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Why you need to know about the Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs (CoMeD)

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Jan. 14, 2013

(NaturalNews) Though they continually try to deny that the mercury and mercury-based components added to many medicines and vaccines are toxic to humans, mainstream medical authorities are having a much more difficult time these days defending their distorted position against sound science. One of the groups responsible for bringing this continually emerging science to light and pushing for real change is the non-profit advocacy group Coalition for Mercury-Free Drugs, also known as CoMeD.


Over the years, we have covered a number of stories here at NaturalNews that address the dangers of mercury which, contrary to popular belief, is still added to multi-dose vial influenza shots and various other vaccines commonly administered to young children ( All this time, CoMeD has been on the front lines trying to raise awareness about the presence of mercury in vaccines, as well as urging lawmakers and other appropriate authorities to protect our children by taking action against the continued use of mercury in modern medicine.


"We recognize that organic mercury-based compounds are a proven neurotoxic risk to susceptible men, women, and children at levels below 1 part per billion (1 part in 1,000,000,000)," explains CoMeD on its website about the group's core values. "We seek a world in which no mercury-based ingredient is knowingly added to any medicine, and the ingredients used in medicines have the lowest levels of mercury that the best practical technologies afford."


Back in 1999, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recognizing the inherent neurotoxic effects of mercury exposure, actually made recommendations that the adjuvant preservative known as Thimerosal, which is about 50 percent mercury, be completely removed from vaccines. But the agency's public petition fell on deaf ears, as today the neurotoxin continues to be added to vaccines (


"We have scientific studies clearly demonstrating that mercury causes neurological damage, and we have a cost-effective alternative that has already been used to replace Thimerosal as the preservative in vaccines," explains Dr. Paul G. King, Ph.D., a science adviser to CoMeD.


CoMeD working to ban mercury globally

CoMeD is also involved with efforts at the global level to ban mercury from all vaccines and medicines worldwide, a topic of discussion at the upcoming Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to prepare a global legally binding instrument on mercury (INC5), which will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, from January 13-18, 2013. If such efforts are a success, U.N. member nations would be restricted from further using mercury in medicine and vaccines (


"No vaccine should be used as a delivery system for an undisclosed poison, for this is a denial of the right of informed consent and of the medical directive to do no harm," explained Rev. Lisa K. Sykes, President of CoMeD, to members at INC4 back on June 29, 2012. Rev. Sykes' son Wesley became permanently disabled when she received a mercury-containing vaccine while still 28 weeks pregnant with him (


To learn more about the important work of CoMeD in getting mercury removed from vaccines and medicine, visit:


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