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France Discourages Wi-Fi Use in Schools—We Should All Do the Same

Dr. Stephen Sinatra

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April 16, 2013

As many of you know, I’ve long been concerned about Wi-Fi radiation in schoolsIn fact, I’m part of a Canadian coalition called Doctors for Safer Schools. That’s an interest that caught my attention years ago while visiting my son Drew in Canada where he introduced me to many people whose children developed health issues in schools since Wi-Fi had been installed. Meanwhile, their symptoms (commonly headaches, lightheadedness, and palpitations), were alleviated on the weekends and during school vacations. This is anecdotal evidence so far, but more research is underway.

Given this background, you can imagine how thrilled I was to hear that France made a move to strongly discourage their states and provinces from allowing Wi-Fi radiation in their schools. They're employing the “precautionary principle," encouraing the use of Ethernet connections until Wi-Fi is proven safe for human consumption. Meanwhile the telecom industry is operating with the assumption that with Wi-Fi there’s no proof of harm. Yet, we have a lot of evidence that these frequencies do in fact affect the human body.
We already know, for example, that radiation generated by cell phones penetrates the less protected, and still developing, brain of a child to a much greater degree than it does an adult. We also have research that shows cell phone bases provoke cardiac arrhythmias. Plus, the studies continue to roll in.
To make matters worse, school Wi-Fi systems are industrial strength compared to what we have in our homes: they are so much stronger! Routers mounted in hallways and other locations can blast that signal through as much as 18 inches of cinderblock. But the trouble with home routers is that they’re constantly pulsing to keep the signal, exposing us to Wi-Fi radiation 24 hours a day—even when we’re sleeping.
So, what can we do to protect ourselves and our families from Wi-Fi radiation?
  • Hardwire your connection: Use an Ethernet cable for your computer connection to avoid EMFs, and disable the built-in Wi-Fi once you have an Ethernet connection. If you’re not able to switch to an Ethernet connection, use an extension connection on your Wi-Fi network plug-in to keep it at a better distance from your body.
  • Only turn on your router during periods of actual internet usage, and then turn it off. Plus, walk away from your computer when downloading large of amounts of data on Wi-Fi.
  • Turn cell phone Wi-Fi on only when accessing Wi-Fi. Otherwise, turn it off just as you would when putting it in “airplane mode.”
  • Turn laptops off when charging if the built-in Wi-Fi is on. Plus, never use a laptop on your lap, and instead place it on a table away from you. If you are pregnant, shield your baby with a product like Belly Armour.
  • Limit the time you spend in places with Wi-Fi, such as coffee shops. 
  • Be an advocate in your neighborhood—educating your school system about the dangers of Wi-Fi. Plus, make your voice known if mast towers are going up in your neighborhood. These are huge money-makers for the mast tower owners, but the money isn’t worth the health risks.

Let’s face it, technology is here to stay. Wi-Fi has even climbed aboard airplanes and trains, and there is controversy stirring about the effect it’s having on pilots and crews. So, practice Sinatra-Safe Wi-Fi to protect yourself and your family as much as possible—and please share any Wi-Fi tips that you have.

Now it’s your turn: Are you concerned about your children’s exposure to Wi-Fi?


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