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There’s Something in the Air! – WiFi in Schools… Deadly or Not?

Peter Paul Parker

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FW:  March 14, 2014

ave you ever caught a cold from a friend or work colleague? Did you see the germs go through the atmosphere and enter into your body and then do you harm, causing you dis-ease? Did you sense the dis-ease when it first started to manifest? I would imagine the answers to these questions would be no, as personally, I haven’t. But then again, even though my name may suggest it, I am not a superhero. This is exactly what WiFi is doing to all of us and we are not even aware of it.

In my personal life, cancer cases are going off the charts, which is ringing alarm bells on all fronts for me. Does Electro Magnetic Radiation have anything to do with this rise in cancer rates, which will soon reach 1 in 2 people? The World Health Organisation has just released a rather bleak report saying cancer will rise by 70% in the next 20 years. Let’s take a look at some of the evidence that WiFi may be causing this.



The Effects of WiFi

The BBC showed a Panorama documentary in May 2007 discussing the effects of Wi-Fi and how it came to be in the UK. The programme concluded that WiFi is similar to radiation from mobile phones. Biologist Sir William Stewart was also interviewed who, at that time, was the Chairman of the Health Protection Agency. He stated “You can choose whether to have mobiles”. By contrast, you have no choice with WiFi. He also said “There may be changes in cognitive function. There were some indications that there may be cancer inductions”.

Sir William Stewart was asked by former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair to look into the effects of radiation from mobile masts. He concluded that there were molecular biology changes with the cells. The report recommended masts should not be placed near schools. Despite this recommendation back in 2007, we now have WiFi antennas inside the classroom, which act as mini masts. They give off three times more radiation than when standing in direct line of the mast. What an unbelievable turnaround of events, and a lack of Duty of Care to the general public! The stance of the Health Protection Agency today states “There is no consistent evidence of health effects from RF exposures below guideline levels and no reason why schools and others should not use Wi-Fi equipment”. This is a very ambiguous statement to say the least!!!

Tony Blair has more questions to answer over this money making scheme, along with his Iraq war debacle.

Dr. Michael Repacholi, founder of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and former Coordinator of the World Health Organization’s Radiation and Environmental Health Unit in Geneva, stated there were no known health effects published on the WHO website back in 2007. But there seems to be a conflict of interest here. Prior to setting up ICNIRP, Dr. Repacholi worked for the telecommunications industry, defending their right to place masts in controversial locations. He was then re-employed by the telecommunications industry after working for WHO and ICNIRP also. And this is the man who set the guidelines for our exposure to this type of radiation. This appears to be another of many cases of big business controlling the political system for their own profit. And all this has been done in plain sight.

ICNIRP is an international group of scientists the UK government relies on to set radiation limits, but their studies do not recognise any biological effects. It bases our exposure limits on a thermal effect, and the radiation has to be so strong that it heats up your organs before that limit is reached. That’s why our safety limits are so high. Switzerland, Italy, Russia and China all have exposure limits thousands of times below ours. In Salzburg the government advised against WiFi altogether.

The French National Assembly has adopted a bill to limit exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by wireless technologies – cell phones, tablets, WiFi etc. This bill will mean the following:

  • A ban on WiFi in all childcare facilities for children under the age of 3.
  • Cell phone manufacturers will have to recommend the use of hand-free kits.
  • A ban on all advertising targeting children under 14.

A recent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report suggested that EMF exposures can be more devastating in children because their brain tissue is more conductive, their skulls are thinner, they have smaller brains and softer brain tissue, which allows radiation to penetrate more effectively. Children also have a potentially longer period of exposure due to use of wireless devices beginning at an earlier age than their parents. This new French bill seems to have taken these concerns into account.

Dr. Ian Gibson, former Norwich North MP said in the above-mentioned BBC documentary that “the British government were not adhering to the guidelines they commissioned. Industry ‘rules’ in this area and the precautionary principle and the safety of people who may benefit to some extent, from the technologies, are completely dismissed”.

Sir William Stewart also wants a new investigation. He stated “there are people who are electro sensitive’s and feel the effects. They are the human canaries of the future”. So yet again we have another example of human guinea pigs. Do we really want our children to be the canaries in the coal-mine? If the technology has not been tested for the pulse radiation that it emits, then how can this be deemed to be safe? Tony Blair, with his billion-pound contracts with the telecommunication industries, obviously wanted to ignore this fact.

Professor Henry Lai, Dr. Gerd Oberfeld and Dr. Olle Johansson all appeared on the Panorama documentary and spoke of the dangers of this type of radiation. I am not promoting the BBC in anyway, but here is the documentary.

BBC Exposes the Dangers of WiFi and Mobile Phone Use – Part 1

 … and Part 2

WiFi is Classified as a Carcinogen

Wireless communication devices are listed as a 2B carcinogen. The Trade Unions Congress (TUC) document, ”Occupational Cancer: A Workplace Guide”[1] advises that establishments do not introduce class 2B Carcinogens. Specifically, page 6 states that “Caution should be used to prevent exposure to substances in Group 2B”. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 [2], and COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health) [3] means that the first step must always be to remove the hazard altogether if possible.

It seems to me that anyone who is reading this article from the London Underground should be approaching their union representatives to get this technology removed from the tube system.

The World Health Organisation, in 2011, classified electromagnetic fields from wireless information as possible carcinogens. The Council of Europe’s Environment Committee in its Resolution no. 1815 from May 2011 calls for strong measures to protect the public against harmful effects of radiation, including a ban on mobile phones and wireless internet in schools with regard to children’s health.

