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Toxic and dangerous

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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March 19, 2014

Toxic and dangerous

Dear Organic Consumer,

Dow Chemical calls its new “Enlist”-brand of 2,4-D-resistant GMO crops a “blockbuster.” Monsanto similarly touts its new, highly-volatile dicamba-resistant soybean. 

We call them toxic and dangerous.

But unfortunately, the USDA, which is more committed to protecting Dow and Monsanto’s profits than it is to protecting your health, is set to approve these new “Agent Orange” and dicamba-resistant corn and soy crops any day now. And when the poisonous residues of these two super-toxic herbicides contaminate the human food supply, in literally thousands of non-organic processed foods and ingredients, they won’t be labeled.

We need your help to get GMO crops and foods labeled—and banned! So far, we’ve raised almost $47,000 toward our $200,000 goal. Can you help us raise another $153,000 by midnight, March 31? Click here for instructions on how to donate online, or by phone or email. 

If we reach our goal, two of our allies— and Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps—will pitch in to match our $200,000 by donating $100,000 each. We’ll use that $400,000 to fight for state GMO labeling laws, and for county bans on GMO crops.

Dow’s Enlist-brand corn and soy are genetically engineered with 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), a toxic chemical that was part of the deadly Vietnam-era Agent Orange cocktail that has destroyed millions of lives. Monsanto’s dicamba-resistant soybeans are a close cousin of these Agent Orange crops.

2,4-D has been linked to liver damage, endocrine disruption, depressed thyroid hormone levels, infertility and cancer. 2,4-D-resistant crops will be able to withstand huge amounts of 2,4-D poison—poison that will eventually wind up not just on our food, but in our soil, water and air.

The Enlist brand is just one of many increasingly toxic GMO crops in Dow’s GMO pipeline. Dow is “spending millions of dollars and racking up hundreds of patents,” according to a recent article in the Indianapolis Business Journal, which also reported, “Dow has more seeds, herbicides and fungicides about to reach the market than it has at any time since 1989.”

The U.S. government and its regulatory agencies are not going to protect us from these escalating assaults on our health and our environment. It’s up to us to drive crops like Dow’s Agent Orange corn and soybeans, and Monsanto’s dicamba-resistant soy off the market. 

The anti-GMO movement has come a long way in the past two years. We are poised for victory. But we must win the upcoming decisive battles of 2014 in the frontline states of Vermont and Oregon, and intensify the struggle in other states and counties. 

Please help us win this fight. Every donation made by midnight, March 31, no matter how large or small, will bring us closer to our goal of $200,000—and that much closer to matching funds from and Dr. Bronner’s.

Thank you!

Ronnie Cummins

National Director, Organic Consumers Association and Organic Consumers Fund

P.S. Funds donated directly to campaigns must be raised through the Organic Consumers Fund, our allied 501(c)4 lobbying arm. If you need to make a tax-deductible donation, please donate to our 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your donation will indirectly support our GMO bans and labeling laws by funding our ongoing education and media work.

