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Health Canada protects mammogram racket by criminalizing thermography for breast cancer detection

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Dec. 11, 2012

(NaturalNews) The forces of evil are currently running wild in Canada, where the government-run healthcare machine and the mainstream media are currently engaged in a vicious assault on the safe and effective breast cancer screening tool known as thermography. A recent "investigative" report aired by CBC News that claimed to have uncovered the so-called "fraud" of thermography has prompted Health Canada to issue an arbitrary ban on the use of the procedure in several provinces throughout the country.

Health Canada, which on its website claims to "respect individual choices and circumstances" as they pertain to healthcare, decided to play the hypocrite by issuing several cease and desist orders against clinics that offer thermography almost immediately after CBC News ran its hit-piece on the screening procedure on November 27. Quoting several Health Canada "experts" who arrogantly disregard thermography as "useless," the biased CBC News report has generated considerable controversy among the health freedom community, as Canadians may no longer have access to the safe, painless, and radiation-free procedure.


CBC News hatchet job on thermography serves interests of cancer industry

It all started when CBC News, possibly with a little financial grease from both the radiology cartel and conventional cancer industry, suddenly decided to target the merits of thermography just weeks after news emerged about the dangers and ineffectiveness of mammograms. The news rag conducted an "undercover" investigation that did not actually reveal all that much, other than the fact that thermography is a viable and preferable alternative to mammograms for many women.

But because the procedure is not officially approved by the Canadian version of "Obamacare," CBC News saw an opportunity to grovel at the feet of their medical overlords by "exposing" the procedure publicly. Repeatedly insinuating that women are simply unable to make informed decisions for themselves without the government telling them what is safe and what works, the CBC News report suggests that thermography is some kind of deceptive marketing scam that tricks women into avoiding having their breasts crushed inside a mammogram machine and blasted with cancer-causing, ionizing radiation.

CBC News report filled with complete lies about thermography

Such claims are utterly insane and false, of course, as there have literally been hundreds of published studies conducted on thermography over the years showing that it is a highly effective way to detect breast cancer early without the need for radiation. Dr. Christiane Northrup, M.D., a board-certified ob/gyn and bestselling author, wrote a detailed piece for the Huffington Post back in 2010 that explains the science behind thermography, and why it works better than mammograms at safely detecting breast cancer. (

But CBC News ignored all this, and blatantly lied to its viewers and readers about thermography, effectively tainting the validity of the procedure in the minds of potentially millions of people. And as a result, the tens of thousands of Canadian women who currently rely on thermography as a safe alternative to mammograms suddenly no longer have access to the procedure, thanks to the blatant pandering of CBC News to the multi-billion dollar cancer industry.

Government, please save us!

What is perhaps most sickening about the CBC News report; however, is the fact that it screams of a mindset that believes the government knows all, and is some kind of societal babysitter that people can use to tattle on those who do not agree with them, and who actually think for themselves. Like good little sheep, the CBC News reporters that conducted the piece, and apparently a sizable chunk of the station's viewership, have been brainwashed into the idea that, if the government does not officially approve of a treatment, then it must be a fraud. Such thinking is dangerous and, as illustrated by the actions of CBC News, leads to the elimination of other people's health freedom.

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