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Dr. Hale Huggins

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Jan. 28, 2015

When you hear the term ‘root canal’ the majority of us automatically resort to thoughts of the pain that we have either directly experienced or vicariously heard to be associated with the procedure. In the United States alone, over 25 million root canals are performed annually and as a result are seen as a common practice and safe technique to overcome certain dental issues. However, suppressed research dating as far back as the 1920′s shows that root canals may not be as safe as we are led to believe, and that they can in fact be detrimental to our health. Here is an incredibly informative video that Dr. Mercola has put together to fully summarize the issue.


When you hear the term ‘root canal’ the majority of us automatically resort to thoughts of the pain that we have either directly experienced or vicariously heard to be associated with the procedure. In the United States alone, over 25 million root canals are performed annually and as a result are seen as a common practice and safe technique to overcome certain dental issues. However, suppressed research dating as far back as the 1920′s shows that root canals may not be as safe as we are led to believe, and that they can in fact be detrimental to our health. Here is an incredibly informative video that Dr. Mercola has put together to fully summarize the issue.


Root Canals are Breeding Grounds for Bacterial Toxins

Does it surprise you that dentistry has been able to keep this secret for over a century?

Consider the liability. Ask your dentist about this, and watch him/her run, hide, and “fire you as a patient.” Fear of license revocation prevents dentists from disclosing what they have been told does not exist. Dr. Price and Mayo identified dozens of diseases related to bacterial toxins created by bacteria in root canals. If one percent of the people with root canals and subsequent diseases sued their dentist, all the money in the world would be in the hands of lawyers.

Dentists are kept in the dark by conflicting reports by their own associations. Most dental associations say root canals are 97 percent successful, while not defining the term ‘successful.’ The American Association of Endodontists (AAE) says only 90 percent are successful. Back in 1925, Coolidge said 95 percent were successful. The Department of Health and Human Services said in 1984 that there is no way to evaluate the success of a root canal. Burket published that only 42 percent of root canaled teeth were “mechanically” correct in filling the canals. That was in the US. European journals on the topic reported about 30 percent.

Haden published that 87 percent of 1,500 teeth he studied microscopically were contaminated with bacteria. And Okabe published that 72.1 percent of the patients with root canals had bacteremia (i.e. bacteria in the blood that were identical to those found in the root canal tooth).

Most dentists will tell you that a front tooth has a single canal. Dr. Price showed that that same front tooth can have as many as 75 auxiliary canals running from the pulp chamber to the outside of the tooth. Clean and fill 75 canals? Yeah, sure. Especially if you’re not even aware they exist.

How Dental Practices Can Alter Your DNA and Promote Disease

So, how can anyone be sure who’s telling the truth?

DNA testing is currently recognized as being one of the most dependable methods of identifying anything that is living. Or dead, for that matter. Dinosaurs have had their DNA tested. That template is there, dead or alive.

Which brings up my primary concern. Toxins from these bacteria together with mercury from dental amalgam have the ability to alter your DNA. Deletions, substitutions, additions – lots of things can happen to your DNA molecules, or your RNA, which is the “carbon copy” of the original DNA. It’s the RNA that actually does the work of creating proteins that make up your body. Mess up the RNA, and you’re setting yourself up for disease. But, if you alter the DNA of a “germ cell,” that is sperm or egg, and your children – and grandchildren, as long as your family line continues to reproduce – will be forever altered. Alterations of this DNA are permanent. They cannot be reversed.

With DNA alterations readily available due to mercury and bacterial toxins, we now have the opportunity to create many new diseases, and/or birth defects. There are many popular diseases today that were not known a thousand years ago – or even 200 years ago. Sickle cell anemia, for example, was not around until 1910. Multiple sclerosis wasn’t known until (circa) 1832. Leukemia came close on its heels. Diabetes got a strong foot hold just after 1900. Heart disease was then becoming more prevalent – up to nearly 10 percent of the deaths in 1900. Today, it is given credit for being the number one killer! Multiple sclerosis went from an average 8,800 cases per year from 1970 through 1975, then suddenly skyrocketed to 123,000 in 1976.

Are there reasons for these dramatic increases?

Yes. Unfortunately, dental procedures can be implicated in all of these increases.

Are all root canals infected with bacteria? Today, non-invasive testing of the fluid around a root canal tooth by DNA can tell if pathological bacteria are growing along its root. After extraction of the tooth, pathological bacteria can be identified 100 percent of the time.

But, wait! There’s more… It was recently discovered that the bacteria are not confined to the tooth. We tested root fragments and found many bacteria, which is not too surprising. Then we tested the periodontal ligament – the attachment between tooth and bone – and found even more bacteria. There is no way to get to this area to sterilize it. An even more surprising discovery was that the blood surrounding the tooth also contained bacteria – as much as half an inch around the tooth is highly contaminated.

