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Hannah and James P. Yoseph

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May 18, 2012
Today, actually just minutes ago, new drug company generated studies were released that promote the good of statin drugs. Tell any lie loud enough and long enough and sooner or later nearly everyone will believe it.
STATINS ARE POISON. Absolutely, unequivocally, scientifically proven fact.
If you have taken statins drugs then you have been poisoned. That is what they do. Statin drugs are extracted from or synthesized to replicate fungal toxins. Toxins are called that for a reason. They are toxic.
Statins do not reduce or block cholesterol. They cause the transfer of cholesterol from the blood stream into cells. The blood cholesterol lowers. Cells die and are repressed in their capacity to replicate. Cell replication is vital to life. Slow death begins immediately.
There is no such thing as a statin side effect. Statin poisoning is a direct and predictable effect of statin use.
Every statin user is a victim of this process. Some people have almost immediate symptoms.
The medical modality for statin induced symptoms is to change statins rather than stop their use altogether.
Some people develop these effects slowly and are usually misdiagnosed as to the cause of their disease or discomfort.
The most common and immediate statin use effect is muscle soreness and pain.
The other effects as symptoms of statin use are to many to list but here are a few:
·      Type 2 diabetes
·      Arthritis
·      Exacerbated CVD, heart attack and stroke
·      High blood pressure caused by kidney damage
·      Renal failure
·      Cardio-myopathy resulting in low blood pressure and death
·      Cancer especially breast and prostate cancer
·      MS
·      ALS Lou Gehrig’s disease
·      GERD
·      Diverticulosis
·      Premature aging
·      Mental disorders to include depression and rage
·      Loss of memory
·      Cataracts
·      Hearing loss
·      Loss of balance
·      Loss of libido in both men and women
·      Erectile dysfunction
·      Chronic fatigue
·      ILD (Interstitial lung disease)
Statins are genotoxic and cause cell mutations.
Everyone taking statins long term will develop one or more of these direct effects of statin use.
There are two kinds of cell death. Necrosis is normal cell death. It is why cells replicate and replace themselves. Apoptosis is abnormal cell death caused by statins and other poisons.
Statins block cell replication and cause apoptosis.
Statins block the mevalonate pathway inside the cell. It is down that pathway that come all the ingredients (isoprenoids) essential to life, energy and health.
If you have permanent damage from statin use, buy “How Statin Drugs REALLY Lower Cholesterol” and take it to an attorney. It was written as a go by for civil litigation.
Some statin injuries are slow to repair (brain and muscle) and may never fully heal.
You have a right to remedy.

James B. Yoseph