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Dr. Betty Martini, D. Hum.

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Subject: Re: aspartame

Hi Tom

Surely you know who Snopes are? They are paid to put out that false information. It had to do with when I lectured for the World Environmental Conference, someone took a post I wrote, rearranged it and put their name on it. Someone else put it on 450 networks and it made world news. Front groups were set up all over the Internet. But the post saturated the earth, and people who didn't know if it was true or not decided to see what happened if they got off of it. People with MS were walking out of wheelchairs, symptoms and diseases were disappearing. Monsanto could not put out the fire and sold the NutraSweet Company.

Incidentally, one of the ladies who walked out of wheelchair is Cori Brackett. She called and told me she was diagnosed with MS with a huge lesion. Then she went to our web site and read about the World Environmental Conference where I mentioned how it mimics and precipitates MS - She got off of it, and got well, and walked out of her wheelchair. When she called me she said: "There needs to be movie made." I said, "Tell me about it". She replied, "But I own the film company". Eight months later the large lesion in her brain all but disappeared. And if you go to or Barnes & Noble you can get the movie she made, "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World" with the world experts. I'm in it too. And here's a clip of how aspartame got approved when even the FDA, the Fatal Drugs Allowed folks said no: http://www.soundandfury.tvpages/rumsfeld2.html Don Rumsfeld said he would call in her markers. Look at what he did.

Snopes, incidentally, has been to the web site, and I've sent them my invitation to speak and all confirming information. And as to all these problems I mentioned when I lectured, today they are all documented in the medical text which Dr. H. J. Roberts, world expert, dedicated to me: Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, or 1 800 827 7991. It's as big as our Atlanta phone directory, 1038 pages of diseases, symptoms and drug interactions - and all the skullduggery exposed. Everything is documented. Because Snopes and Urban Legends both know and have received documentation, here is the post we send to people who get their misinformation, including a note from someone who use to work in the Justice Department, an attorney in the movie who had a brain tumor from aspartame. It's called: No Hoax, Crime of the Century:

All my best, Betty


By Dr. Betty Martini

Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

Telephone: 770-242-2599


Web Site:

18 July 2004

This is in repose to the posting that aspartame being harmful is nothing more than a hoax at:

Dear Whoever you are who doesn't want to sign their name:

First of all, I'm Dr. Betty Martini, Founder of Mission Possible International, a worldwide volunteer force in 50 states and over 22 countries of the world getting information from world experts on aspartame to the general public to alert them of the dangers.

Who are you who goes to "front groups" to get information. Snoops and Urban Legends are in violation of Title 18, Section 1001 of the Criminal Code for stumbling the people. Obviously, we've sent them my invitation to speak for the World Environmental Conference, and confirmation by Dr. Clarice Gaylord that I did speak, who is with the EPA and gave the keynote address. That information is on

Secondly, its all a mute point since H. J. Roberts, M.D. has declared Aspartame Disease to be a global plague and published the medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic,

Also, Dr. Blaylock, a neurosurgeon, just released a paper on the MS and Aspartame connection with new research. I'll send it to you.

And here is a note from Ed Johnson to Snoops and Urban Legends who worked for the Justice Department. I don't know whether you're just someone who is ignorant and didn't realize there are people who take money to lie. These guys have been told for years and sent all confirming information. In fact, a new book just recently came out by Michael Barbee that exposes this. It's called Politically Incorrect Nutrition. Regarding this issue, and on page 49 it says:

"Betty Martini is an aspartame activist. She created quite a stir in l995 when a letter she wrote, based on her talks at the World Environmental Conference that year, found it way to the Internet as the "Nancy Markle" letter. It was widely circulated and shocked the world. She clearly laid out the dangers of aspartame consumption and showed how government and corporate interests put profits ahead of public health."

..."She was attacked, however, by some who felt the information belonged to the category of "urban legend" or "urban rumor." One prominent critic said that she left too many unanswered questions. When Ms. Martini answered those questions, her critic refused to put them on his web site."

"Another so-called "exposer of junk science" who tried to discredit her position over the Internet was, in fact, a former lobbyist for the tobacco industry and directed an organization created by Philip Morris to attack the EPA's position on second-hand smoke. He and other shills working for industry front-groups have formed much of Ms. Martini's opposition."