Wireless radiation that children are being exposed to in the classroom has caused so much concern amongst paediatricians in the United States that 60,000 of them have written to the U.S. congress urging the removal of WiFi technology from schools. I have been in touch with Professor Olle Johansson who also says ‘there is growing scientific evidence that children are likely to be more vulnerable to pulsed microwave radiation than adults, and new research shows there may be other serious effects on behaviour and learning ability. There is general agreement among scientists that electromagnetic fields penetrate into the brain of children more than in adults because children’s skulls are thinner. There is also a broad consensus that children are more vulnerable to adverse effects from radiation because their bodies are still developing.

Here is Professor Johansson discussing the BioInitiative 2012 Report, which includes over 2,000 references to the harmful effects of WiFi radiation.

Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi – “Irreversible Sterility Within Five Generations”

The BioInitiative Report

You can download a copy of the BioInitiative 2012 Report from the Ministry of Health’s website here:

The BioInitiative Report has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten of whom hold medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), and five full members of BEMS.

Also I have been in touch with Barrie Trower, who has written and published the 2013 WiFi report. This is entitled “WiFi: a Thalidomide in the Making – Who Cares?” That is what I ask myself every day. It seems to me that so many people are bamboozled by the ever increasing intensity of this meme we live in and are not looking at what is happening around them. This is a very frustrating place for the people who have woken up and are putting themselves out there to make a difference. Now is your chance to get involved and do something constructive.

You can download a copy of the 2013 WiFi report from our website together with a notice you can send to your head teacher to say that they have now received this information and are responsible for the detrimental effects of this technology under their Duty of Care to the children. Allow the Headmaster to respond and see if you can get the WiFi removed with just this information. If this doesn’t happen for you, please take all reasonable steps to confirm that the headmaster is not going to take the WiFi out of the school, send us this information at the Ministry of Health along with any correspondence you have had with the school, and we will take the matter further on a larger scale.

Here is the link to the page:

I also urge you to write to your local MP, MEP or councillor, using the downloadable letter from and send it through the website Please collect all responses, both good and bad, as the Ministry of Health is going to collate all evidence and will be seeking criminal negligence charges from these people if they do not act. This is the wording of the UK’s statute relating to the applicable duty of care:

The failure to use reasonable care to avoid consequences that threaten or harm the safety of the public and that are the foreseeable outcome of acting in a particular manner” 

Essentially, once our civil servants have received this information, they are lawfully responsible for the harm done to our children and teachers through the use of this technology.

Baby Steps

What our children are subjected to is really intolerable for us as a species. After a baby is conceived, it is bombarded by microwave radiation in the womb because of the electromagnetic soup we live in today. When the baby is born, the first kick start to the immune system is from the bacteria from the vaginal tract, which is now compromised because of the bad diet many mothers eat, like pre-processed and fast food, and fresh foods that are doused with pesticides. Then up to the age of two, while still developing the immune system, the baby can be subjected to up to thirty different vaccines, which can result in completely destroying the immune system. Then the use of Bisphenol A in plastics, aspartame in sweets and other dangerous additives will also be attacking the immune system. Add genetically modified food and fluoridated water to the mix, together with the increase in aluminium, strontium and other such toxins in our air, leads to a complete health implosion of epic proportion.

The baby does pick up on the electromagnetic frequency of the mother and fathers heart. Studies prove that a more emotionally balanced child will develop when held close to the heart area frequently, as opposed to ones that are not. This vital part of a child’s development is also being compromised by the pulse radiation of EMFs, which doesn’t appear in nature, and will disrupt the natural energy flow from parent to child.

For more information, I recommend you watch Manly P Hall’s insightful speech on the magnetic field we have around us as human beings.

Manly Hall – Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions

Even though Hall is speaking of ancient knowledge, this concept has again been looked into in recent times, and this pulse radiation from wireless technology does not occur in nature. Therefore we are currently having to deal with an ever-growing soup of radiation, and we don’t even understand the consequences of our actions.

Human history is distorted, contrived and controlled to a certain extent, who knows what is the ultimate truth. But adopting such untested technology is clearly taking the wrong path, motivated by profit not safety. Pink Floyd sang ‘Welcome to the Machine’. In the case of the EMF soup we live in, it is a case of ‘Welcome to the Coalmine’. You are the canary this technology is being tested upon!

My final note would be to draw your attention to two videos: an interview on The People’s Voice featuring Professor Olle Johansson and myself talking to Richie Allen about the health problems associated with WiFi, and what we can do about it, and the Ministry of Health’s Get WiFi Out of Schools video.

The Richie Allen Show – Peter Parker & Olle Johansson on WiFi in schools (Feb 2014)


The Ministry of Health’s Get WiFi Out of Schools video: Time For ACTION


Previous articles by Peter:

About the author:

Peter Paul Parker is a UK based activist, Bach Flower Practitioner and Dietary Consultant who was partly responsible for setting up the Ministry of Health, a non-government organization comprised of experts in the field of ‘alternative’ (ie. non-pharmaceutical) health. In this role, Peter works actively with the Committee of 100, a collective of experts from all fields of industry and society, who are working to create functioning mechanisms of sustainable alternative government in the United Kingdom.

Peter has also been a musician for most his career. He started as a bass player is now a producer and song writer of songs. His album Anahata was created as an expression of love for his conscious spiritual awakening.

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