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Aspartame: Diane Fleming Story Update

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum

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tion system and causing sudden death. You've seen the reports of many athletes who have simply dropped dead. In fact, we have an Athlete Alert for sudden death by neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock, M.D.

In the case of Charles Fleming it wasn't sudden death, he lingered a

couple of days, but this article explains the damage of aspartame to an


Charles had been using diet drinks for years, piled high in his garage.

How did he even survive this long? His autopsy showed the chronic

methanol poisoning, the fatty liver and cardiomegaly or enlarged heart for no apparent reason, and metabolic acidosis. Diane Fleming took a lie

detector test, and in fact, called the police at the request of the

physician and even helped the police in attempting to find the origin of

the methyl alcohol. Diane herself used aspartame with no idea it contains

methanol. While the manufacturer is quick to say its but a small amount

of methanol, 10% by weight, experts know in molecular chemistry its one

molecule of aspartic acid (an excitotoxin) to one molecule of methanol (a

neurotoxin) to one molecule of phenylalanine (a neurotoxin). That's 33%

free methyl alcohol. No wonder the FDA refuses to answer any questions

about it.

She has been in prison for four years, an innocent woman. The detective

on the case said to me: "No way Diane is guilty, but I couldn't stop the

indictment because I was promoted just at that time. I couldn't have

slept at night if I had been responsible for sending an innocent woman to


See the story written by Don Harkins of the Idaho Observer: Wife and

Mother Wrongfully Convicted of Murder:

Her habeas was turned down and now an attorney has appealed to the Supreme Court. He is Attorney David B. Hargett at the address below:

David B. Hargett, Esq.

Hargett & Watson, PLC

11545 Nuckols Road, Suite C

Glen Allen, VA 23059


(fax 804-915-6301)


Diane has no money and so far contributions have been sent to Mr. Hargett in the amount of $4455. His fee is $7500 plus expenses. For anyone who can help we ask contributions be sent to the attorney at the above address. This needs to be paid right away.

According to law you can only appeal on the errors of the original trial,

and there were many. Only when she gets a new trial can the real cause of

death be brought out. Several physicians have looked at the autopsy and

written affidavits that Charles Fleming died from aspartame. H. J.

Roberts, M.D., a world expert on aspartame toxicity wrote this testimony:

Diane took a lie detector test and passed it, and helped the police.

There may be a cover-up. Dr. H. J. Roberts advised the medical examiner

Dr. Marcella Fierro that Charles Fleming died of aspartame and he wanted to discuss the research and the autopsy. She kept canceling the

appointment until she agreed on a phone conference in Diane's attorney's

office. At the meeting Dr. Fierro said there was no peer reviewed journal

article on aspartame and methanol. Yet in her hand she held Dr. Woodrow Monte's peer reviewed journal article, "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health" -

Seeing the chronic methanol poisoning from years of aspartame use, she

made the comment that he must have been acutely poisoned before. How could a medical examiner say such a thing? Dr. Roberts and I reported her to the Grievance Board of the Virginia Medical Board, although nothing was done.

If Dr. Fierro refused a meeting perhaps other forensic cases should be

investigated. Indeed, Fierro authorized a revised autopsy report on the

death of Vice Foster in 1993. Foster was President Clinton's Chief of

Counsel. The Artificially Sweetened Times published by the Idaho Observer carried the article: "Fleming's chances for post-conviction relief

dashed by medical examiner capable of moving bullet wounds for political

reasons." Fierro's alteration allowed Foster's apparent murder to appear

as a suicide. Suicides seldom shoot themselves in the back of the head.

X-rays of Foster's skull, noted in the original autopsy report, verify the

actual location of the wound, but they "mysteriously disappeared."

I personally feel Fierro's history of complicity in the Foster cover-up

clarified her actions in the Fleming case. Dr. Fierro's unprofessional

and arbitrary conduct require full and open examination of the mechanisms of aspartame/methanol toxicity as they relate to the death of Charles Fleming. There are volumes documenting how aspartame produces methanol poisoning. Dr. Fierro refused to look at the evidence and doesn't want it on the record. The question is 'Why?' Other calls about Dr. Fierro tell me she obviously hasn't been working for truth,

Diane Fleming's extremely compelling writ of habeas corpus was turned

down. She is interviewed in the aspartame documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,

We definitely need more organizations and media to get involved as well,

anyone who can help. Diane lost her husband, her children, her home and her freedom because of this excitoneurotoxic carcinogenic drug, aspartame, which was never proven safe. Here is the actual FDA Board of Inquiry revoking the petition for approval.

And here is a clip from Sweet Misery explaining how Don Rumsfeld got it

approved when the FDA said no:

The medical text on the global plague of Aspartame Disease is 1038 pages of horrors, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic,

Please do not forget Diane and write to keep her spirits up. You can't send her stamps but you can send her a money order with her number on it. Letters can only be 5 pages, which carries one 39-cent stamp. Here is her address:

Mrs. Diane Fleming


FCCW 8D 209A

Box 1000

Troy, Virginia 22974

Please contact me for further information.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum., Founder

Mission Possible International

9270 River Club Parkway

Duluth, Georgia 30097

770 242-2599 and

Aspartame Toxicity Center,

Artificially Sweetened Times, 24 page booklets for distribution on


Aspartame Information List,

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