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Blindness, Mad Cow Disease, and "Canola" Oil

John Thomas

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situation is that so-called "Canola" oil is showing up in the ingredients list of more and more products all of a sudden. And for at least some of those items, it would seem this ingredient was forced into the mix under some kind of edict!

I (Dr Ed Young) already commented on this matter recently, in the April 2003 issue, in the process of introducing a fine article from the Edgar Cayce group's magazine titled What Are We Doing To Our Food? wherein I said: "Alarming things are happening to our foods these days. And if we're not aware and vigilant enough about such matters to ‘vote with our wallets' to send messages back to the purveyors of such unconscionable shenanigans, then guess what—we deserve the poor health and medical complications we get as a result....

"For example, if you're vigilant about reading ingredients, you've probably noticed nasty poisons like "Canola" oil, MSG, and Aspartame [and I forgot about aluminum in so many bakery goods at the time of that writing] creeping into products—even so-called and more expensive "health" products—where they never found residence before and surely don't belong. Longtime readers with good memories will be quick to point out that these three pivotal ingredients have all been the subjects of past ominous articles within our publication. And for very good reasons!

"When a longtime staple of the food shelf, previously with a very healthy ingredient like olive oil, has now quietly switched to ‘Canola' oil—while still prominently bragging about their ‘fine old Italian recipe'—one can't help but wonder what nonsense is REALLY going on. Students of conspiracy recognize the trademark clues of the New World Order gang's calculated high-level agenda in play, to slowly but surely compromise the health of, well, the actively health conscious consumer.

"Who better to target? This is the same uppity portion of the citizenry most feared by the world control misfits because these are the people most likely to be actively protesting, say, the war in Iraq. But only if their health permits. An unhealthy public is a docile public of easily herded sheep.

"Further, if such poisonous ingredients are, as an incentive for use, nearly ‘given away'—perhaps at dirt-cheap prices—to key manufacturers more infatuated with profit than, say, their ‘fine old Italian recipe'—then the temptation becomes practically irresistible. From a pure ‘business' point of view, it's a captivating situation for such manufacturers, who've sold their souls (and the earned trust of loyal customers) to become—knowingly or unknowingly—agents for the higher level depopulation agenda of the depraved New World Order elite."

But what finally tipped the scales, in terms of deciding to again share the following article with you, was a recent shopping trip wherein a whole bunch more items, that were always "Canola" oil-free, now list this dubious intruder in their ingredients. What's the rush all of a sudden to get this into so many products?! It sure takes a lot longer to shop when, each trip to the store, you have to now check the ingredients lists of staple items that for years previously hadn't gone down this road of selling out.

Originally the following article was bravely published in the March/April 1996 issue of the often excellent Perceptions magazine, which appears to be no longer in production.

The finely aware author, John Thomas, draws a number of important parallels between Canola and soy—noting that the impact on our health from the Canola scam is 1000 times nastier than from the soy fraud. Those of you familiar with Edgar Cayce may remember that he, likewise, cautioned about these two items.

(We presented a lengthy and alarming discussion about soy in our July 1999 issue of The SPECTRUM.)

In the debate section of this article (later on), it is amusing to watch the familiar tactics of establishment scientists feverishly at work, as prostitutes for Big Business, quoting their "religious books" in order to discredit what is both beyond their understanding and a major threat to their way of life. Their antics recall all those sanctimonious tobacco executives lying to Congress about the health risks of cigarettes.

The kind of "subtle energy" or "higher vibrational" considerations which are integral to what author John Thomas talks about herein are—like Rife, Reich, and related technologies addressed in our front-page feature story—the "energy medicine" of the future and give a whole new (and much more accurate) meaning to the phrase "you are what you eat".

Edgar Cayce had much to say on this matter, a subject which is only now beginning to be appreciated by ones willing to forsake the shackles and blinders which mainstream scientific training religiously imposes—especially at advanced levels.

