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600 Physicians, Dentists, Scientists and Environmentalist Call For An End To Floridation

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urges Congressional members to "recognize that fluoridation is outdated, has serious risks that far outweigh any minor benefits, violates sound medical ethics, and denies freedom of choice."

It cites eight recent events that call for an urgent end to water fluoridation. Among them:

A 500-page review of fluoride's toxicology by the National Research Council of the National Academies, published in 2006.

Evidence from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that found 32 percent of U.S. children have dental fluorosis, which is caused by fluoride.

The American Dental Association's 2006 policy change, which recommends not giving fluoridated water to infants for the first 12 months of life.

A Harvard University study that found a five- to seven-fold increased risk of osteosarcoma (bone cancer) among young men who were exposed to fluoride between the ages of 6 and 8.

The CDC's recognition that fluoride is beneficial in reducing tooth decay when it's applied topically, not taken systemically.

The statement calls for members of Congress to sponsor a new Congressional Hearing on Fluoridation that requires those who continue to support water fluoridation to provide scientific basis, under oath, for their continued recommendations.

According to one of the statement's signers, Dr. Arvid Carlsson, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize for Medicine, "Fluoridation is against all principles of modern pharmacology. It's really obsolete."

Fluoride Action Network August 9, 2007

Medical News Today August 10, 2007

This is truly excellent news! Slowly but surely, the truth about fluoride has been leaking out, and now it may finally have the chance to sink in and really prompt some major changes.

If you are new to the site, you're probably still under the impression that fluoridated water is a good thing, so this news may come as a surprise. In reality, fluoride is a dangerous poison that does not help to protect your teeth when you ingest it via your drinking water. As even the CDC has admitted, fluoride may help your teeth if it's applied topically, but taking it in systemically does not.

What it DOES do, as this much-needed statement points out, is:

Increase your risk of bone fractures

Decrease your thyroid function

Lower your IQ

Cause arthritic-like conditions and dental fluorosis

Possibly increase your risk of bone cancer

On top of that, the statement reveals that federal agencies have admitted that "the industrial grade waste products used to fluoridate over 90 percent of America's drinking water supplies (fluorosilicate compounds) have never been subjected to toxicological testing or FDA safety-tested approval for human ingestion."

The fact that Americans have been drinking fluoridated water for more than 50 years has really been a giant experiment, at the expense of your health.

You can learn the underlying corruption and abuses of power that have allowed fluoride to be shamelessly promoted in the United States in Christopher Bryon's The Fluoride Deception. The publication of this book is one of the eight recent events that's referenced in the statement, simply because it reveals so clearly that industrial interests were behind the early promotion of fluoride.

How You Can Avoid Fluoride, and Help to Ban it in Your Water

If all goes well, this statement should make members of Congress take notice, and may prompt new regulations about fluoridated water.

Until then, you can protect yourself from fluoride by using only non-fluoride toothpaste and not receiving fluoride treatments from your dentist. To remove fluoride from your drinking water, you must use a reverse osmosis filter. Be sure that you're filtering not only the water that you drink, but also the water you use to wash vegetables, make ice cubes, and cook with.

If you're wondering how to keep your teeth healthy, remember that fluoride was never the answer in the first place. Eating right and avoiding processed foods (along with regular cleanings with your natural dentist) will ensure that your teeth stay healthy naturally.

Finally, if you'd like to voice your opinion about ending water fluoridation, the Fluoride Action Network has an online petition that you can sign to call for a Congressional Hearing.

Remember, every voice makes a difference, so please feel free to forward this message to all of your interested friends and family members.

Together, we have the power to prompt some real changes for the good of your health, and the health of future generations!

Related Articles:

What You Don't Know About Fluoridation Could Hurt You

The Absurdities of Water Fluoridation

Media Reports on Dangers of Fluoride in Your Water