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Beware! The Teflon Deception Continues ...

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ver, testicles, thyroid, or mammary glands in animal studies.

Workers involved in manufacturing PFOA were also shown to be three times as likely to die of prostate cancer as those who weren't.

PFC concentrations have been found in the blood of fish, dolphins, seals, sea lions, minks, polar bears, gulls, albatrosses, bald eagles, sea turtles, and dozens more species. PFOA is present in the blood of 90 percent to 95 percent of U.S.residents.

DuPont has never conceded that PFCs cause health or environmental problems, although they have attempted to rein in emissions.

AlterNet January 2, 2007


Dr. Mercola's Comment:

Despite mounting lawsuits against DuPont for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), the harmful chemical used in the making of Teflon cookware among many other consumer goods, the company has still not conceded that perfluorochemicals (PFC) are the focal point of countless environmental and health-related disasters.

The EPA has called for a Teflon ban, and DuPont has paid millions in fines for hiding evidence about the dangers of PFOA and other PFCs.

But to date, any ban among manufacturers has been a voluntary one, and financial penalties, even in the millions of dollars, are mere chump change compared to the hundreds of billions made on products whose residues can be found in nearly every U.S. citizen.

Among the interesting details about the ongoing Teflon scandal, outlined in this excellent AlterNet piece:

More than a quarter of DuPont shareholders voted to eliminate PFOA completely last April, considered by many to be a wake-up call to management that has, up to now, been ignored.

Despite the massive amount of information regarding the toxicity of these chemicals, however, it's anyone's guess whether PFCs will ever be regulated or that something worse might come along to replace them. The EPA receives almost 150 new applications for chemicals every month, and it's squarely their responsibility to ferret out the truth.

Nevertheless, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid common toxic substances and protect your health, including:

Store your food in glass containers whenever possible, as it is the most inert container you can use.

Only use natural cleaning products in your home. Most health food stores will have these available or you can search online for them.

Buy and eat, as much as possible, organic foods.

Avoid processed foods.

Switch to natural brands of toiletries, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants and cosmetics.

Of course, one of the most important things you can do is throw all your Teflon pots and pans away as Terry below has done. Enameled cast iron pans are my current favorites and are the ones I use to cook with in my own home. But I wanted to give you the same opportunity to get this healthy cookware alternative.

After more than two years of working through hard details, I'm excited to announce that they're finally available - we now carry a 5-piece set of Enameled Cast Iron Cookware by Range Kleen. They're exceptionally well-priced - far below what you will typically find in the stores.

On Vital Votes, reader Terry from Rothesay in New Brunswick, Canada, offers some alternatives to Teflon cookware:

"... I replaced my 3 Teflon frying pans with non-stick, ceramic coated pans. That seemed to be the best option out of what was locally available. And yes, I use coconut oil, or (raw, grass-fed) butter. They work really well for me. Clean-up is a breeze with hot water and a soft cloth. Can I say Kitchen-Aid? ..."

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