With that idea of "subtle energies" in mind, it is important to note a subject which John Thomas does not cover herein. That is, longtime readers of The SPECTRUM would be wise to entertain a possible link between deleterious effects on your mind and body that electromagnetic shenanigans like the HAARP system are capable of producing, and such effects perhaps being enhanced or amplified when even a small amount of Canola oil is present in your body. Might that be the REAL reason for getting Canola oil into enough different products—especially among the so-called "healthy" products—so that one or another of them will be sure to "infect" each of us?

The duplicity of the scam being perpetrated by the mind-control (marketing) departments of big dietary businesses is exactly to target and convince those MOST conscious about their health to embrace these questionable ingredients as healthy for you. The sleeping masses are not a problem for the world elite controllers, but those of you who are naturally driven to become informed, and then call their bluff, ARE a BIG threat!

The original Perceptions article carried the introductory statement: "This excerpt from John Thomas' new book Young Again! How To Reverse The Aging Process, published by Promotion Publishing, San Diego, has been edited especially for Perceptions." Some of you may enjoy reading John's longer story in that still-available book format.

So—just what IS the "magic" about Canola oil that is making it appear in so many products now? While we don't have any concrete answers, justifiable suspicions run high—just like with the chemtrails sprayings going on over our heads. And one thing's for sure: after you read the following, you'll be checking the ingredients lists of your favorite food products a lot more carefully!


Millions of people have suffered the loss of their vision from glaucoma, a disease involving atrophy (deterioration) of the optic nerve. For years, "experts" have been telling us that glaucoma results from fluid-pressure buildup in the eye that causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This theory was based on an incorrect medical model: They were wrong!

Now the experts have admitted that this is not true and have given birth to a new theory. According to it, glaucoma is instead caused by a deficiency of oxygen and blood flow. Finally they are on the right trail. In the end, they will discover that glaucoma is the result of insufficient blood flow due to agglutination (clumping together) of the red blood cells, and waste buildup in the cells and intercellular fluids.

These blood-corpuscle clusters cannot squeeze through the extremely tiny capillaries in the posterior of the eye, so cannot deliver oxygen to the mitochondria. Mitochondria are microscopic bodies inhabiting the cells of all animals. They contain enzymes responsible for the conversion of food to useable energy. They produce and burn the energy-carrying molecule adenosine triphosphate, ATP.

This is what the problem has been all along, and if people continue to eat soy and "Canola" oils, a lot more of them are going to experience vision irregularities—like retinitis and maculalutea degeneration. (The macula lutea is an area in the eye near the center of the retina in which visual perception is most acute.) Soy oil contains phytohemagglutinin, PHG, a toxic biochemical that causes blood to clot and combines with impurities to form plaque, obstructing capillaries. PHG numbs immune-system T-cells, alters hormonal activity, and slows vital organ function.

Its effects are cumulative. Death of the mitochondria in the cells in the posterior of the eye is due to oxygen starvation, sodium toxicity, and waste accumulation. When the mitochondria die, the cells die, and the posterior eye tissues atrophy. In this respect, glaucoma has much in common with hair loss, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and hearing problems.

[Editor's note: Some of you may be aware that there has been a tremendous increase, in recent years, in the number of senior citizens diagnosed with macular degeneration. Care to guess why?]

There are several things a person can do to reverse these debilitating conditions. Biologically friendly water is basic to all rejuvenation, as is fresh, viable food. Detoxification of the tissues and body fluids is accomplished with yucca extract, Kombucha tea, PACs, and colon therapy.

(Biologically friendly water is water resonant at 7.8 hertz, or Earth frequency—pure, highly charged, and magnetic in its strong right-spin molecular charge; Kombucha tea is a revitalizing brew made from a fungus-like organism; PACs are proanthocyanidins, which are plant derived antioxidants, free-radical

Rape Seed Oil Or "Canola" "Canola" is a coined word. It appeared out of nowhere and is not listed in any but the most recent reference sources.

[Editor's note: This fact alone ought to raise a flag of caution as to who is behind such marketing.]

The flip side of the Canola coin reads: "rape"! You must admit that Canola sounds better than rape. The name Canola disguised the introduction of rape oil to America. Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of plants. Rape is THE MOST TOXIC of all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly poisonous!


