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It`s official, Fluoride is NOT what we have been told

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March 11, 2014


The Lancet, which is the world's leading peer reviewed medical journal just published that Fluoride is a key component of all the new designer behavioral problems such as ADD that are happening in our schools now. Show this to your dentist or any idiot who says you are a conspiratard and don the tinfoil hat of wisdom with pride. You can't argue with this if it is in the Lancet, the fact that fluoride is NOT for teeth is now official.

I cannot even begin to tell you how important this is. This will be THE END of fluoride in toothpaste, drinking water, and many other products if it is used by the truth movement to push issues at a local level in the correct way.

Lancet officially recognized Fluoride as a neurotoxicant that is causing behavioral and cognitive disorders. In this study, fluoride is included with 10 other toxicants that affect the nervous system. I suggest you print out THIS PDF from the lancet which I have also cached on this web site in a hidden location to prevent it from vanishing off the web. This one is too important to let go of, like the Fuku report I will check this on the Lancet to make sure it remains intact.

This is one of the best studies of environmental toxins ever done, and it is written in language many people should be able to understand -UNLESS- They are a doped up vaccine damaged heavily fluoridated anti-conspiritard that can't tell the palm of their hand from a hole in the ground, if someone you show this report to does not "get it", give up, they are not worth saving anyway.  ---PDF

Read The Full Report Here: