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Piolot Warning: Keep Your License! Air Force Nutrisoda Contains Sucralose/Splenda Which Can Trigger Seizures Like Aspartame

Dr. Betty Martini,D.Hum

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mes Turner said: "Splenda is the latest in corporate food America's effort to use people's desire for sweet taste to systemically undermine their health. Once again pilots and their passengers are put at risk by the possibility that Splenda will cause debilitating injuries including possibly seizures which impair the pilots ability to fly."

Citizens for Health and Board Chair, James Turner, Atty, have already

petitioned the FDA to revoke Splenda's approval on safety concerns. (Docket No. 2006P-0158). Over 18,000 letters have been sent to the FDA and members of Congress calling for the FDA to review its approval.

To make matters worse the Air Force Nutrisoda web site states under "Ask the Dietitian": "Finally, a soda that passes the diabetic test with flying colors". As H. J. Roberts, M.D., diabetic specialist points out in Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, page 983, a very disconcerting finding with Splenda is the significant increase in glycosylated hemoglobin, which is an important indicator of lessened long term control among diabetic patients. Mr. Turner has stated that the FDA should order the marketers of Splenda to immediately remove the "suitable for people with diabetes" slogan from its packaging and marketing materials. Dr. Roberts also states despite claims to the contrary, as much as 40% of sucralose IS absorbed in humans.

Dr. Joseph Mercola who has many reports on Sucralose/Splenda on his web site says sucralose is produced by chlorinating sugar (sucrose). This involves chemically changing the structure of the sugar molecules by substituting three chlorine atoms for three hydroxyl groups. If a product liberates free chlorine than it violates state and federal adulteration statutes. Interstate commerce laws also make it a crime to ship an adulterated product for sale.

The issue of chlorine is very serious. The U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA) has found dioxin (a toxic byproduct of

chlorine) to be 300,000 times more potent as a carcinogen than

DDT. Sucralose has been nick-named DDT-Lite!

The Pilot Aspartame Alert below reveals that aspartame is a seizure

triggering drug, and this was proven by pivotal

study: James Bowen,

M.D. stated because aspartame is a chemical hypersensitization

agent consumers going from aspartame to sucralose can maintain the

reactions to aspartame while also sustaining those from

sucralose. These two sweeteners can wreck a pilot's health and cause

him to lose his career. We must also remember that as we fly, the

global public, our lives and those of the crew as well are in the

hands of the pilot. Here's Dr. Blaylock's paper: "What To Do If

You Have Used Aspartame":

From the standpoint of the diabetic he should also be alerted that

aspartame can precipitate diabetes, simulates and aggravates diabetic

retinopathy and neuropathy, destroys the optic nerve and interacts

with insulin. Aspartame interacts with all drugs and vaccines, and

the Ramazzini Study in Italy in 2005 peer reviewed by 7 world

experts proved once and for all that aspartame is a multipotential

carcinogen and confirms FDA's original findings.

Mr. Joe Heron, President & CEO of the company that makes Air Force

Nutrisoda has been notified and sent three reports on the dangers of

Splenda which can be found on, simply click on aspartame

and do a "find" for Splenda. He was told if he did not immediately

notify me they would remove this toxin the FAA would be

notified. This release is also being sent to the National

Transportation Safety Board. In the past it has been the position of

the FAA that their hands are tied if a product is FDA approved. FDA

has ignored petitions for recall of these two deadly substances which

are serious dangers to aviation. The law states that a Citizens

Petition must be answered within 180 days. The petition for recall

of aspartame was sent certified mail over 4 years ago. Therefore

Congress should be notified to investigate FDA's incestuous

relationship with industry and their failure to serve within the law.

The physicians mentioned above can be seen in the documentary: Sweet

Misery: A Poisoned World, Our Pilot Alert is below.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder

Mission Possible International and

Mission Possible Aviation

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599 and

Aspartame Toxicity Center,



In the light of deaths of American Airline pilots who heavily used

aspartame Dr. Blaylock gives this warning. We continually receive

complaints from pilots about seizures, cardiac problems, vision loss,

vertigo, confusion, disorientation, etc. associated with consumption

of Equal/aspartame/NutraSweet/Spoonful/Canderel/E951

Aspartame is a compound of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and a methyl

ester which converts to methyl alcohol in digestion: wood alcohol, 1

ounce is a fatal dose, then into formaldehyde! Mission Possible Aviation

I have reviewed reports from airline and private pilots concerning

effects of aspartame on various physiological systems. Several of

these are related to the nervous system, which puts this in category

of great concern to the pilot as well as the general public. The

more common complaints include disorientation, difficulty thinking

and concentrating, visual blurring or even monocular blindness,

seizures and heart failure. It is well known that the ingredients in

aspartame, as well as its breakdown products, have deleterious

effects on the nervous system and retina.

For example, phenylalanine is a precursor of the catecholamine

neurotransmitters in the brain and elevated levels in the brain have

been associated with seizures. These catecholamines are metabolized

to form other excitotoxins and peroxide products that can lead to

elevated free radical formation and lipid peroxidation within neurons.

Likewise aspartic acid, an excitotoxin, acts as an excitatory

neurotransmitter and can lower the seizure threshold making a seizure

more likely. The additive effect of aspartic acid and phenylalanine

would significantly increase the likelihood of a seizure, especially

under hypoglycemic conditions. This would occur if a diet drink is

substituted for a meal, or if one is on a stringent diet. It is well

known that hypoglycemia greatly magnifies the excitotoxic effects of

these ingredients.