Canola is a semi-drying oil that is used as a lubricant, fuel, soap, and synthetic rubber base, and as an illuminant for the slick color pages you see in magazines. It is an industrial oil and does NOT belong in the body!

Canola oil has some very interesting characteristics and effects on living systems. For examples, it forms latex-like substances that agglutinate the red blood corpuscles, as does soy, but MUCH more pronounced. Loss of vision is a known characteristic side-effect of rape oil, which antagonizes the central and peripheral nervous systems—again like soy oil, again worse. The deterioration takes years, however.

Rape (Canola) oil causes emphysema, respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, irritability, and blindness in animals—and humans.

Rape oil was widely used in animal feeds in England and Europe between 1986 and 1991, when it was thrown out. You may remember reading about the cows, pigs, and sheep that went blind, lost their minds, attacked people, and had to be shot.

A woman called me from Chicago to tell me that she had been in England when the "Mad Cow Disease" was at its peak. She said that she had seen a television news report which told people not to panic if they had been using rape oil in their diet and were over 65 years of age. The "experts" added that the effects of rape oil in ingestion take at least 10 years to manifest, and in all likelihood, most of these people would be dead by then anyway. Comforting!

In the reports I read, the "experts" blamed the erratic behavior on a viral disease called scrapie. However, when rape was removed from animal feed, "scrapie" disappeared. No longer a European livestock problem, now it is ours. U.S. farmers grow rape seed, and manufacturers use its oil (Canola) in thousands of processed foods—with the blessing of government watchdog agencies, of course.

Officially, Canola oil is known as "LEAR" oil—Low Erucic Acid Rape. (Erucic acid is a solid fatty acid, a homologue of oleic acid, derived from oils of mustard seeds and rape seeds.) Industry experts love to tell how Canola was developed in Canada and that it is safe to use. (Can-ola = "Canadian oil"—get it?) They admit it was developed from the rape seed, but that through genetic engineering (i.e. irradiation), it is no longer rape seed, but Canola instead. They love to talk about Canola's qualities—its unsaturated structure (omega 3, 6, and 12), its wonderful digestibility, and its fatty-acid makeup.

They turn us against naturally staturated oils and fats, while they come to the rescue with Canola oil. They even tell us how Asia has warmly embraced Canola due to its distinctive flavor. Isn't it wonderful how internationalist brokers "help" third-world peoples? Reminds me of the introduction of the microwave oven.

[Editor's note: That's another very important health subject we've covered, in an article titled Some Well-Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking, back in the January 2001 issue of The SPECTRUM.]

An earthy expression from the Old West sums up the flimflam accompanying rape oil's rebirth and promotion worldwide: "horseshit and gun smoke!" Its new name provided the perfect cover for commercial interests wanting to make billions in the United States. The euphemism is still very much in use, but is no longer needed. Look at the ingredients lists on peanut butter labels. The peanut oil has been removed and replaced with rape oil.

[Editor's note: Now stop and think about that one for a minute! Going to such an extreme suggests an agenda far beyond any simple business "cost effective" step in manufacturing.]

Chemical Warfare

Rape oil is also the source of the infamous chemical-warfare agent, mustard gas, which was banned after blistering the lungs and skin of hundreds of thousands of solders and civilians during WW-I. Recent French reports indicate that it was again used during the [1991] Gulf War.

Between 1950 and 1953, white mustard (rape) seed was irradiated in Sweden to increase seed production and oil content. Irradiation is the process the experts want to use to make our food "safe" to eat. Genetically engineered fruits and vegetables—which will soon have innocent things like Hepatitis-B spliced into their DNA—are another example of man's misuse of technology and abuse of public trust by powerful interests and "head-in-the-sand" watchdog agencies.

(See the article called The Devil's Bargain: Gene-Altered Food, in the November/December 1995 issue of Perceptions.)

[Editor's note: Regular readers of The SPECTRUM are likewise very well aware of the pitfalls of genetically engineered or genetically modified (GE/GM) foods. And, of course, the most telling incident of all was when GE/GM giant Monsanto's own headquarters cafeteria REFUSED to use such products!]

