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SMART METER LAWSUITS/HEALTH CONDITIONS FW:: Do you have any Smart Meter related Health Symptoms like these? see video.

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From: shastawings <>

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 14:17:02 -0700

To: <>

Subject: SMART METER LAWSUITS/HEALTH CONDITIONS FW:: Do you have any Smart Meter related Health Symptoms like these? see video.

Mount Shasta Angels and others Angels too,


As many of you know, I’ve been on an education push these last few years to warn people about the health affects of SMART METERS, AMR’S, etc. and assisted in getting the Resolution passed by the Mount Shasta City Council on the “opt in” aspect if Pacific Power wants to start putting these on our homes in Mount Shasta. I hear they are moving forward with the AMR’s, just as unsafe, they are just calling it something different.


For 10 months I worked with a group in Sacramento to get SMUD, Sacramento Municipal Utililty District to offer an opt out and purchase analogs to replace them with. We finally got that through a  few months ago and both Smart Meters have been taken off my home in Sacramento. AND none will go on my home in Mount Shasta..


A class action lawsuit has been generated, as many in the State are having health challenges due to these type of meters being put on their homes. And also pets are having challenges.


I’m forwarding the lawsuit in the attachment and more info below.


Please forward to your list, as someone you know may be having health challenges and not realize it may be coming from this on their house, whether in Mount Shasta area or in other locations.


Doctors do not have the knowledge or even have this possibility on their radar and are usually prescribing anti depressants, when it’s really EMF, EMR high sensitivity. ( video attached of the symptoms)


Please help me get this out to as many as possible, so those who need help can get it. The case is on contingency, which means the attorney believes in the case so much, that he won’t get paid, till there is a WIN.


Also, please do not call me. If you are interested or have questions, email me, and I will forward your info to someone that can get back with you regarding this case.

Let’s keep our homes, pets/animals, environment and selves safe from this form of electrical toxicity.





Do you or someone you know have any Smart Meter related Health Symptoms like these?

Smart Meter Health Alert <>   < Watch the short Videos about symptoms.  Do you have any?

#1.       Have you seen any doctor since you started noticing these symptoms? Is there any record of your complaint of discomfort, injury or damage regardless of diagnosis?

       Smart Meter Health Complaints | EMF Safety Network <>

           A.        Do you have any documentation of health or behavioral changes from:

                       1.         Work

                       2.         School-Academic

                       3.         Hearing Specialist

                       4.         Therapist of any kind

                       5.         Counseling of any kind

                       6.         DMV Citations or Restrictions

                       7.         Eye doctor or Vision specialist

                       8.         Veterinarian visits for animals

When did these symptoms start?

SMUD Smart Meters were installed in 2007, 2010, mostly in 2011 and very early 2012.

#2.       Are you willing to testify about these symptoms and doctor visits in writing and in person if necessary?  These are the qualifications (#1 & #2).

If you are you could be qualified to join the Personal Injury Lawsuit that is currently filed against PG&E, SCE and soon SMUD.  

The suit is opening up to SMUD victims and a threshold number of plaintiffs (victims) is required to file.  You can be the one who meets the threshold.

The suit has several excellent plaintiffs so far and more are needed.  Who do you know that might qualify (see #1 & #2 above)?

From the beginning here in Sacramento our efforts and victories have depended on group effort.  A Lone Ranger cannot make justice happen.

This suit is "On Contingency" which means no payment from plaintiffs with both lawyers and plaintiffs getting paid from the judgement.

A copy of the suit is attached..



The "Causes of Action" start on page 19 and include:
"Codes that were Violated" are on Page 6
Rob Bland here in Sacramento is the point man for this suit.  
Please contact him direct for details.
Rob is the first plaintiff from our area and has volunteered to be your local point of contact regarding this case. Rob has spoken passionately at SMUD board meetings, and suffered physically from the installation of a Smart Meter onto his home. He has already filled out the initial forms lawyers are requesting to build the case against SMUD. Rob is a Professional Technical Recruiter who has lived in Sacramento with his wife for 5 years, and you can learn a little about him here: To ask questions about the case or request forms to participate, drop Rob a line by email: or call him at home: 916-993-8267.  Rob shares your pain and knows how you feel.
PS: Please be mindful that there are "Statutes of Limitations" for filing so the time to get on the list and file your complaint is now rather than later. Right now we have a successful Smart Meter lawyer
willing to take your complaint and turn it into a lawsuit against SMUD.  I know that many of you have been asking for this opportunity so take advantage of this gift.  This is it and this is your moment.
My suggestion is to get request the Intake Forms, fill them out and let the lawyer decide if you are a qualified Plaintiff.  
If you have general questions before calling Rob for the forms you are welcome to call me.
Sincerely yours,

Eric Windheim
Windheim Environmental Solutions

Sacramento Smart Meter Awareness

Sacramento Ca.

Office:      916-395-7336  Best