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The God Curves, the Definition of The Divine Realities

J.E. Phelps

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get into the understanding of these essential concepts that either make civilization viable or crash on planet Earth. It appears this information was known long ago, when people on Earth lived much longer and had very much higher cognitive brain function. It was rediscovered in the mid 1980s in the super toxic environment for the making of the atomic and hydrogen bombs.

In the early 1940s, no one expected that the super secret atomic bomb plant to enrich uranium tucked into the Tennessee Valley's hills near a town called Wheat would become known for the rediscovery for the God Curves. The Oak Ridge gas diffusion plant operated in a cloud driven by water cooling methods used for a plant that absorbed the power of three huge TVA coal fired plants to make "The Bomb." This cloud or fog around the plant captured the HF emission leaks from the process and exposed the entire worker population and even the city of Oak Ridge to higher levels of fluoride.

It was this long term low dose effect on this population that allowed for the discovery of what is called in Oak Ridge as The God Curve. Parts of the secrets are sealed up in documents called "Project F," which speak to the dangers of fluoride leaks to the environment and the health effects on workers. The biggest problem is that fluorine will build in the bone mass in a trace mineral depleted population, and this is the case for most of the US.

The higher fluoride exposures in Oak Ridge made an increased rate of fluoride building in the bone mass, and with this effect comes the depletion of beneficial trace metals used in the enzyme repair process of the immune cells. Fluorides building in the bone and its extremely high affinity to react with metals in the bone created a monster problem that leads to immune dysfunction, brain damage, illness, rapid aging, and early death.

This graph is the simplest of the God Curves with which to begin. It shows that with increasing age of a person that the fluoride levels retained in the bone mass and Pinial Gland rise with increasing age. With this rise in fluorides in the body there is a decline of essential hormones called metatonin and serotonin. Fluorides were well known as antagonistic toward these two very important hormones.

In Oak Ridge, part of this equation was discovered early on due to the issue of the workers having strong sexual urges, due to higher levels of nitric oxide, NO. This caused the offices, labs and work zones to all have their glass walls changed to clear glass to discourage such on the job activities. Metatonin antagonism due to fluoride was part of the problem, and more related to the pinial glands control of the pituitary gland and thyroid hormones.

Melatonin is very high in young people, and with that comes excellent brain function and learning skills, and a very low need for sex. Loss of melatonin and puberty are well associated. And with continued loss of melatonin levels comes an inhibition of the power to learn.

In the bottom curve that speaks to Zero Population Growth, ZPG, one can begin to associate that fluoride essentially drives the age of puberty and the onset of sexual drive desires to multiply. So, if one can control the fluoride levels in the population, one can also control the population growth rates.

The best operating point for civilizations is in the left hand part of this zone, where the fluoride exposures are low, the melatonin and serotonin levels are high. Unfortunately, the point that we operate in the US and most of the world these days is the right hand area of the curves, where populations soar and illnesses, diseases, tension, and wars control population growth. The left has the connotation for "heaven" and the right the connotation for "hell."

The left side is also connected back in ancient times to the power for Divine thought and the higher cognitive processes that promote peace and happiness for civilizations. It is the high state of knowledge or enlightenment and associated with the all-knowing power for the Gods. In Ancient Egypt the Pineal Gland was represented by the "Eye of Horus" icon.

The following curve is an even more detailed look at the factors connected to the divine state, or The God Curves.

This set of curves is the most important for the understanding of the natural processes for civilizations to exist on planet Earth. The graph shows that toxic exposure to fluorine increases toward the right. With that comes the dominant effect of fluorine exposures either setting up ZPG parameters or very high rates of population growth that are in the end limited by both the failings of the birth process via toxic abortion and failings of adults due to immune system shut down.

The curves apply to both the effects of the bone seeking isotope Sr-90's radiation that sets up free oxygen radicals that compete for essential trace metals in the bone mass and steal them away from the immune cells, and it applies to the similar process of fluorine in the bone mass stealing the essential trace metals from the immune cells enzyme processes.

When the effect is radiation forming free oxygen radicals within cells and the bone mass, it forms a preferred set of beneficial trace metals taken from the immune system and cell defenses. With fluoride effects, in the bone mass there is a slightly different set of essential trace metals taken from the immune system and cell defenses.

The worst of the effect from internal radiation on the body is the formation of these free oxygen radicals that are right next to fluoride in electronegative effects in seeking essential trace metals that are required for cell function, enzymes, and DNA repair. It was this effect on the metals due to radiation that was the crux of the problems of radiation on the immune system. And the very closely related process is the prime vector behind the immune system problems associated with fluoride, which is the dominant health degeneration effect in the world.

The radiation and oxygen radical process usually related to development of cancers and loss of control of certain cancer related viruses by the immune system. In the case for the fluorine process, the problems also related to loss of control of viruses like CMV, EBV, and others. This contributes to fatigue.

