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Pesticide, fluoride and bleach: The top 3 nutrition killers in food


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Aug. 23, 2013

(NaturalNews) Thousands of people who "eat right" still aren't experiencing ideal health, but why? Do they really eat right, or do they just think they eat right? Maybe a few things they're eating drain all the nutrients from their body, basically "burning up" the vitamins and minerals that they thought their bodies could access, thus leading to developmental, chronic health issues of which they just can't seem to figure out the root cause. Could it be that those healthy salads contain chemicals that kill the nutrients? Could it be that those nutritious fruits are void of nutrients because of the water that was sprayed on them, the deadened soil they grew in and the modified seeds from which they originated? It's time to investigate which foods really still have nutritional value, and exactly which ones are completely void of value, and on top of all that, what chemicals in your body can deplete your system and rob it of everything it needs to get healthy, stay healthy, and be "fruitful" itself! (

This may sound like a complicated problem with complicated answers, but really, it's not complicated. There are three major fronts to address, three platforms, if you will, where food toxins infiltrate your cleansing organs via your blood and then warp your cells and wreck your immune system. Let's start with pesticide. (


Pesticide, the Mother of the Beast

Pesticide is an "umbrella" term, covering every type of toxin a farmer can use to ward off or kill PESTS, which includes weeds, bugs, worms, flies, beetles, fungus, bacteria, and even animals. Pesticide is an all encompassing term that includes herbicide, insecticide, fungicide and algaecide (often used in fish ponds). RoundUp, made by Monsanto, is the most widely used herbicide on planet Earth. Most humans, especially Americans, drink PESTICIDE when they drink water, and they eat PESTICIDE when they eat conventional fruit or vegetables; most drinks (non-organic) are made with water containing pesticides. When these toxins enter the bloodstream, they leach nutrients from the entire body, leaving you more susceptible to infections from other bacteria, viruses, and the toxic overload from other "cancer" foods which contain fluoride, bleach and heavy metals. That takes us to fluoride and the great FLUORIDE DECEPTION. (

Fluoride kills brain cells so you won't research your own health freedom

What is the worst effect on humans from fluoride in food and water? It "dumbs you down" so you can't even consider filtering the rest of your diet. How can you do research or get involved in your own food safety and richness if you can barely think? Most humans only use about 15 to 20% of their brain's capacity, because they eat the wrong food, day in and day out. You need to "drain your brain" of toxins. Besides fluoride being a neurotoxin that's found in tap water, it's found loaded in most conventional fruits and vegetables, especially the "dirty dozen," which are the ones with soft skin/coating that absorbs and holds onto the fluoride. Imagine how much they spray on conventional and "corporate owned" crops? Did you know that that percentage of fluoride is exponentially higher than in municipal water? This overload of fluoride in the blood extinguishes nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that you get from food and supplements, and leads to chronic health problems fit for "Obamacare!" That takes us to bleach. (

Bleach, the ultimate way to kill your cleansing organs

What's the worst type of cancer, I mean, which cancer has the lowest survival rate? Pancreatic cancer is the answer. Why? The pancreas tries to filter out all the bleach you eat and drink, and if it can't finish the job, then the bleach finishes YOU!


The pancreas becomes so damaged from all the white flour, white bread, white sugar, white pasta and white rice, that the tissue is burned and burnt, over and over; mutated cells love that kind of mutagenic activity; and this kind of cancer is almost impossible to beat, especially with toxic chemo and radiation. Plus, since you can't live without your pancreas, surgery won't help. So what does the media and the U.S. Government do to educate everyone about this?


They do nothing. They lie. They post misleading research. They misinform the public. (

The Solution

You can fix this SIMPLE problem. You can turn the tables on GMO, gluten, and pesticide food. You can drain them from your daily intake. You can "drain out" the pesticides, the bleach and the fluoride with organic vegetables, like kale and spinach, and organic fruits like apples and noni. You can choose to REJECT DISEASE. You can drain out heavy metals from your body with cilantro and chia seeds. It's time to tune in to the natural remedies. It's time to check into oil of oregano, garlic supplements and licorice root extract. It's time to understand the benefits of juicing vegetables and cleansing the blood daily with organic food. Don't ever underestimate the power of organic. Don't kill your nutrition with pesticide, fluoride and bleach. Fuel your nutrition with organic everything. It's time to make that change. (

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