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Dec. 4, 2011

This video demonstrates a way to protect your home from EMF pollution and unlawful surveillance.


"Smart Meters" have been misrepresented as safe and lawful. They have not been shown to be either, and they are known to be otherwise.


Smart Meters emit dangerous pulsed EMF radiation (a class 2b carcinogen) into private property, and they are instruments of surveillance as defined by Federal Wiretapping Law because Smart Meters monitor personal activities by electronic means inside private homes and businesses.


Power companies, local governments and regulators have badly failed to investigate and confirm the legality and safety of Smart Meters, preferring instead to take the advice and directions of "experts" and "stakeholders" who stand to make billions on this destructive and invasive technology.


Never before has such a poorly conceived and dubious program been undertaken against, ultimately, every person on the planet who receives distributed electrical service.


The dangers to the public are so obvious that to be a proponent of Smart Meters is to be suspect of intentional wrongdoing or severe ignorance.


There will soon be massive backlash against not just Smart Meters but the wider attitude by wealthy elites that they may invade, control and exploit people's private lives as they wish.


People are awakening to these frauds at an accelerating pace. This video is just one tiny part of that general public awakening.


Today, it may seem radical to refuse or reject a Smart Meter on your home. Soon, most of us will have difficulty understanding how a program as unwise and offensive the Smart Meter program could have been contemplated in the first place.


Never support or vote for any electoral candidate who does not openly oppose Smart Meters.


You may have a Smart Meter on your house, and you may have thought it was harmless. The more you learn about these devices the more you will change your mind.


The good news: It is not your fault that you have been deceived. It is never too late to get rid of your Smart Meter.