Both effects tend to shut down the cells ability to repair DNA using the enzymes that have been damaged due to losses of these essential trace metals.

Almost all the immune linked illnesses are due to this principle mechanism of this degenerative loss of essential trace metals. Adding to these problems is the losses of essential trace metals in the soils due to acid effects, and these compounds and worsens the health effects, as these trace metals in the food chain would normally go to lessen the retention of fluorine in the body.

One can easily see what the main problem of HIV and AIDS is when one considers this simple mechanism of fluorine causes taking up the manganese that is used within immune cells to block the reverse transcription of the HIV. This is the main problem driving the infection of humans with HIV.

Again in this second set of curves the best operation point is near the zone for ZPG, but the case of reality has the US operation point in the region to the right of the toxic abortion line. In the US, the population growth is set up by pushing to toxic loading to the point of immune system destruction and high rates of pregnancy toxic abortion. These effects, plus the problems from the fear of catching AIDS encourage the use to pregnancy avoiding condoms.

The population rates in the US are controlled by essentially a process of fear induction into the population.

The US has known since the mid 1980s exactly what is causing the high rates of HIV infections, but its drug companies and AMA linked GOP politics like to make profits from killing off entire continents in place of telling these peoples the issues behind these problems and the ways to mediate the problems.

We need to achieve an operation point for Earth's Civilizations near this ZPG point, and the way to do this is put the essential trace metals back into the food chain and cut all exposures to fluoride in the environment and food chain.

This is the power of the message in these God Curves that we found in Oak Ridge back in the 1980s. When one achieves the world becoming more grounded in health care via illness prevention, then one achieves the high melatonin and serotonin levels that allow for much higher cognitive brain functions. And one finds that this point also allows for much longer and disease free lifespans on Earth that will approach those ages told of in the Genesis bible narrative. One can find the real definition of this as being the power of divine cognition and with this comes essentially eternal life, as the aging effects and death can be brought down to almost nil.

This is the real story of the extent of the suppression of the health effects in Oak Ridge due to the Manhattan Project's cover up on the dangers of fluorides and the inner secrets of religion that set up the need for the bomb that the Jewish and their banker supporters wanted to blow up Hitler.

It is a sort of religious epiphany, a higher awakening, and the ultimate of the Revelation concepts for those that can understand these associations.


Jim Phelps discovered the causation for aging, cancer, CFS, and HIV at The Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the mid 1980s. He found that Oak Ridge fluoride releases were affecting the Pineal gland's regulation of the night and day signaling that controlled the Pituitary's Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). Further, that the fluorides combined in the body with aluminum to produce a TSH like G-protein effect that also upset the day-night regulation of thyroid hormones. This chemical damage process kept the cells of the body from powering down at night and caused depletion of the glutathione enzyme (Se-GSH) in the body and brain.

The GSH damage process then allowed toxic metals to build up in the body as the phase I and phase II glutathione clearance was impaired. The loss of the liver bile pathway placed more clearance of metals demand on the kidneys, which set the stage to metabolic acidosis and shift of the blood pH toward acid, which further impaired toxic metal clearance. The rise of the toxic metals caused the cell mitochondria to produce increased rates of free radicals, which required the up regulation of the superoxide dimutase enzymes (Mn-SOD). These enzymes employed all the trace metal manganese, which upset the production of the cytokine interferon (IFN) and the production of effective 2-5A RNase L enzymes.

The high oxidative stress in the cells caused the mutation of the 2-5A RNase L enzyme from its normal 83 kDa MW to an ineffectual 37 kDa MW. This is the prime enzyme within cells that kills viral RNA by cleaving it, sets up cell apoptosis, and calls in the NK and macrophage cells. The mutation of this enzyme is the prime effect that allows cancer viruses to grow, HIV to grow, and CFS problems with EBV, CMV, and mycoplasma to affect long-term health.

This process of slow damage to the Pineal gland from fluoride is the prime cause for all animal and human aging on planet Earth. It causes a slow shift of thyroid hormones into hyperthyroid and sets off a destructive pattern of toxic metals retention that continues until a large number of cells are no longer protected from internal pathogen infections, this causing death.

Jim Phelps' discovery of this etiology for cancers, aging, and chronic illness caused great problems for the Oak Ridge nuclear weapons plants that used fluoride to produce bomb uranium and slowly poisoned its workers health. The discovery also unlocked that the Ancient Egyptians knew this same process and that is was connected with their reverence toward the Pineal Gland and was represented by the Eye Of Horus icon. The discoveries gave greater insights into not only that the Egyptians found this dominant effect on human health and intelligence, but also showed how religion's Moses was connected with finding a Sulfur Cycle medicinal effect that also determines the weather and cooling of planet Earth.

This web pages is about key insights into those discoveries that affect everyone on planet Earth, but which have been covered up by Oak Ridge and its corrupted Govt. associations that have taken freedom from the citizens of the US.