So you see, they didn't get away with it. They have all been exposed now and I'm surprised you didn't know or are you somebody who just wanted to see what we send out when somebody has read their lies? You notice I'm sending them a copy of those notes.

Did you know there is a name for those "who do it for money"! Since my lecturing for the World Environmental Conference has been confirmed why would one call it a hoax unless they were paid to do so? But I'm glad to get those notes so I can refer them again to the Justice Department where they have been reported many times for being in violation of Title 18, Section 1001. Personally, I have no respect for those who lie. And below is what we send out when people are lied to. I'll send you separately, the new paper on the MS and Aspartame connection with current research substantiating the issue.

The Idaho Observer has put out 24 page booklets for distributing on Aspartame Disease, although they have changed the name to Rumsfeld Disease, since he got it approved with a lot of politics when the FDA said to revoke the petition for approval. Get the movie and find out just how far he went. The reason Snoops and Urban Legends have failed is that my number is all over the Internet and web sites so anything can call and get the facts. And we have all the documentation. Be sure to also check the Aspartame Toxicity Center,

Dr. Betty Martini

Founder, Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097




From: U.S. Department of Justice Assistant U.S. Attorney Ed Johnson

To: David Emery, Urban Legends

Date: 28 May 2001

Dear David,

My General Background I am a former U.S. Dept. of Justice Attorney and a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, having served as a Federal Briefing Attorney for two years with U.S. District Judge John H. Wood, Jr., and for over four years with the former U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, the former Chief Judge For The Western District of Texas, and the former Director of the FBI , William S. Sessions. I was named one of the Outstanding Assistant U.S. Attorneys in the U.S. by the Attorney General of the Unites States, and was President of the San Antonio Federal Bar Association when it was named Outstanding Chapter in 14 Nations, and served for three years as a Member of the Federal Practice Licensing Committee for the Western District of Texas. I have represented three former U.S. Presidents in the U.S. District Courts, and numerous other High Ranking Federal Officials, including Cabinet Members, and Federal Judges. My extensive biography is published in Who's Who In The World, Who's Who In American Law, Who's Who In America, Who's Who In the South and Southwest, and in Who's Who In Industry and Finance. I have served as the Co-Chairman of Fund Raising for the American Heart Association, and served for 3 years as a Director of the American Cancer Society. Until I retired in January 2000, for medical reasons, I served for the last 11 years as the Founding and the Name Senior Managing Shareholder, and President and CEO of one of the Top 25 Law firms (as published in the SA Business Journal's "Book of Lists") in San Antonio, Texas, the Eighth Largest City in the United States.

The Basic Facts Because of misinformation published and advertised concerning the safety and advisability of using aspartame products in diet drinks and other food products, I became a heavy consumer of aspartame and food products, especially Diet Cokes, sweetened by aspartame products (e.g."NutriSweet" and "Equal"), and as a direct and proximate result of my aspartame consumption, developed a brain tumor. I was operated on twice to remove a brain tumor, in December 1996 and again in July 1998, and underwent daily radiation treatments for two months in 1997. Yes, in the words of a former Senior Toxicologist for the FDA, Dr. Adrian M. Gross: "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, aspartame causes brain tumors." This was stated in his testimony before the U.S. Congress and was permanently memorialized, documented, and published on August 1, l985 in The Congressional Record.

Class Actions Are Currently Brewing I am sure that there are currently several class actions of some magnitude being prepared against the willful purveyors of misinformation, the manufacturer of aspartame, and others who are part of the conspiracy, by New York and Los Angeles law firms which specialize in large class actions.

The Question I have read a copy of Ms. Betty Martini's email to you of May 24, 2001 at 11:30am, and I must ask you the same question she asked of you: Why are you, David, consciously, willfully, and deliberately putting out misinformation on aspartame? Yes - deliberately and with full knowledge of the dire and extremely harmful medical consequences that this misinformation is in fact causing, including the deaths of unsuspecting mothers, fathers, and children. In my case, it almost resulted in my death (twice) during two brain tumor surgeries which resulted in my inability to practice law after 30 years and while in the prime of my earning years. I feel so strongly about this issue that I have written an article on the undeniable and irrefutable fact that "aspartame causes brain tumors beyond a shadow of a doubt", which is now published on over 400 websites worldwide. The information contained in this article is copied below, along with my preliminary message to Ms. Betty Martini.

