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Online Message to Congress

Dr. Paul Connett

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ase excuse multiple postings and especially those who have already signed the ONLINE MESSAGE to Congress in support of the 600 professionals calling for an end to water fluoridation worldwide and for Congressional Hearings. If you wish to add your name to this message please go to our home page where you will find it as the top item:

Also on the home page you will find links to the Professionals’ statement with a list of signers which include a Nobel prize winner and three of the panelists who wrote the landmark National Research Council report of 2006 as well as hundreds of dentists, doctors, scientists and environmental leaders..

Signing is simple, easy and important to do. Once signed your message (which can be personalized if you wish) will go automatically to your two US Senators and your Representative. Go to:

The Congressional hearings are necessary because:

The CDC continues relentlessly to promote fluoridation despite the health warnings in the NRC (2006) report.

The CDC has failed to take serious steps to warn parents not use fluoridated bottle water to make up baby formula.

The EPA after 16 months has failed to do anything about the NRC’s recommendation to determine a new safe drinking water standard/goal for fluoride (the MCLG) currently set at 4 ppm.

This is very relevant to those calling for the EPA not to use sulfuryl fluoride as a fumigant on food in warehouses, because the EPA pesticide division relied on the safety of this MCLG for all their calculations claiming safety for the fluoride residues left by this fumigant. Incredibly, their bogus calculations allows them to accept fluoride residues on wheat fluoride of 130 ppm and 900 ppm on powdered eggs. Both the EPA pesticide division and the Dow AgroSciences is relying on the EPA water division to drag its feet on determining a new MCLG. So far they are succeeding with these irresponsible delaying tactics.

If ever we needed congressional oversight on both these agencies it is now.

We have to force their personnel to testify under oath and produce the science that allows them to claim that fluoridation is both “safe” and effective”. It is neither of course.

The NRC (2006) report should have delivered the death blow to the outdated, unscientific practice of water fluoridation. The miniscule (if any) benefits do not justify the serious health risks involved. It hasn’t, because government officials are not doing their job; currently Congress doesn’t know much about this and the media is not doing a very good job telling them.

So once again it is up to people of goodwill and concern like yourselves to get the message to them. Please sign the ONLINE MESSAGE today. Go to

Signing is simple, easy and important. Please get your friends to do the same. If you have an email list please circulate this request. Thank you.

Dr Paul Connett,

Executive Director,

Fluoride Action Network,
