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Marchn 1, 2015

Unlike so-called experts quoted by web sites that talk about "micro nukes in a coke can", Doctor Edward Spencer is actually the real deal. If he says he is finding implants in people who are clueless about how they got them, you can take it verbatim. This one is absolutely key.



Dear Colleague:


I have only recently become aware of an enormous deficit in our neurology education. This is the massive amount of information on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on brain function not openly presented to neurologists, neurosurgeons, and psychiatrists.


During the last years of my practice I encountered a few patients with symptoms they attributed to remote electronic attacks. I was perplexed. Usually these patients are labeled "crazy" as there is no physical evidence to support their allegations. Now, after reviewing the information available on the sites listed below, it appears that we are dealing with a vast weapons program hidden in secrecy, and that U.S. Citizens have been nonconsensual experimental subjects.


I am a graduate of Stanford University, Yale Medical School, Neurology Residency at the University of California, San Francisco, and practiced general neurology in Sonoma County until my retirement in 2010.


Just prior to my retirement I encountered several patients with symptoms consistent with electronic assault, and ordered imaging studies, some of which were positive for what appeared to be small implants.


Since retirement I have worked with the International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies ( and have found that many of the patients complaining of symptoms listed on the site have radio frequency emitting chips in their bodies, and do not know how they got there. These individuals are being tortured. In some cases these chips, localized by electronic scanning and imaging studies, have been surgically removed. Without having some knowledge of such technologies, the neurologist is clearly hobbled in effectively practicing neurology.


In light of EEG, heterodyning and voice to skull technology, the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric problems, is exceedingly difficult, and in some cases, almost impossible. Voice to Skull is an old technology that allows sounds not heard in the air to be projected into an individual's brain and auditory nerve from over the horizon.


Of peculiar interest and critical importance is the study by John Mack, M.D., Harvard Psychiatrist, of alleged alien abduction events, which began in 1960. The subjects of his studies reported similar experiences, such as: 1) Seeing "aliens" with large heads and completely black eyes; 2) Being forced into sexual experiences; 3) Feeling absolutely powerless; and 4) being warned about impending ecological catastrophe brought on by human activity. The human examination techniques reportedly employed by the aliens seem curiously primitive, as do their spacecraft. Interestingly, the abduction phenomena began in 1960, which correlates with the introduction of powerful computers.


One must consider that these "abductees" were not abducted but were subjected to EEG heterodyning, and other psychotronic technology that actually placed the patterns of these experiences in their brain/minds. John Mack, M.D., did not know about this technology when he wrote his books. The great significance of this is that in the intervening fifty plus years, the technology of direct electronic mind swaying (mind control) will have advanced significantly, and we are all being subjected to emotions and thoughts that are not our own, but are projected from an external source. This might explain the widely seen extreme resistance to even thinking about the concept of "conspiracy."


Admin insert - This heterodyning is the amplitude modulated microwave voice beaming into the skull that I have spoken of repeatedly on this web site. It is not only real, it is a very refined technology that can have perfect sound quality beamed into the brain from "out of nowhere" and has been refined to audiophile class sound since at least the 1990's. A tiny device the size of a cell phone was all that was needed to nail someone from a distance in the 90's.

The following comment about "mothman" is in reference to another U.S. government experiment that did not involve aliens or any real "mothman", but instead speaks about what people perceived under the presense of this heterodyned microwave beaming.


There is also the "Mothman" Phenomena in West Virginia in 1966. A film by this name was released and while not completely accurate as to events, is quite interesting. The book: Mothman, The Facts Behind the Legend, Sergent and Wamsley, gives details and contains articles from newspapers. "Men in Black" were seen in the area and a bridge collapsed resulting in many deaths ended the episode. In retrospect this must have been a psychotronic experiment.


I have no doubt Edward Spencer is onto something here, and this is interesting to say the least.

With best wishes


Edward L. Spencer, M.D.


Neurology, retired

To: Neurologist and Neurosurgeons (DRAFT 2.6)