation techniques so that you can evolve yourself as Deep into Infinite Joy and Physical Beauty as you wish to go!

I use a system of Body Activations in which you use your power of feeling to super-activate your body's organs. There is a major organ for every energy center of the body, and I have found that the more you focus on feeling an organ the more you activate its higher potentials.

First of all you restore physical health, but you can also SUPER ACTIVATE an organ and develop its higher levels of functionality.

Now matter what your goals are, no matter where you are in your evolutionary journey toward Greater Joy, the techniques I want to share with you can help you to reach even greater heights!

You can reach me at for more information about my services, or to schedule a private session, or express your interest in the group healing sessions I will be offering via teleconferencing.

If you know anyone who you feel might benefit from what you have read so far, please forward this email to them! ~~~


We can work on any area of the healing of your Being that you like! We can focus on activating the various bodily organs, or we can use some other healing modality that you prefer. I will work with your Spiritual Self to help determine how best to assist you.

If you do not feel you need healing, but are simply looking to enhance your spiritual practice or increase your physical beauty, the Body Activation techniques I use can help further along in your Eternal evolutionary adventure!

In my private sessions I offer:

1. A one and a half to two hour phone session. These sessions are about YOU, and whatever you wish to focus on!

2. I will work with you on whatever your chosen goals are for your life.

3. I will be giving you simple techniques that will give you EXPERIENCES of the joy and majesty of your multidimensional body.

4. I will offer you FREE on-going support via email after our private session.

5. I will be acting as a friend for you in your life-adventure toward your chosen Goals.

6. In subsequent private sessions we can continue to build on what you experienced and felt in the first session, and I can share with you more of the Body Activations.

7. There are SO MANY different Body Activations through which you can experience a different aspect of your Joyous Multidimensional Being. In private sessions with you, I will introduce the Body Activations in the order that will optimize your ability to experience greater and greater Joy, physical Beauty, and Health!

If you want more information about the private sessions I offer please email me at

I request a $200 monetary offering for each one and half to two hour private session. Your monetary offering enables me to continue my Cosmic and planetary work, by engaging in a method of earning money that I absolutely love and that enables me to help you! I would love to offer my services for free, but I also want to make my living by helping people to help themselves!

Please tell people about me! If you feel they would benefit from working with me in private sessions please give them my email or forward this email to them!


Are you interested in attending group healing workshops with me via teleconference calls? Together we will raise each other's vibrations and bless the whole world as I share with you everything I have learned as I have worked to heal the planet and the Cosmos!

If you are interested in experiencing a group healing session with me in the form of a teleconference, please email me at and mention that you are interested in attending a teleconference.

I will be sending out more information about my upcoming teleconference soon!