At some point, your conscience must overrule. I know that you have a conscience, and at some point, your conscience must overrule the disservice and harm that you are now an integral part of, in causing great physical and mental harm, and even death, in the lives of hundreds of thousands of unsuspecting mothers, fathers, and children

each year who believe that "the worldwide plague, aspartame," is safe to use, or that the warnings of the dangers of aspartame are "just a hoax" as you and your website, and those aiding and abetting and otherwise acting in concert with you are publishing on your website.

The Worldwide Aspartame Plague is Not A Hoax And You Know It is not a hoax, David, and you know it full well. You are fully and consciously knowledgeable of the misinformation that you and your website, Urban Legends, puts out concerning aspartame, and as such, you and anyone else who is acting in concert with you and otherwise aiding and abetting in this conspiracy of willful and malicious misinformation, will be held accountable, just as the tobacco companies and their officers have been and still are being held accountable for the knowing misinformation they put out for years, knowing full well that they were causing the deaths, and painful suffering, of millions of people who believed them. The scene is the same, the names of the death dealers and their instruments of death and family destruction are different. You certainly cannot claim ignorance; The mounting and escalating evidence is far too compelling and overwhelming. So, what is your motivation?

"A hint to the wise is sufficient." Ben Franklin.

"Let him who has ears hear." The Bible.

Sincerely Yours, Ed Johnson, J.D. Atty. (Retired)



From: U.S. Department of Justice Assistant U.S. Attorney Ed Johnson

To: Betty Martini, Founder, Mission Possible International

Date: 04 July 2004

Subject: Narrative Report of Facts Establishing "Aspartame As A Major

Cause of Brain Tumors" --- "Beyond A Shadow of a Doubt."---

Dear Betty,

As you know, I served as the first Briefing Attorney to U.S. District Judge John H. Wood, Jr. I have a background as a U.S. Department of Justice Attorney, and served as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas under William S. Sessions, who later became the Director of the FBI.

I am privileged to have my biography published in "Who's Who in The World", "In America", "In American Law", "In The South & Southwest", "In Industry & Finance", and "Among Top Executives". Over the last 30 years I have owned and/or been General Counsel for several oil companies, securities companies, and investment banking firms.

For the last 10 years I have served as founder, President and CEO of one of the larger law firms in the eighth largest city in America, which does casualty, products liability, and medical and legal malpractice defense for some of the largest insurance companies, Fortune 500 Corporations, and trucking companies in America. I served for three years on the Federal Licensing Committee for the Western District of Texas, and was President of the San Antonio Chapter of The Federal Bar Association when it was named the Outstanding Chapter in the World in two categories: Outstanding Programs, and Membership Growth.

As you also know, due to my heavy ingestion of aspartame (NutraSweet & Equal) in my food and Diet Drinks - mainly Diet Cokes (thinking I was "prudently and wisely watching my weight and health"), over the years since the FDA allowed it to be placed in foods and drinks, I developed a brain tumor (pituitary adenoma), which has required two life threatening surgeries, and daily radiation therapy for two months. The reasons for my belief that aspartame caused my brain tumor will become apparent as you read on.

The combination of all of this has severely disabled my ability to perform executive functions and to "input" and thus "recall" facts, to the point that I was finally forced to retire from the practice of law in January of 2000,at the age of 55. Now, unless something is written down, and I'm looking at it, I cannot recall it. Not the type of a condition for an attorney to have! I now have to carry a detailed planner with all sorts of back-up systems to keep a schedule of even the simplest things. However, I am grateful to be alive, and not among those who have not survived "Aspartame Disease".

Short term memory loss, or more accurately in my case, "memory input deficit", is one of the known and classic symptoms of aspartame disease, and one of the known residual effects of radiation therapy that my treating radiologist warned me would most probably occur after the treatments, which were concluded over3 years ago. A medical evaluation was recently done, and the opinion of the evaluating doctor was that "due to the long period of time since the initial surgery and radiation therapy, it is improbable that a spontaneous recovery will occur." I am scheduled to have an MRI within the next few days to determine whether the brain tumor (2.4 cm in size) has regenerated since the last surgery. I still am in the shadow of "Aspartame Disease".