The combination of hypoglycemia and aspartame would also increase the

likelihood of mental confusion and disorientation. In the pilot's

situation, this could be disastrous. It must be recognized that

pilots would also be frequently exposed to other excitotoxins, such

as MSG, hydrolyzed proteins, etc, that have a synergistic effect that

greatly increases the likelihood of an adverse reaction.

One of the intriguing associations with excitotoxins of all types is

the occurrence of sudden death. We know that one of the primary

sites of actions of these

excitatory substances is the hypothalamus and that sudden cardiac

death can be induced by stimulating the hypothalamus. It is entirely

possible excitotoxic

stimulation of these hypothalamic centers could also lead to cardiac

arrhythmia and sudden death. Hypothalamic stimulation has also been

shown to produce an ECG pattern exactly like that of myocardial

infarction. Combinations of excitotoxins, such as aspartic acid and

glutamate, great increased the risk.

Finally, a scientific study demonstrated that aspartame exposure

significantly increases the level of formaldehyde in all tissue,

including brain and retina and that this breakdown product of

aspartame is very toxic to proteins and DNA, leading to permanent

injury to these vital cellular components. Even more important, was

the finding this highly toxic substance accumulates in these tissues

with chronic exposure to aspartame. This could lead to significant

injury to the brain, retina and other organs long after the

exposure. Also, the effects appear to be dose related. That is, the

more aspartame you consume, the greater the danger. It should be

appreciated that formaldehyde is a powerful

carcinogenic agent.

My book Excitotoxins, The Taste That Kills explains in detail how

excitotoxins damage the nervous system, leading to severe disorders,

and what can be done to reduce your risk. It is my opinion that

aspartame is a dangerous neurotoxin, as well as a significant

carcinogen for many organs, and that it should be avoided at all cost

Russell L Blaylock, M.D.,


To Whom it May Concern:

I am a retired Captain form American Airlines. I was using Equal in

my coffee from the time American took Sweet &: Low off the planes in

the 80's during the

saccharin scare. In 1995 I was grounded for 9 months with arterial

fib/arrhythmia caused by aspartame poisoning. Before I retired, 6

pilots died of aspartame-related poisoning, one in flight from a

seizure. They all were heavy users of Equal or diet drinks. Another

captain who used to fly with me as a co-pilot had a seizure on a 767

trip to Paris. The co-pilot had to make an emergency landing in Las

Vegas where the captain woke up in the hospital. He never got his

license back and had to retire early. He was a heavy user of Equal

and/or diet drinks.

I sent numerous letters to the CEO, Medical, the pilots' and flight

attendants' unions, and the VP of Flight concerning this potential

disaster and they

chose to disregard my warnings. How many other pilots have since

been affected is unknown. Aspartame causes carbohydrate craving, and

you only have to look at those who over-indulge, or more aptly, are

addicted, to see how overweight they are. Some apparently suffer from

bipolar disorder, another side effect.

Captain Fox is Mission Possible Aviation's representative for Airline Safety


I have been a civil aviation examiner and have personally examined

pilots who suffered dangerous absence seizures, blackout and

dangerous lack of judgment. It was an unwritten rule that Aspartame

was not to be used at the Air Force Academy in Colorado

Springs and most commercial pilots knew of the danger years ago of

this excitoneurotoxin.

Aspartame generates peroxynitrile free radicals that produce

chromatin DNA clumping and neuron apoptosis or brain cell

death. Co=-toxicity with mercury, Splenda, depleted uranium

nanoparticles, And other toxin amplifies the truncation of dendritic

spike and interneuron connections via the GTP neurotubulin subunits

that are blocked in assembly forming new neural growth cones. I

wrote an article in the News section of on "Mercury is

Not Vitamin M".

The best way to characterize Aspartame is "MIND TENDERIZER", as ELF

Mind control technologies make it illogical for the insane use of Aspartame in

injectable vaccines and many thousands of already sweet food and

medicine products.

Is it Logical to Risk Your Health, Life & Career on a Toxic Chemical?

Nicotine kills, but at least it doesn't give you seizures mid-flight!

Excitotoxins, the Taste That Kills by Neurosurgeon

Russell Blaylock:,


Aspartame Disease, an Ignored Epidemic medical text by H J .

Roberts, M.D.,

and has tapes on the issue)

Sweet Misery, A Poisoned World,

Nader raider Atty. Jim Turner tells how Don Rumsfeld, former CEO of the

NutraSweet manufacturer, got it approved after the FDA revoked the

petition for approval because it could not be proven safe and

triggered brain tumors.

Features Drs. Blaylock, Roberts, Walton and Bowen, report of an aspartame

Think of the chemical as ASPARSHAME!

Pilots should not use Splenda either as it is a chlorocarbon

poison. Marianne Lamar ( was told by McNeil

Labs that it does trigger seizures after her husband sustained a

seizure, from consuming a drink laced with Sucralose/Splenda. They

also admitted to her that it causes migraines. Attorney James Turner

and Citizens for Health have petitioned the FDA for


See a


Contact Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, founder of Mission Possible

International and Mission Possible Aviation with aspartame brain

tumor cases from N.Y. & N.J. for


, 9270 River Club Parkway, Duluth, Ga. 30097 770 242- 2599

Aspartame Toxicity Center,