Canola oil contains large amounts of isothiocyanates—cyanide-containing compounds. Cyanide INHIBITS mitochondrial production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the energy molecule that fuels the mitochondria. ATP energy powers the body and keeps us healthy and young!

[Editor's note: So in effect the Canola oil acts as a slow poisoning agent, if nothing else. Who does that suggest to you is behind this project? Hint: Who has a longstanding agenda item to eliminate we "useless eaters and consumers of natural resources"—and has the worldwide means to do so?]

Canola Oil & Metabolism

Many substances can bind metabolic enzymes and block their activity in the body. In biochemistry, these substances are called inhibitors. Toxic substances in Canola and soy oils encourage the formation of molecules with covalent bonds which are normally irreversible: They CANNOT be broken by the body once they have formed.

For example, consider the pesticide malathion. It binds to the active site of the enzyme acetylcholinesterase and stops this enzyme from doing its job, which is to divide acetylcholine into choline and acetate.

Nerve Function And Organophosphates

Organophosphates are any organic compound containing phosphorus, specifically ones used as insecticides, e.g. malathion—the "harmless" pesticide spray used to kill the Med Fly and blanket every living thing in California a few years ago, and again in 1994 and 1995, and in Texas in April 1995.

Acetylcholine is critical to nerve impulse transmission. When acetylcholinesterase is inhibited, as by pesticide residues, nerve fibers do not function normally, and muscles do not respond. For example, think of a garage door opener: If its signal is not received, the door does not open. With one's body, the hand or leg is ordered to move, but does not respond. Recently there has been a tremendous increase in disorders like systemic lupus, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, pulmonary hypertension, neuropathy, and "myelinoma", which is a catch-all term used by doctors for the deterioration of the myelin sheathing around the nerves.

(The word ending "-oma" means "tumor", but the condition could as easily be "myelinosis".) It is also often called "walking legs syndrome" and causes its sufferers intense burning sensations they must walk off.)

Soy and Canola oils are players in the outbreak of these disease conditions. So are the organophosphates—insecticides such as malathion, used in food production [modern agribusiness] in the name of efficiency.

Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors cause paralysis of the striated (skeletal) muscles and spasms of the respiratory system. That is why malathion is the pesticide of choice by experts; it kills insects by paralysis—just like rotenone from soy beans does! It inhibits the insect's enzymes—and those of humans, too!

Agents Orange and Blue that were used in Vietnam to defoliate jungle cover are also organophosphorous compounds. The Vietnam vets and the Vietnamese people know about them firsthand. Government experts who okayed their use, and chemical companies who manufactured them, have finally owned up to their toxic effects on people and the environment. Nevertheless, present day experts in academia and government continue to bamboozle the public with stories of "safe" science and cheap food through the use of poisons. Canola oil is also high in glycosides that cause serious problems by blocking enzyme function and depriving us of our life force—chi, qi, prana—call it what you like.

Glycosides interfere with the biochemistry of humans and animals. Their presence in rattlesnake venom inhibits muscle enzymes and causes instant immobilization of the victim. Canola Oil, HIV, And AIDS Soy and Canola oil glycosides also depress the immune system. They cause the white-blood-cell defense system—the Tcells—to go into a stupor and fall asleep on the job. These oils alter the bioelectric "terrain" and promote disease. Floride, immunizations, antibiotics, and bio-junk food play a similar role in immune system collapse.

An alcohol is a chemistry term for the "reactive" chemical group on an organic molecule. These "R" groups are what make organic compounds work—for good or bad! Canola alcohols and glycosides are very reactive. They are as toxic as fermented alcohols, but their effects manifest differently. The damage takes years to show up. In a future article, I will discuss the sweet proteins in soy.

When the medical "experts" check your blood for the presence of the HIV virus, they are looking at your white bloodcell "count". If the numbers are normal, they will tell you that you do not have HIV. What they don't see is that the T-cells are in this toxic stupor. This opportunistic condition causes life forms in the blood and lymph to metamorphose, manifest as Hepatitis, Pneumonia, and HIV, bypass the body's immune system defenses (the T-cells), and get a foothold. As Claude Barnard said: "The terrain is everything!" Once inside the cells, HIV takes over the RNA and DNA. It uses the mitochondria to produce energy for its own use. Quietly it multiplies; then one day—BANG!—you wake up dying of AIDS.