Since December l996, when I saw an expose on aspartame (NutraSweet & Equal) on the national television program, "60 Minutes", I have researched the dangers and symptoms of aspartame, primarily through your website, and the website

The "60 Minutes" television program, which aired in December of l996, pointed out that the alarming and significant rise in brain tumors in

the United States has been in direct proportion to the rise in the use of aspartame in the United States since aspartame was allowed to be introduced into foods and beverages by the FDA around l981. After viewing that program, I have not touched a food product or diet drink containing aspartame! Prior to that I drank a huge number of Diet Cokes daily, and sweetened most all my foods and beverages with it.

Below is a Narrative Report of facts which I believe not only strongly support, but prove the fact, that in the words of the late Dr. M. Adrian Gross, a former Senior FDA toxicologist, "beyond a shadow of a doubt, aspartame causes brain tumors (and cancer)". You will recognize many of the statements in the summary, because they came largely from sources that you yourself have researched and frequently quoted in your daily aspartame reports, and are also to be found in The Congressional Record, and in medical reports quoted and found on the website

and in several of the books on the subject by world renowned medical doctors, who have thoroughly researched this subject. As the time

honored Latin Legal Doctrine states:

"Res Ipsa Loquitor" - "The Thing Speaks For Itself."


Ed Johnson, J.D. Atty.(Retired)


(See Narrative Report Below:)


Aspartame (aka "Nutrasweet" & "Equal") Causes Brain Tumors"

-----"Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt"-----

(Quote: The Late Dr. M. Adrian Gross, Ph.D., former Senior FDA Toxicologist)

As Recorded in The Congressional Record, August 1, l985

The late Dr. M. Adrian Gross, former senior FDA toxicologist, stated in his testimony before Congress, "Beyond a shadow of a doubt, aspartame triggers brain tumors" and, "therefore, by allowing aspartame to be placed on the market, the FDA has violated the Delaney Amendment". In fact, his last words to Congress were: "And if the FDA violates its own law, who is left to protect the public?" These words have been repeated hundreds of times in numerous publications and talks. Read Dr. Adrian Gross' letters to Senator Metzenbaum on

The testimony of the late Dr. M. Adrian Gross, former senior FDA toxicologist, may be found at

Dr.Gross also testified that because aspartame was capable of producing brain tumors and brain cancer, the FDA should not have been able to set an allowable daily intake of the substance at any level. In view of these indications that the cancer causing potential of aspartame is a matter that had been established way beyond any

reasonable doubt, one can ask: What is the reason for the apparent refusal by the FDA to invoke for this food additive the so-called Delaney Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act?" As I sat next to a former FDA investigator in Houston, Texas, as a guest on the ABC owned Channel 13, on the Top Rated "Debra Duncan Show", the host asked that very question of him. His reply was: "Money! There are billions of dollars in revenues at stake in the sale of aspartame, and the people who sell it are making many billions of dollars."

So, as usual, it's all about money and greed, over the lives of the innocent who are sick and dying, so that a few rich "cancer-mongers" can and have become even richer. And the irony of it is that, as in my case, the innocent think they are "improving their health" by drinking diet drinks and sweetening their foods (unknowingly) with the deadly cancer and tumor producing neurotoxin, aspartame (NutraSweet & Equal) which causes brain tumors and cancer.

The manufacturer of Nutrasweet (Searle) admitted in their own internal reports (see

The aspartame manufacturer (now Monsanto, which bought aspartame from Searle) has a a lot of political influence, and when the FDA Director refused to allow aspartame on the market, he was replaced by one who would, and did, although the FDA had previously asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the manufacturer (Searle) for fraud and deceit in concealing tests and results which showed that aspartame caused brain tumors, cancer, grand mal seizures, and a total of 92 adverse medical and physical symptoms, including blindness and death. The U.S. Attorney who was asked to investigate Searle, failed to do so, but accepted a position with the Monsanto Corporation's (which purchased the rights to aspartame) defense firm, and the statute of limitations expired. He was aware of the approaching deadline. This is all a matter of record, and can be found on the website

The Delaney Amendment makes it illegal to allow any residues of cancer causing chemicals in foods. In his concluding testimony Dr. Gross asked, "Given the (cancer causing potential of aspartame, aka" NutraSweet" & "Equal") how would the FDA justify its position that it views a certain amount of aspartame as constituting an allowable daily intake or 'safe' level of it? Is that position in effect not equivalent to setting a 'tolerance' for this food additive and thus a violation of that law? And if the FDA itself elects to violate the law, who is left to protect the health of the public?" Congressional Record SID835: 131 August 1, l985.

