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The Fluoride Action Network

Paul Connett

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up a huge chink in their armor. We have to press our advantage and one way to do this is to bombard the EPA Pesticide Division with comments in support of the motion that we along with EWG and Beyond Pesticides submitted calling for a stay on the EPA's Pesticide Division's approval of Dow AgroSciences proposal to use sulfuryl fluoride as a fumigant on hundreds of foodstuffs in warehouses and processing plants. Our motion has been listed in the Federal Register. The public and interested parties have until August 4 to file comments in response to our motion.

Remember that the whole risk assessment for the use of sulfuryl fluoride was predicated on the safety of the EPA's MCLG for fluoride of 4 ppm, and now after a three year review, the NRC panel has told the EPA to lower this dated (1985) and unprotective standard. Our website (http://www.FluorideAlert.Org/action/sf.htm) provides more talking points to help inform your statement and instructions on how to submit your comments.

Some of you have already sent in comments and we thank you for doing so. Some of you may be so pressed with other urgent matters that you haven't yet found the time to do so. Clearly, the individually crafted comments have the greatest effect, but we also need numbers. To this end if you don't have much time please consider simply cutting out and pasting this message:

The use of sulfuryl fluoride will leave fluoride residues on our food and we are already getting far too much fluoride - (from our water, from processed food and beverages produced in fluoridated areas, from toothpaste and other dental products, from fertilizers and pesticide residues and air pollution from aluminum smelters, phosphate fertilizer plants, and coal fired power stations) - WE DON'T NEED ANY MORE!


Please get as many of your friends, family members, and others to do the same. The EPA must see that there are many, many people watching how they handle this issue. If you can get a local environmental group or other civic group (i.e. any group without fluoride in their name!) to add their name to this simple message it would be terrific. Please let us know how many people you get to do this, so we can follow our progress.

Paul Connett

PS Please forward this message, or the previous one on this subject, to your email lists.

* For suggested talking points, and instructions on how to submit your comments, see: http://www.FluorideAlert.Org/action/sf.htm

* To read a full copy of our motion to EPA, see:

* To read our press release discussing the motion, see: