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Texas city puts an end to water fluoridation

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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(NaturalNews) A city of roughly 100,000 people and home of Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex., is definitely no backwoods town. In fact, Money magazine named the city, which is located in a metropolitan area populated with more than 200,000 people, the 11th most educated city in the US. And now that city officials have decided to axe fluoride from the water supply, people everywhere are taking notice.

One by one they are falling like dominoes -- the cities across America that have decided to stop injecting a toxic, endocrine-disrupting halogen into their water supplies, that is. According to a recent announcement by WTAW NewsTalk 1620, six of the seven city council members in "Aggieland" voted to end artificial water fluoridation, a practice that has been taking place there for more than two decades.

The decision will not only save College Station more than $40,000 a year, which is what it costs to purchase fluoride chemicals from industrial waste producers, but it also means that, officially, there will be no more cities in the Bryan - College Station metropolitan area that fluoridate their water supplies.

College Station joins a host of other towns and cities across the US that are ending the practice as well, including Spring Hill, Tenn. (, Pottstown, Penn. (, and potentially even New York City (

With momentum building, now is the time for concerned citizens everywhere who live in fluoridated communities to bombard their city officials with information about the dangers of fluoride, and about why removing it is in the best interests of public health. Together, we can put an end to this archaic and barbaric practice.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a nonprofit group devoted to broadening public awareness about the toxicity of fluoride, has put together a helpful Top Ten Arguments Against Water Fluoridation guide that will be useful in persuading officials to reconsider water fluoridation. You can view that report here:

FAN has also put together a piece called Why we are Opposed to Water Fluoridation, which contains a wealth of useful information about fluoride, as well as signatures from over 3,000 health professionals who are in agreement about fluoride's toxicity, and the need to immediately remove it from water supplies:

Be sure to investigate the entire FAN website, which is loaded with useful fluoride information:

Sources for this story include:

Oct. 1, 2011