All the documents showing brain tumors, of course, are on

In December, l996, "60 Minutes" aired an expose on aspartame, and stated that research shows that the recent high rise in brain tumors in the United States is in direct proportion to the introduction of aspartame ("Nutrasweet" and "Equal") on the market, and the rise in its use by American consumers in food and drinks since the FDA allowed it's introduction into food and drinks in l981.

We need to warn the public about the established reports and public records on the dangers of the deadly neurotoxin "aspartame", and that aspartame (aka "Nutrasweet" and "Equal" breaks down to a brain tumor agent, diketopiperazine ("DKP").

James Bowen, M.D. wrote in an article entitled "Aspartame Murders Infants": "As it breaks down, aspartame creates "DKP", diketopiperazine, and with the intact aspartame molecule you have the two greatest brain tumor carcinogens discovered by science thus far responsible for the massive brain tumor epidemic we now witness. The methylated aspartyl radicals, such as the N-methylD aspartyl radical et al, are recognized as causative of about every known neurodegenerative disease."

John Olney, M.D., who is one of the most famous neuroscientists in the world today, and who founded the field of neuroscience known as "excitotoxicity", agrees with H.J. Roberts, M.D., who wrote the peer reviewed research found at

In his often referenced book, "Excitotoxins - The Taste That Kills", Healthpress (l994), Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D., discusses the brain tumor and aspartame connection. He is frequently heard and seen over radio and TV, warning the world of the dangerous neurotoxin, aspartame. Dr. Blaylock is highly respected in the field of neurosurgery as one of the best, and his book is highly recommended reading. It is available in bookstores and on

In his book, at page 214, Dr. Russell Blaylock makes this statement: "It is estimated that over 100 million people drink aspartame sweetened drinks, including a large percentage of children. In my opinion, aspartame should be banned from foods and drinks until this issue has been properly studied by independent researchers in the neuro-oncology field."

Yes, "The Thing Speaks For Itself" "Res Ipsa Loquitor"

Ed Johnson, J.D. Atty. (Retired)


For additional information, and a listing of books by well recognized authorities (M.D.'s and Ph.D.'s) who support their findings with hundreds of irrefutable scientific and medical studies, see the following Aspartame Awareness Websites:

The Major Website Medically Documenting The Dangers of Aspartame:

Additional aspartame information sites:

"Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad." Aldous

Huxley (A worldly version of the Biblical quote)



From: Betty Martini

To: David Emery, Urban Legends

Date: 24 May 2001

Subject: Urban Legends Misinformation on Aspartame and Title 18,

Section 1001 of the Law

Dear David,

This is one of the people who have stumbled who went back to using NutraSweet because you told him the whole issue was a hoax. I consider premeditated misinformation since you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I lectured for the World Environmental Conference, have written you many times, and you have been on

This man could have died getting back on aspartame. As you can tell from his note, since he has so many aspartame problems, it has almost destroyed his life. Title 18, Section 1001, says you cannot mislead the public. You have shamelessly misled the public on the aspartame issue since the post made world news in l998. You have been written to repeatedly by many people and still refused to remove the false information your site. So by copy of this note, I am sending this to Robert's attorneys as well as the Justice Department. You are put on notice if anybody dies as this man could have because of your misinformation you will have to take full responsibility.

Betty Martini, Founder Mission Possible International



From: Robert Mehl

To: Betty Martini

Date: 14 May 2001


I'm literally exhausted! I've been on the internet researching the "dorway" site for HOURS and at this point .. I'm so OVERloaded with information that I can't handle the intake. Will shut down everything for a couple of hours, including myself .. and get a rest. BUT, before I do, I wanted to thank YOU for your call last night and for the Website information you sent me. When I opened it this morning, I had no idea what I was in for.

What a treasure chest of facts!