AIDS & Green Monkeys

In his Earth-shaking book called AIDS: The End Of Civilization, Dr. William Campbell Douglass asked: "Do you really think some green monkey all of a sudden bit some guy in the ass, and presto, AIDS all over the world?" Dr. Douglas was examining the hype that the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta have been peddling to the public about the AIDS virus, HIV. Douglass' book tells the "whole" story of the development of HIV at the Ft. Detrick (Maryland) military installation. His story is well documented and confirms the theme of the futuristic movie Outbreak.

[Editor's note: As our readers know well, longtime SPECTRUM friend and health crusader Dr. Len Horowitz has exposed in great detail the vast historical webs of conspiracy behind AIDS and many other manufactured diseases—mostly involving the same cast of nefarious characters working in concert with the elite world controllers.]

Lorenzo's Oil

Another film, Lorenzo's Oil, offers a good example of how far off course medical science has strayed and how muddled is the scientific mind. Early on in the movie, the experts say the problem with the dying child is not the "math", i.e., pH. They are wrong. Had the experts determined the pH of the saliva, urine, and blood, they would have instantly known what they were up against: That dying boy had a chronically low total-body pH—so low [meaning a highly acidic state] that his fluids were dissolving the myelin sheathing protecting his nerve fibers. This caused his nervous system to disintegrate. Does this description sound like the dozens of degenerative nerve-related disorders plaguing people today?

The boy was given Lorenzo's oil to boost energy output and act as a detoxifier of metabolic poisons. The oil shocked his body into a less-acid condition. LORENZO'S OIL IS OLIVE OIL! When given in large quantities, olive oil shocks the body and causes it to adjust its pH. It will also safely purge the body of gall and liver stones, thus removing the need for gall-bladder surgery. (Yucca extract and PACs must precede the "flush".)

[Editor's note: One of the reasons for again sharing this fine article with you was precisely the fact that two well known products, that always contained olive oil as a key ingredient, have recently replaced the olive oil with Canola oil. But you can't tell that from the big labels on the front of the bottles; you have to read the fine-print ingredients list!]

Shortly after Lorenzo's Oil was released, my brother saw an "expert" on a TV talk show claim that Lorenzo's oil was rape oil. This was a lie. Give rape oil to a sick person, and you will seal his or her doom.


Blood & Oils

By now it should be obvious that congested blood and lymph flow negatively affect every part of the body. Moreover, using processed foods containing Canola oil, soy oil, and chemical additives "confuses" the body and weakens the immune system. It should come as no surprise that anyone wanting to enjoy peak health and longevity MUST take personal control of, and responsibility for, his or her health and life. There is NO other way! "Healthcare industry" is an oxymoron; it protects its own health and economic interests. Learn to protect YOUR health and economic interests by learning how to take care of yourself. Then act on that knowledge.

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The Great Canola Debate Spectrum Naturals Offers A Rebuttal To "Blindness, Mad Cow Disease, And Canola Oil"

As a service to both writers and readers, Perceptions offers a forum for informations all too often absent from mainstream media. We make no claims for any specific health products or therapies, but provide space to those responsibly presenting opposing views. The following "debate" involves a spokesperson for Spectrum Naturals, a manufacturer of Canola and other oils, and John Thomas, author of Young Again!

How To Reverse The Aging Process.

As always, we invite our readers to think and seek the truth and, with it, greater power for themselves, recognizing that it is sometimes found only outside current scientific dogma.

