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The Nazis in the White House Story: Part 53 Nazi EPA Water Chlorine Kills America's Gut Flora

Jon Carlson

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May 9, 2014

It is important to compare government policies of the Nazis in the Federal government and in the German government to detect deliberate destruction of America. Germany had a Cash for Clunkers program and all old cars were resold or recycled. The US Cash for Clunkers program required the engines in every car to be destroyed with salt solution and all cars to be crushed within 150 days. Thus American citizens were denied the use of some 700,000 vehicles and their parts while the Europeans used the cars and parts to improve their life standard.

With that explanation, Germany chlorinates water only in emergencies. (Source) Federal EPA regulations require chlorine treatment of the city water from surface sources such as lakes, reservoirs and rivers, constituting about 75 percent of water consumed. Water from underground sources generally is not chlorinated unless it is supplemented by surface water.

Chlorine in water destroys protective acidophilus, which nourishes and cooperates with the 3 to 3.5 pounds of immunity-strengthening “friendly” organisms lining the colon, where about 60 percent of our immune cells operate.

By N. Campbell-McBride, MD

The state of the digestive system is the most important aspect of health.

Re-establishing normal gut flora and treating the digestive system of the person has to be the number one treatment, before considering any other treatments with drugs or otherwise.

The number of functions the gut flora performs is so vital for us that if some day our digestive tracts were sterilized we probably would not survive.

The first and very important function is appropriate digestion and absorption of food. If a child does not acquire normal balanced gut flora, then the child will not digest and absorb foods properly, developing multiple nutritional deficiencies. Even in the cases where the child may grow well, testing reveals some typical nutritional deficiencies in many important minerals, vitamins, essential fats, many amino acids and other nutrients.

Apart from normal digestion and absorption of food healthy, gut flora actively synthesizes various nutrients: vitamin K, pantothenic acid, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, B12, various amino-acids and proteins. Indeed when tested people with gut dysbiosis present with deficiencies of these nutrients. Clinical experience shows that restoring the beneficial bacteria in their gut is the best way to deal with these deficiencies.

Apart from taking a vital part in nourishing the body, beneficial bacteria in the gut act as the housekeepers for the digestive tract. They coat the entire surface of the gut protecting it from invaders and toxins by providing a natural barrier and producing anti-fungal substances. At the same time they provide the gut lining with nourishment. Beneficial bacteria normally control various opportunistic and pathogenic microbes in the gut. Lack of beneficial bacteria would allow disease-causing microbes to grow and occupy large parts of the digestive system causing damage and inflammation in the gut wall. So, it is no surprise when the gut flora is abnormal, the digestive tract itself cannot be healthy. Indeed most patients with a learning disabilities, psychiatric disorders and allergies present with digestive problems: constipation and diarrhea, infantile colic and abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence, reflux and indigestion. Examination by gastroenterologists commonly reveals inflammatory process in the gut and many of these patients are diagnosed with coeliac disease. Housing a mass of pathogenic microbes the gut cannot be healthy. Indeed, long before these patients develop so-called mental symptoms they usually suffer from digestive problems and all other typical symptoms of gut dysbiosis pretty much from the start of their lives.

The beneficial bacteria in the gut ensure appropriate production of different immune cells, immunoglobulins, keeping immunity in the right balance. Damage inflicted upon the gut flora typically leads to an imbalance between major parts of immunity, resulting in allergies, asthma and eczema-symtpms, which children and adults with neurological and psychiatric condtions commonly suffer from.

Without control of the beneficial bacteria, different opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi have a good chance to occupy large territories in the digestive tract and grow large colonies. These pathogenic microbes start digesting food in their own way producing large amounts of various toxic substances, which are absorbed into the blood stream, carried to the brain and cross the blood-brain barrier.

Due to the absence or greatly reduced numbers of beneficial bacteria in the gut flora, the person's digestive system instead of being a source of nourishment becomes a major source of toxicity in the body. The toxicity, which is produced by the abnormal microbial mass in these patients establishes a link between the gut and the brain.