Somewhere during my travels through the website today .. I read a short note about the owner of Urban Legends. THAT statement astounded me! I have always considered him to be MY personal contact to verify whether an incoming e-mail is fact, hoax, or genuine virus. It never occurred to me NOT to believe him .. and yes, I was one of those who, a couple of years ago, HAD been sent information about Aspartame .. got very involved for a brief time .. but then found that it was a "hoax" .. when I checked it out (for some un-remembered reason...) with Again, for some unknown reason, though I don't know the gentleman at all .. I chose to believe his statement.

A BIT of medical history ... I was placed on a feeding tube in January of 1999 (?...much research my records to be sure) ... and until February of THIS year, 2001, 90% of my ingestion was via the tube. WITH it, and my Juice Plus .. and lots of home made vegetable soups put through the food processor so I could "shoot it down my tube" .. I gained some 35 pounds I'd lost because of the paralysis I am left with in my esophagus. This was caused by nerve damage either done BY the Emory doctor during the surgery, or because of the tumor itself. I believe I told you .. before the tumor was removed .. I had already "irretrievably" lost my right vocal cord. I am able to speak today thanks to the miracles that a Dr. Michael J. Koriwchak performed on me at St. Joseph's .. CORRECTING a total of FOUR SEPARATE surgical attempts by Emory doctors to give me back a voice AND to "re-place my paralyzed soft palate in the correct position". Dr. "K" did both ... each in one simple surgical procedure, and the

voice you heard last night is the result of an implant/prosthesis which, in conjunction with my still healthy left cord .. creates my current voice. I can no longer sing (and I loved to sing! In my youth, I sang with the N. Y. Opera) ... but I am SO GRATEFUL for what I DO have that I don't have time (or inclination) to worry about what I no longer have. TUMOR INFORMATION: SURGERY DATE: 8/27/1997/EMORY-DR. JOHN M. DELGAUDIO/OTOLARYNGOLOGY DEPT.





told that "as the damaged nerves regenerate, I should realize less and less choking/coughing".


After the tube was removed, I found myself having to take my Juice Plus fruit and vegetable capsule POWDER by mixing it with my Thyroid medication .. and it was BITTER. SO, I added refined sugar .. then thought about THAT for a day or so and since diabetes runs in my family (but I don't have it) .. decided to go and buy NutraSweet. Since February I've been ingesting four packets of NutraSweet three times a day with medications/Juice Plus capsule POWDER. I began going straight downhill, medically .. but it never occurred to me that NutraSweet might be involved!! I was TOLD .. after major blood was drawn and sent to the lab that the results showed my T factor to be "greater than 1:640: High Danger is considered to be 1:40". I was immediately sent to a specialist/Rheumatologist at near the Gwinnett Medical Center. Her name is Dr. Cynthia Lawrence-Elliott and she specializes ONLY in autoimmune diseases .. including Lupus, FMS, Arthritis, etc. During my initial exam she drew more blood but told me she was sure I also now have:

* Sleroderma (C R E S T variety)

* Sjogren's Syndrome

* Raynaud's Phenomenon As it turned out, when the lab reports came back ..

I DO have the above three and in her opinion, my Lupus had come out of remission...bringing with it the three above new autoimmune diseases .. all treatable, but all Incurable." I'm now taking additional medications I can ill afford .. but that's life.

In MY opinion, the Lupus (it had been in remission since March of 1993) probably came back in February, after I'd begun taking the NutraSweet! ... that is .. that's my opinion now that I've read a lot of the material in the Website you sent.

SO - here I am .. LOOKING great (or so I'm told .. hurting all over .. but that's nothing new for me, and wondering what I'm to do with the rest of my life? I've been trying to find work now for the last year .. and have managed only one interview .. but never heard back. I have a fine Sales/Marketing/Administrative background .. a fine updated Resume with References and Salary History, but it might just as well all be made of air!

I've only recently been put on the trail of a program called The Medicine Program and I've applied for help in getting my prescriptions free. Right now they're costing me $405.00 a month. I live on a Social Security DISABILITY income check of $1241.00 a month, and that is ALL I have left to my name after these last 9 years of medical challenges. I spent 7 of the last 9 years WITHOUT ANY MEDICAL INSURANCE .. but was finally granted SSD and along with it, after an additional years' wait .. MEDICARE. Of course, Medicare has no prescription drug coverage. And so - I am living in a comfortable paid for double wide mobile home a beautiful

community .. with wonderful, loving and giving neighbors and I am blessed! More to the point .. I KNOW I am blessed. I manage to squeak by each month by adding sums to my MasterCard (thanks especially to the newest rounds of prescription drugs which, yes, includes both Celebrex (two a day) and Prevacid (THREE a day). With my current automobile (10 years old) problems ... I now have had to charge $892.33 on my MasterCard just to get my car back from the garage. With 138,000 miles on it .. things just normally begin happening .. and in my case, they've all begun falling apart about the same time I did! This has NOT been a happy time since February! I owe .. I owe .. it's off to work I go .. I WISH I could sing THAT one! I was forced into personal bankruptcy last Fall .. owing over $18,000.00 as a result of medical bills, surgeries, prescription drugs, etc., when I finally ran out of my own funds and retirement stocks/bonds. An embarrassing way to live .. but it beats the alternative!

I will get back onto the Website tonight .. or perhaps tomorrow .. and try to find that link where I can connect to the lawyers you mention. I wasn't able to EASILY find it the first go around, and at this point, I'm to tired to go back in and search for it. Today, that is. I'd love to meet you someday .. to find out more about your crusade in this direction .. but in the meantime, I send you BLESSINGS for all you.

Bob Mehl

At 04:47 PM 5/6/2006, Thomas R. Ascher wrote:

Aspartame, fluoride,

snopes and urban myths..................

"Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and three times is ENEMY ACTION."

Dear Barnie:

When I first saw your message it literally took my breath away. I simply cannot believe that someone of your intelligence and education could buy into the disinformation crappola that is found on Snopes. They have been caught so many times spreading the establishment line I could not add them all up. Just because "it is written does not make it so." You have to do your own "due diligence" and make up your own mind. That is not easy, I admit, but in this world filled with deception and outright LIES it is a requirement for those who want to survive. Do you seriously doubt that aspartame is a proven plague on the human race---a powerful and sometimes lethal neurotoxic poison? You need to do the research on this subject. Some of the most prominent physicians and research chemists in the world have been screaming about this toxic attack for at least the last fifteen years. Would it serve any useful purpose for me to list all of those that I know? Oh what the hell, let's give it a try: Right off the top of my head---Drs. Betty Martini, William Campbell Douglass, Julian Whittaker, Jonathan Wright, Rebecca Carley, David Williams, Judith Nipps and I could go on and on. But you get the idea. Did you know there is a titanic effort to ban this substance in the State of New Mexico? And it will happen. And activists are within a hair breath of banning aspartame in all of Europe. When I was with Chief Counsel, I worked on the Coca Cola case. I can tell you from first hand knowledge that Coke, much to their credit, spent millions of dollars lobbying the FDA to keep this poison off the market. This battle, which lasted eighteen years, was lost and the world has been much sicker as a result. (We can thank Mr. Rumsfield for this "gift" to the world.) Coke knew how dangerous it was. They knew then, as they know now, that this toxic stew would devastate the soft drink market. Even though they were forced to use it for competitive reasons it has seriously hurt Coke. Even the FDA (Federal Death Administration) admits that aspartame has 94 known and extremely serious side effects including DEATH. I guess death would be the worst side

effect. People have actually gone into shock and convulsions followed by death after drinking just ONE can of diet coke. Ignore Snopes. They are part of our problem. Let me give you another good example. As you know there has been an ongoing rebellion at the EPA, which has now blossomed into a mutiny, over the issue of putting sodium fluoride in toothpaste and drinking water to mention just two applications. This all started under Clinton. At that time they shut up the federal officers who were leading this campaign by reaching a compromise. The administration agreed with the EPA that all the toothpaste companies would have to put a warning on each tube of toothpaste, to wit:

"If you ingest more than a pea sized amount of this product CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER IMMEDIATELY." (To this day most people don't even know that their toothpaste contains this warning. I mean its toothpaste. Why would anybody suspect that something as harmless as toothpaste also contains rat poison?) Right now this issue has bloomed once again. Over 7000 employees of the EPA are demanding the removal of ALL fluoride from the drinking water of the USA. All of it! Zero tolerance! There are NO safe levels of sodium fluoride. See

Love ya to death,,,,,,,, Choose

Life!!!!!!!!!!!!...... Brother Tom

----- Original Message -----



Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 10:45 AM

Subject: FW: aspartame





Subject: aspartame

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