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Monsanto Lackey Refuses Glyphosate Beverage

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Published on Mar 25, 2015

In order for families to cease to exist and for the 50:50 ratio of men and women to be overwhelmingly skewed towards men, what needs to be done is to destroy true womanhood, the womanhood that feminists attack, and to destroy overall fertility which will one day give the government the excuse to be the new woman that rears its children with the scientific method. There are many fronts where this war is being waged to devalue and frenzy women into crones; reforms in health care, academic feminism, seeding social conditions for homosexuality, lenient prison sentences for women, and romantic literature and films are but five tiny examples. But there is something missing. If a woman is valued in society for her fertility and man for his brute accolade, propaganda still permits her to express her fertility, and if the sexual drive cannot be ‘excised’ out at the level of the population given the high costs, the nail in her coffin and her devaluation should only be complete when she and her male partner are instead made infertile. This is one of the purposes of poisoning the food supply. Do not ever think that profits and saving money by putting in cheap production implements at the expense of the consumer’s health is merely done for money, it is also pre-calculated for political purposes. Indeed, the food supply is by far the most important weapon in this infertility war numbering tens of thousands of radar impervious battalions: Monosodium glutamate, canola oil, Bt corn, easy intermixing of excessive cow hormones like IGF-1 (et al) with human hormones thanks to bioengineered homogenized milk, trans fats, the vegetarian diet, high fructose corn syrup, artificial food colorings and dyes, sucralose, polysorbates, brominated vegetable oil, soybean extracts, propylene glycol beer with a touch of caramel coloring, microwave dinners laced with lovely preservatives such as tertiary butylhydroquinone, aspartame, trace lead and arsenic… what a laboratory of fun! Just like Jews kosher their food, it can be said that all grocery food today receives a blessing (or curse) from God Marx and his priests. Let us dwell more into other infertility troopers.

2. Look around you. Chances are the ether is carrying a multitude of low frequency RF waves that are predominantly from the UHF band. This could be from cell phone signals, RF radiation being carried from your Smart Meter to electrical utility administration, or from overlapping radii of Wi-Fi signals. This type of environment is a killer of gametes and carcinogenic. If convenience technologies that send signals to affiliated parties increase in popularity and if smart infrastructure built under public contracts occupy more of a government’s budget, this will all work against fertileness. As an example of RF frequency perturbing fertility, in a study of rats it was found that RF exposure led to a harmful increase of free radicals, harmed sperm development, and increased the diameter of the seminiferous tubules while reducing mature sperm ( One has to also understand that autism is an indirect badge of infertility and that although families should procreate and nudge the birth rate up, a significant autistic cohort promoted by EM induced defective gametes should decrease birth rate potential. Although clearly up for debate, at least one MIT scientist has also claimed that half of children in America could be autistic by 2025 due to the increasing prevalence of the herbicide glyphosate – proven to inhibit critical oxidative enzymes, induce freak food allergies and malignant cancer cells, and is active in subduing the vital shikimate acid pathway in the gut flora of the large intestine.

3. There is no doubt that vaccinations are greatly helping this cause although they can work as you have been trained to think in some isolated circumstances. In most circumstances however, they create carriers for proliferation, provide mass profits if mass produced, and in all circumstance none are tested before hand by public institutions for teratogenic or cancerous effects since they are presumed safe on an ad hoc basis and administered anyways. Thimerosal, formaldehyde, monosodium glutamate, ethylene glycol, polysorbate-80… more laboratory fun! Forcing people to take more vaccines will undoubtedly shrink birth rates. As a perfect example, in the 2009/2010 flu season, two doses of influenza and swine flu vaccine were administered to pregnant women as opposed to one dose of the influenza vaccine. The result for that year? A 4,000% increase in miscarriages reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. Oops, didn’t see that coming of course, but at least more people donated their dead babies for science and its WI-38 and MRC-5 lines. Lines mind you that have been recently linked with autism, leukemia, and lymphomas…oops, did not see that coming again, wow, how does science keep failing us? It doesn't.