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Ask Wal-Mart To Stop Marketing Toxic Fluoride To Babies!

Paul Connett

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al intervention to suspend EPA’s approval.

Meanwhile, we wanted to bring to your attention another important campaign we are waging to reduce toxic fluoride exposures among infants. In November of 2006, the American Dental Association issued an email alert to its members advising that babies should not consume fluoridated water in their infant formula – due to the high risk that the baby will develop a tooth defect known as dental fluorosis. (Other risks which were omitted by the ADA include weakened bones, thyroid impairment, and bone cancer).

Despite ADA’s important advisory, the nation’s leading retailer — WAL-MART -- continues to sell a brand of fluoridated water (called “Nursery Water”) that is specifically marketed to babies!

We hope you will join us in calling on WAL-MART to remove this dangerous product from their shelves. To sign our online petition to WAL-MART, click on: (if this is not live, please copy and paste into your server).

Signing the petition is a simple and important way to help promote better health in our society. Please encourage your friends and family members to sign as well!

Best wishes for a healthy, joyous and successful new year.

Paul Connett

Executive Director

Fluoride Action Network


p.s. If you would like to receive our free daily bulletins covering the growing campaign to end water fluoridation, simply reply to this email with the word SUSCRIBE in the subject line. If you would prefer our monthly summary bulletin, put SUSCRIBE-B list in the subject line.