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The Truth About Soy

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Have you ever wondered about soy? It's promoted as the miracle food that will feed the world while at the same time prevent and cure all manner of diseases.

But what if all you've read about soy is nothing but a multi-million dollar marketing strategy based on scanty facts, half-truths and lies?

Most people remain unaware that soy is known to contain an array of potent chemical toxins. The modern manufacturing processes of high-profit industries make no effort to remove these potent toxins. High levels of phytic acid, trypsin inhibitors, toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines are all present in soy products.

Phytoestrogens that disrupt endocrine function and are potent antithyroid agents are present in vast quantities in soy, including the potentially devastating isoflavone Genistein. Infants exclusively fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula, the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula, as has the underdevelopment of males. Infant soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Soy is linked to infertility, breast cancer, hypothyroidism, thyroid cancer, and many other disorders.

"Imagine drugs that are known, by years of scientific documentation, to be both carcinogenic and to also cause DNA and chromosome damage being prescribed and administered through the food supply to populations of many countries around the world without the knowledge or consent of the individuals consuming these foods ... with no way to track dosage, individual reactions, or harmful side-effects ... and without any concern for some people’s increased vulnerability to these drugs, such as cancer patients. It sounds crazy, but that is exactly what is happening around the world when Soy is added to our food supply. Soy contains the scientifically documented carcinogenic and DNA damaging and chromosome damaging natural chemicals genistein and daidzein." - True Health, the magazine of Carotec Inc., Naples, Florida. May/June 2004.

"(Soyfoods) are not nutrients. They are drugs."

Dr. L. White, Honolulu Aging Study.

How could anyone get away with this?

The answer is simple, given the soy industry is one of the world's most wealthy and powerful multi-billion dollar industries.

"Despite an impressive array of scientific evidence that soy is not a fit food for man nor beast, the soy marketing mastodon has marched through the American market like Sherman through Georgia - and likely doing about as much damage as Sherman's Union Army did. In our opinion the widespread use of non-fermented soy is part of the chronic disease problem since soy is known to wreak havoc with the human thyroid and other hormone systems." - True Health, the magazine of Carotec Inc., Naples, Florida. May/June 2004.

The result is an industry that will systematically steamroll anybody that dares suggest there may be problems with the darling soy. When we first questioned the safety of soy, a representative of Protein Technologies told us that they had:

"...teams of lawyers to crush dissenters, could buy scientists to give evidence, owned television channels and newspapers, could divert medical schools and could even influence governments..."

This boast has proven all too true, and you'll be shocked to learn that much of what you've read about soy is nothing but a con.

Are all Soy Beans bad?

Soybeans are widely known to contain a gamut of natural toxins - and it makes no difference whether they are organic, "Round-Up Ready", or in any number of modern products (see our GUIDANCE page).

The trouble with modern soy products is that fast industrial processing does not equate to historical methods of fermenting "for two summers" or boiling "for the length of an incense". The method of modern get-rich-quick corporations is simply to leave these well-known natural toxins in our products.

"Among the Hawaii "study's" conclusions: that tofu accelerates brain weight loss in aging users, that the more soy you use the more it impacts your mental abilities, that soy acts like a drug, not a food." - True Health, the magazine of Carotec Inc., Naples, Florida. May/June 2004.

A few things you should know...

The Dangers Of Soy A brief summary of the reasons why soy is potentially harmful. You will find plenty of further detail throughout this site.

FAQ: Soy Myths We dispel the myths about soy and address some common misconceptions.

Soy and your baby Think twice before you feed your child soy-based formula - learn what your are really giving your baby.

Doses Simplified How much soy is too much soy? Learn about the levels at which the chemicals found in soy are dangerous.

Didn't know Soy was Toxic? Find out what they didn't tell you about phytoestrogens and other soy toxins.

Good Reading: Soy: For Your Health or Their Wealth?

The History Of Soy The history and traditional use of soy in Asia.

The Politics of Soy The soy industry is worth billions and spends millions on promoting its products. Is it any wonder that their political influence is global?

Soy and your Pets How the animal kingdom caused us to uncover the dark side of soy.

Further Reading Our Hot Reading page provides you with a list of excellent articles we recommend you read to uncover more on the truth about soy.

Hot off the Press Go to this page for recent publications that will fill you in on the whole soy story..

Would you like to help?

We are frequently asked for suggestions. One way to inform your fellow citizens is to ask your local newspaper to print a factual article, post one on public and supermarket notice boards, and on Internet newsgroups. Also in MOMS club and womens' issues websites.

Three which we feel are short, accurate and to the point are the two by Susan Starr Paddock: Soy Foods Have Downside For Health Of Infants, and .Thyroid Problems Mis-Diagnosed As Depression and the one in "Moonlight Health", which is authored by a medical doctor.

If you would like to contact the SoyOnlineService webmaster, please fill in our email form here.

Who Are We?

Soy Online Service is a small group of private citizens with a mission to inform the public of the truth about soy. We have no membership as such and are not sponsored by industry or any other group, in fact our research is funded out of our own pockets. We do not seek the destruction of the soy industry or to stop people eating soy. We have no desire to stop you being Vegan or to cause you to switch to dairy products. Rather we seek to expose the deceit of the major soy companies and to uncover the truth about soy products. We do this by providing you with factual material that you can read for yourself, so that in the future you can make an informed choice about what you eat.