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S.D Wells

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March 15, 2014


(NaturalNews) Step one: Tell the American people that they will all enjoy affordable healthcare coverage, regardless of pre-existing conditions or whether or not they work for a corporation, big government or themselves.


Step two: Promise the American people that you will end a senseless, dragged-out war that costs a trillion dollars a year -- a war that Big Pharma is bankrolling off of, and through which the Military-Industrial Complex has been crippling the entire U.S. economy back home.


Step three: Pay back all your Wall Street buddies and the corporate lobbyists who financed the re-election.



Step four: Talk about transparency, labeling GMOs and gun control, all while putting Monsanto in charge of GMO food and the FDA (via Michael Taylor), keep the water fluoridated and suppress journalism that exposes this plan to make people sick and send them straight to doctors who prescribe more chemicals. That's how you pay back your Wall Street buddies and Big Pharma, with dirty dividends in the billions, sometimes even in the hundreds of billions.



Then it's simple. The mass media is scripted to match this procession of events. Every newscaster you know from TV reads directly from the working script, which changes daily, regardless of facts, to suit the protocol for establishing these end results. If any newscaster attempts to go off script too often, the producers fire them.


Medical "care" is forced down our throats. This is the ultimate bailout for the medical industry: soldiers coming back from war and signing up for psych meds, kids on ADHD meds that fry their brains and the poor waiting for their food cards to reload so they can "survive."



The great culling of the sheeple people

"When would you like to schedule your next visit sir/ma'am? Let's schedule your next 'checkup' and see how you're doing on those GMOs and fluoridated water! Let's see how those chemicals in the vaccines are affecting your central nervous system. Let's check up on the mercury, lead, aluminum and cadmium levels in your blood."


Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York, gives a damning interview on the history of water fluoridation, the collusion of major industries to put certified toxic waste into your drinking water, and why government health authorities refuse to conduct scientific studies into the dangers of fluoridation. After watching this video, you will never look at tap water the same way again.



Is that what your doctor says when you're leaving his/her office? What if they spoke the truth? What if all the profiteers in the insurance and cancer industry had to sell their catastrophic coverage by informing you of all the dangers of which you "partake" right now, based on their advice, or their LACK OF advice.


Do they know anything at all about nutrition? Do THEY get vaccines, eat GMOs and drink tap water? Do they brush with fluoride, or do they just reserve that for their "patients for life"? Good ol' pharmacology! How many mercury amalgam fillings do you have in your mouth right now? How many saps have fallen for the chemical medicine hoax? It's been running the gambit for 75 - 80 years now. It got really strong after WWII, when U.S. "Big Pharma" hired all the convicted Nazi scientists fresh out of prison to concoct drugs for food sickness symptoms.


Pandora, a highly intelligent professional, had a vicious type of cancer called spindle cell sarcoma. she had surgery but the cancer recurred. then she had radiotherapy but the cancer recurred again. before trying chemotherapy as a her last resort treatment she decided to go partially holistic and had her mercury amalgam fillings removed. 4 weeks later she went to the Royal Marsden Hospital for her chemotherapy. the onco;ogist came to her room 5 minutes before it was due to start and said to her," Pack your bags and go home; your cancer has gone!" [sic: all errors] (


Healthcare has a stranglehold on everyone who believes that chemicals can fix your health problems, build your immunity to disease or help your brain and central nervous system find balance and peace. Healthcare in America is running the script on television, and Wall Street is running the markets that fuel the corrupt and unregulated investments in more bad medicine. The next bailout is coming, and the people writing the "check" are citizens like you and me, who are capable of changing our minds and habits so that we don't help the domestic "terrorism" that is staged and promoted with propaganda. Check this out:


"Executive Compensation of Top Bailout Recipients" -- A recent study:


Final Thoughts: Don't Eat Cancer! -- Don't eat GMOs, ever. Never consume processed foods. Do not drink from the tap, ever. Don't take chemically modified medicine. Don't vote for idiots who want more war. Eat organic food and support sustainability and organic agriculture. We can win this.



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