An article by John Thomas, published in the March/April 1996 issue of P e r c e p t i o n s magazine, makes s e v e r a l unsubstantiated claims connecting Canola oil with "Mad Cow Disease". Upon even the most casual consideration, Thomas' major assertions fall flat. The article, based on the author's opinions, cites no clinical, medical, or biological research references. Thomas fails to explain the basic biochemical interactions that are inferred to evolve out of the claimed actions of toxins he attributes to Canola oil. To be scientific, Thomas' claim for the ensuing biological pathologies should be tied to specific symptomology. Thomas offers no such connection. Despite Thomas' claims, his article contains not one scientific reference, nor any cogent chemical or biochemical argument based on known laboratory testing or methods associated with brassicia/napus campestris plant varieties (the botanical name of Canola) or L.E.A.R., i.e., Low Erucic Acid Rapeseed. Further, Thomas presents no scientific credentials or experience which would lend any measure of credibility to the discourse he offers in Perceptions.

With the above preamble in mind, please review our analysis of Thomas' claims. Spectrum's abridgment of Thomas' claims are noted below.

[Editor's note: Remember that this reference is to a company called Spectrum Naturals, which is in the dietary oils business; there is NO connection at all to The SPECTRUM newsmagazine!]

They can be found throughout his article, but we have condensed them to deal with claims in summary. They have been grouped here for focus. Our point-by-point response includes scientific citations and refutations for your consideration.

Thomas' Claim 1:

Glaucoma For years "experts" have been telling us that glaucoma results from fluid-pressure buildup in the eye that causes the optic nerve to deteriorate. This theory was based on an incorrect medical model: They were wrong! Causes: agglutination, waste buildup in cells, and intracellular fluids caused by consuming soy and Canola oil. Loss of vision is a known characteristic.

Spectrum's Rebuttal:

Glaucoma is caused by fluid-level abnormalities in the ocular membranes of the eye. It rarely occurs before age 40. This disease is caused by injury to the eye or a degenerative disease like uveitis. Blockage of the drainage duct adjacent to the ciliary muscles is the principle cause of humoral-fluid pressure in the eye. No scientific study links glaucoma to any lipid toxicity or diet.

Platelet aggregation, as Mr. Thomas states, is a possible cause of glaucoma. If his suggestion is true, however, Canola oil may be helpful in glaucoma since the 10% omega-3 fraction in Canola oil, as well as the 16% omega-6 fraction of fatty acids tend to reduce platelet aggregation. Thus, Canola oil would be a curative rather than causative agent of aggregation of cells. However, there is no scientific evidence that platelet aggregation is related to this eye disease.

People suffered with glaucoma long before the widespread use of Canola, rapeseed, and soy oils. To the contrary, statistics tend to indicate that the widespread use of these oils benefits health. [Ref: Dr. C. Calyman, editor, American Medical Association, Encyclopedia Of Medicine, Random House, NY, 1989; Shahidi, F., Canola & Rapeseed, Production Chemistry, Nutrition And Processing Technology, AVI Printers, 1990.]

Thomas' Claim 2:

Canola appeared out of nowhere. Rapeseed (Canola) is the most toxic of all food plants. Rapeseed, like soy, is a weed. Insects will not eat it. Oil from rapeseed is 100 times more toxic than soybean oil.

Spectrum's Rebuttal:

For more than 3,000 years, rapeseed was the preeminent culinary fat for the Indians, Western Asians (Indian subcontinent), and China. It has been cultivated in Western Europe since the 13th century and has become the most popular culinary oil due to its high oleic and mono-unsaturated fat profile. It is considered the most nutritionally balanced dietary fat. In 1985 the USDA granted GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status to the hybrid variety of rapeseed. Canola was pedigree bred (not genetically engineered) in Canada during the 1970s.

[Editor's note: Now there's a statement whose "deception coefficient" is worthy of the Bush Administration; see Al Martin's columns elsewhere in this issue of The SPECTRUM for similarly choice examples. By some liberal stretching of the definitions, it may even have been true "during the 1970s"—but, just from past eye-opening articles in our News Desk, we know that the terms Genetically Engineered and Genetically Modified have, through Monsanto's aggressive marketing tactics alone, been associated more with rape seeds than perhaps with any other GE/GM agricultural product pushed on farmers.]