Unfortunately, surgical removal of the offending root canal tooth is not just a matter of yanking it out. There is a protocol that a few brave dentists – who defy the dictates of the dental associations – can perform to protect their patients and rid them of potential disease-producing condominiums called root canals.


What Kind of Diseases are Associated with Root Canals?

We have identified 28 bacteria that the literature reports are related to heart diseases, including heart attack, endocarditis, and heart valve infection. Neurological diseases are in second place with 23 bacteria reported to be causative or contributing factors. Liver function, kidney, breast cancer – the list becomes alarming, so it is time to inform the public what dentists cannot tell you out of fear of retribution from injured patients and their own association. The Dental Association would move from being one of the most respected professions to the least respected…

How many people are affected, and how?

While I cannot list every potential in this article, our figures indicate that over 90 percent of the patients seeking help for dental related problems suffer from chronic fatigue, and that’s just one example. How tiring can bacteria be? One group certainly can contribute. They are called “porins.” Few doctors and even fewer humans have ever heard of porins. The word comes from “pores.” These bacteria drill holes in red blood cells – pores – that allow hemoglobin to escape into the surrounding blood where the bacteria are lurking to suck up the iron. These bacteria, the porin producers, have a very high appetite for iron, and hemoglobin furnishes a never ending supply.

Once a red blood cell has a few pores punched in it – a sleeve is inserted as well, such that the red blood cell cannot heal – the red cell bleeds to death. Now the liver has to process all that hemoglobin scrap relieved of its iron, and calm the body from irritations due to the red cell contents being where they do not belong.

Another new kid on the block that may be dentally related is meningitis, which is a growing epidemic. When reading an article about the need for another meningitis vaccine, I recalled seeing meningitis listed as an effect of a few different bacteria that thrive in root canals and cavitations. Capnocytophaga ochnacea; Gemella morbillorum; Klebsiella oxytoca; Neisseria meningitidis; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a few more.

For explanation, cavitations and root canal bacteria are grouped together in our testing of over 400 samples, as both are eliminated simultaneously. Cavitations are bony holes almost always (4,999 out of a measured 5,000) left after extraction of wisdom teeth. The sockets rarely heal and become lined with pathogenic anaerobic bacteria. This newspaper said that we need to vaccinate teenagers because meningitis is a potentially fatal disease that comes on fast. With these bacteria occurring in the sockets of wisdom teeth, and wisdom tooth extractions being popular with teens, is there a connection?

Here, you have a choice: to vaccinate or prevent.

Cleaning out a cavitation is a tricky procedure, and in many states an oral surgeon who cleans one out will lose his license, for cavitations “do not exist.” Yeah. Try dropping into one that is two centimeters big and tell me it doesn’t exist! General dentists can do it without as much threat.

Another new one is the human papilloma virus (HPV). We just identified two bacteria associated with HPV in dental implants.

Beware: Antibiotics are NOT the Answer

Why not just give everyone lots of antibiotics? Because most antibiotics are what are called “bactericidal,” meaning they explode the bacteria, causing even more grief for your immune system. Instead of having one bacterium to destroy, now your system has a hundred little pieces called “endotoxins” to dispose of. Besides, there are other side effects to the use of massive antibiotics, such as the destruction of beneficial gut bacteria, which also dampens your immune system.

It has been over 100 years since Mayo and Dr. Price announced their findings, but you do not have to wait another 100 years to protect yourself, your RNA, or the future DNA of the human race. This is a serious accusation. One that is very logical and provable by today’s DNA science. Scientists know it is possible. Now you do too.

More Information

For referrals to dentists who have various degrees of training in this field, please call our toll free number: 866-948-4638. We try to match client problems with the degree of dental revision training. You can also find more information on the following websites:

About the Author

Dr. Hal Huggins has been in practice for nearly 50 years, and has lectured 2,500 days in 14 countries and 46 of the US states. A pioneer in exposing mercury’s problem leaching out of dental amalgam, Dr. Huggins has become controversial for standing up for science and health. Root canals are a new sacred cow. He took four years for a post doc masters degree at the University of Colorado with emphasis on immunology and toxicology. Graduated in 1989. He has developed a system that reverses many autoimmune diseases, much to the dismay of foundations that get paid to look for a cause, not find one. He is currently devoted to generating public awareness about the consequences of having dead teeth – called root canals – in their mouths. The diseases they create are bad enough, but the irreversible damage to DNA is a serious problem that will not get the attention deserved until birth defects become the standard.

Please be sure to share this important information regarding root canals with your networks. Let’s give everyone the opportunity to become fully informed on the procedure that so many of us blindly trust.