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FW: City Resolution RF/Pacific Power

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Nov. 12, 2012



------ Forwarded Message

From: Peggy Risch/Stefan Schittko <>

Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2012 10:54:00 -0800

To: shastawings <>, <>

Cc: 'Laurel Gerber' <>

Subject: City Resolution RF/Pacific Power

I sent an e-mail in Sept. about my personal experience replacing my Pacific Power meter, but will tag onto the discussion to show that being informed and pro-active can have positive results.

My Pacific Power meter stopped working-I knew it because my power bill was $7 and I looked at the meter & saw the dial was not moving. I called the company and they told me they would replace it with a "digital meter" . I asked them how that worked and they described reading the meter from the street with a computer, not having to go to the house. When I asked if it was using RF techology, they said NO. But I checked their website and it said something different--it described the digital meters as using RF technology, including alittle diagram of how it all worked reading it from the road. Although it is not called a "smart meter", it is the same technology. So I made a verbal phone request to NOT install a digital meter with the Power company-took the representatives name, told them that I wanted the same technology, which is analog. I also wrote this in a note and included the Mount Shasta Resolution restricting RF technology, kept a copy, photographed the copy next to the broken meter.

Pacific Power honored my request. My broken meter was replaced with the old-fashioned analog meter and I also received a phone call from the Power company telling me that as well.  

So, by all means, be proactive. I was lucky in that my meter broke and I KNEW it and also KNEW there was a Resolution and I understood how RF meters worked, even if the Power company person on the phone did not.

I've attached the Resolution here as a PDF format.


From: shastawings <>  

Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 9:47 AM


Cc: 'Laurel Gerber' <>  

Subject: Smart Meters and being ALERT for them.

For those concerned about Smart Meters or meters with EMF, EMR equivalents.

Companies are calling them other things now, to get around the Smart Meter concern.

Laurel, asked me to let her know if Smart Meters are being installed and to keep her posted.

My response below is good for everyone to know for now.

People need to let me know if the journeymen try to put these on their homes. If Pacific Power tries to do this, THEY will do it very sneakily. You'll come home and have a notice on your door saying they were there and it's done. So, the note on your meter is VERY IMPORTANT, with evidence you did it. Saying don’t change out my meter, unless Pacific Power has written approval from me, and sign it, date it and take a picture of the sign on your meter in a plastic sleeve to protect it from the elements.

If someone does show up, you are in your legal rights to stop them. They will get angry, as they did when this all started last year, but hold your ground. We did it then and Pacific Power backed off.

Also, go to City Hall and include a copy of the Smart Meter Resolution with your letter to Pacific Power, that I and a few others lobbied for City Council to adopt last year.

I'm not always in Mount Shasta, so it takes the community being alert and letting everyone know if it happens on your property or someone you know.

PGE and Smud put two on my home in Sacramento with NO notice. I've gotten one removed and replaced and am working on the other one. One for electricity and one for gas, and it's now been several years in the works.

THUS, the reason we don't want them to be able to start here at all. Once one is on, it's hard to get it off. Almost takes a court order.

And for now, I have no evidence they are trying to sneak these in. Laurel is doing her due diligence, in advance of a problem, which is great. It helps let Pacific Power know we are serious down her in Mount Shasta, and don’t want Smart Meters BEFORE THEY even consider it again.


We only have this moment for sure.

Enjoy it.

I am!


530-355-7777-----Original Message-----

From: Laurel Gerber []

Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2012 9:27 AM


Subject: Thank you

for the form letter.  If there is any updated information on installation around here please keep us posted. Blessing, Laurél  =