The origins of the seed are "nigra" or black mustard, generated to "juncea" or leaf mustard, generated to "campetris" or turnip rapeseed, and it is a cousin of kale and cabbage plants. Napus is the common variety grown in the Western world. Because Canola is susceptible to numerous types of pests which thrive in temperate climate zones, it is only grown in climates that do not experience extended periods of freezing. Canola seed plants are susceptible to flea beetles, aphids, cabbage seed-pod weevils, and all types of foliage-feeding insects which thrive in temperate climates. This plant does poorly in southern climates due to insects; geographic regions out of Kansas are not suitable. Because of their extended cold weather, western Canada and the Great Plains states are the prime areas for cultivation.

The consumption of Canola for feed or oil content presents no known toxicity in either crude or refined states. The L.E.A.R. variety has only a small percentage of erucic acid remaining in the oil (less than 0.02% to 0.01%). Erucic acid is the same substance that gives mustard its potent flavor bite. All mustards that have this potent flavor property contain some percentage of erucic acid (up to 66%). The special breeds used for Canola cooking oil contain only very small amounts. This flavor property was bred out for taste, not health considerations.

Barlow and Standby corrected the prior perception that erucic acid was damaging to humans, as the original studies were conducted on rats with flawed results. Recent laboratory research has retested this hypothesis and indicated that the 1970 findings were flawed. Unfortunately, these flawed studies continue to be cited in error. Erucic acid has not been proven harmful in humans and has been used as a medicine in others (see Lorenzo's Oil ). [Ref: Barlow, S.M. and Standby, M.E. eds., Nutritional Evaluation Of Long-Chain Fatty Acids In Fish Oils, London: Academy Press, 1982; Bell, J.M., "From Rapeseed to Canola: A Brief History Of Research For Superior Meal And Edible Oil", Poultry Science, 61:613-618, 1982. Canada Grains Council, Canadian Grain Industry, Statistical Handbook, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Jan. 1988; Murray, G.A., Auld, D.L., O'Kieffe, L.E., and Thill, D.C., "Winter Rape Production Practices In Northern Idaho", Idaho Agricultural Exposition, Station Bulletin, 634, 1984.]

Thomas' Claim 3:

Canola is an industrial oil not fit for human consumption. Rapeseed causes We trust that the foregoing scientifically substantiated rebuttal to Thomas' unfounded claims for a connection between "Mad Cow Disease" and glaucoma clarifies the issue to your satisfaction.

— Rees Moerman

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The Great Canola Debate John Thomas Responds To Spectrum Natural's Rebuttal I expected the Canola cartel to go ballistic when Perceptions magazine published the "Blindness and Oils" chapter on Canola from my book Young Again! How To Reverse The Aging Process. I look for a repeat performance from them when the soy oil, soy protein, tofu scam impacts public consciousness.

Spectrum Naturals conjured up the usual establishment tar and feathers: "no scientific proof, lack of credentials, divergence from known and recognized scientific community" and other mewings designed to belittle me, degrade Perceptions, and blur public consciousness about the energy nature of the substances we call food and water.

Spectrum does not understand that all substances have a racemetric energy footprint and electrical signature that manifests itself as a "measurable" right or left-spinning energy field. When food enters the body, it imposes and transfers its vibratory signature to the body's bioelectric energy fields. Therefore, food and water either increase or diminish health and the body's energy spin, as reflected in our aura. The effect is best described as a bioelectric energy shift. This shift is not based on carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, and is not understood by conventional science, which knows disease and aging only by their symptoms. Food and water influence the tissues and cells through the homeopathic principles of resonance and transference, which describe subtle energy changes in the body when substances are introduced into the system. Canola and soy upset the body subtle-energy fields because they are powerful, deep, and rapid left-spinning energy substances that are toxic and, therefore, should NOT be ingested. I suggest everyone learn to use a pendulum, a vibration chain, and aurameter so they can confirm for themselves that Canola and soy are bad news. I highly recommend everyone read the article "Soy Products For Dairy Product? Not So Fast..." in the September 1995 issue of Health Freedom News and learn of the deleterious effects of soy oil and soy protein on living systems. Then let's see what Spectrum has to say in response to this very well done article that backs up and confirms what I had to say in my chapter on soy: "Bald Heads And Oil".

