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April 18, 2012


The following scientific study reveals that fluoride reduces the production of several species of phospholipid that the human brain should normally be able to produce to effect self-repair, the main species of phospholipid thus affected being phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylserine. Thus, ingesting toxic fluoride reduces the ability of the brain to repair itself and build new brain cells and neuron pathways to the extent of 10-20%, though this figure will be lesser or greater in different individuals depending on their individual fluoride exposure. membrane lipid in rats were analyzed after being fed either 30 or 100ppm fluoride for 3, 5, and 7 months. The protein content of brain with fluorosisdecreased, whereas the DNA content remained stable during the entire period ofinvestigation. After 7 months of fluoride treatment, the total brainphospholipid content decreased by 10% and 20% in the 30 and 100 ppm fluoridegroups, respectively. The main species of phospholipid influenced by fluorosiswere phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine, and phosphatidylserine. Thefatty acid and aldehyde compositions of individual phospholipid classes wereunchanged. No modifications could be detected in the amounts of cholesterol anddolichol. After 3 months of fluoride treatment, ubiquinone contents in brainwere lower; however, at 7 months they were obviously increased in both groups offluoride treatment. The results demonstrate that the contents of phospholipidand ubiquinone are modified in brains affected by chronic fluorosis and thesechanges of membrane lipids could be involved in the pathogenesis of thisdisease.Department of Pathology, Guiyang Medical College, Guizhou,

This damage can be greatly rectified by the simple measure of taking a supplement of phosphatidyl serine every day, between 100mg and 300mg a day. I personally have experienced a vast increase in mental clarity, inner vividness of colour perception, memory and analytical ability since starting to take it, and I am only using 100mg a day, though I drink distilled water and raw organic cow milk. Other things you can take to increase mental function are high potency B vitamins, and coconut oil, as the brain is about 20% fat by weight in its hydrated state. Coconut oil has been used to greatly ameliorate the condition of Alzheimers patients. Other ketogenic therapy protocols would ideally include hemp oil, as that contains every single essential fatty acid that the body needs long term; the retina of the human eye contains about 60% fat also, and this will provide top quality building materials.

An Indian Ayurvedic herb that you can easily grow yourself as a bedding plant is Bacopa Monnieri (commonly named in garden shops as Bacopa Snowdrop). This plant has been shown to greatly improve mental function in many ways, enabling test subjects who took Bacopa to solve problems a massive 60% faster than their peers who did not take Bacopa. Bacopa is a vastly superior alternative to Gingko Biloba which has been heavily implicated in certain clinical studies with causing stroke, whilst Bacopa produces no adverse side-effects at all. According to Ayurvedic medicine, cow milk will improve the tissue of the human brain, though this should be raw and organic, and not heated before use; if a calf is fed pasteurised milk instead of raw milk, the calf will usually die after 60 days or so, so pasteurised and heated milk products are definitely not good for you either if they kill the calf.

The following video shows very clearly just how devastating sodium fluoride is to brain tissue, producing cell death at just one part in 30 million, which is essentially a chemical lobotomy:

Certain foods in America are permitted to contain very high amounts of fluoride; such as 900 ppm in dried egg powder, not good if you are in the armed services or relying on that instead of fresh eggs in times of emergency or poverty:

Note here the extremely high amount of fluoride, 89772 ppm, in unsweetened instant dried tea powder: Here, the blatant fraud of fluoridation for dental health benefits is clearly revealed:

To avoid fluoride effectively, one really needs to filter all water coming into the dwelling at the point of entry, and this will remove other brain-damaging elements like aluminium, (the effects of which which fluoride makes even worse). A good quality set of filters will also remove chlorine which is responsible for around 50% of all cancer cases, with the added benefit of saving you a fortune in skin creams, as you will find that when the chlorine is removed from your bathing or showering water, your skin will no longer be dried out by the chlorine, and will become silky smooth, and you won’t get whiteheads cropping up everywhere.

Supplementation with phosphatidyl serine would really help children to achieve so much more at school and college in and every other aspect of everyday life, and it would definitely be of benefit in cases where brain damage has occurred, in major trauma and epilepsy, as well as for other degenerative conditions of the brain.