Once people understand the energy nature of food as relates to aging and rejuvenation, they will discover to their horror that Canola and soy are not only out of place in their diets, but actually accelerate the breakdown of the body's connective tissues and nerve fibers. These "experts" who have been telling us fairy tales about the wonders of Canola are the same nice folks who vaunted oleo and soy margarines and orchestrated the condemnation of butter, coconut oil, and lard.

Is it any surprise? Last year's [1995] haul on "industrial" food oils—like Canola and soy—was in the range of $12,000,000,000 (BILLION)! As the consumption of these oils increases, people's health slowly deteriorates and the old-age homes and cemeteries fill. Scientific madmen seem to forget that the human body works synergistically and that their snake oil has multiple fangs when turned loose in bodies already stressed from environmental and chemical toxicities.

The toxic effects of Canola and soy take years to manifest.

[Editor's note: What could be more convenient to the New World Gang's depopulation agenda than a subtleacting time-delay poison to make it difficult to trace blame—a much better plan than the tobacco industry's longtime scam.]

Laboratory test tubes, studies, and industry experts cannot be counted on to give us the truth. Wasn't it "experts" who gave us Agent Orange, DDT, malathion, thalidomide, Gulf War Syndrome, aspartame (Nutrasweet), MSG (monosodium glutamate), Swine Flu shots, fluoridated water and toothpaste, and presently, live Hepatitis-B vaccines for helpless children under two years of age?

How about conditions like Type-1 diabetes, hearing loss, and death in children from mutant DPT and polio vaccinations the "experts" are rabidly pushing at us? What about the thousands of "safe" drugs the pharmaceutical and medical folks peddle—all with known, toxic contraindications for the liver (our most vital organ)?!

Perceptions readers should not be surprised to learn that the international food cartels peddle energy-toxic, industrial "food" oils like Canola and soy to an unsuspecting and ignorant public. The experts don't have a clue about disease prevention and consider aging reversal to be ludicrous. Spectrum's experts quote chapter and verse to support their position, but it matters not. Their response suggests that behind the smoke screen is a powder keg of information they hope the public will never learn.

[Just like finally came out in the tobacco industry scam.]

Young Again! How To Reverse The Aging Process was not written as a scientific work, but as a common-sense guide to help people understand why they prematurely age and die. If your readers want to keep their health or get back what they have lost, they must learn to ignore the advice of the experts and do exactly the opposite of what the masses are being brainwashed to do and think.

Canola and soy are serious players in degenerative aging and disease. At best, they confuse body energy patterns. At worst, they become the straw that breaks the proverbial camel's back—or precipitate things like "Mad Cow Disease", glaucoma, and a thousand other "degenerative" conditions that keep the cattle lines in the clinics full and profitable.

Lastly, cunning marketing propaganda by the international food cartels has Americans foolishly believing in the widespread historical use of Canola just as they did with their fairy tales about big time soy use in Asia and how healthy Asians are as a result of a dietary intake of soy.

The TRUTH of the matter is that we produce 144 billion pounds of WASTE soy protein a year. Cartel propaganda is behind the massive push for consumption of soy products (tofu, soymilk, and baby formulas) over conventional protein and fat sources. Soy and Canola are in almost all processed foods. We dump the balance on the Asians.

Edgar Cayce advised against the use of soy and rape (Canola) oils. Skilled doctors of Chinese medicine will not use soy because it interferes with subtle energy patterns in the body. Canola is 100 times more toxic than soy.

I suggest your readers read Young Again! cover to cover before they find their health in serious jeopardy from following "expert advice" and ingesting toxic-food substances. Vision loss, nerve degeneration, connective tissue breakdown, and balding are just a few of the problems they may avoid. For sure, they will learn how to live long and healthy lives.

— John Thomas

P.S. On my desk is a fax about a test lab finding that Canola oil produces sterility in rabbits. Perhaps this is behind the plummeting sperm counts in young U.S. males? Canola oil is in almost every processed food on the grocery shelves. Scary!