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The truth is that MMS is a dangerous poison, and as such it

has no business whatsoever in the alternative health arena.

Dr. Gabriela Segura

Magical or not it’s sometimes called Miracle Mineral Supplement or the master mineral supplement. No matter what it’s called one does have to be careful when using a substance like MMS. And whether its main proponent Jim Humble is going out of his mind or not we have to be clear about what this substance can do safely and what it cannot. I say out of his mind for now he has invented, out of the pocket of his imagination, the new profession titled “Doctor of MMS”, which anyone can become. “Americans can afford the training of less than two weeks, or buy the new book, “The Master Mineral of the Third Millennium”. In an email he recently said, “We thought you might like to see the difference in a MMS doctor and a Medical doctor.”

As Jim has become increasingly embarrassing to the health field I have personally eaten some of my words on the value of this chlorine-type of substance as I have been carefully experimenting with it on myself. In fact, if the truth be known, I am finding out there may be some possible benefits to it but would never take this supplement orally for anything since there are so many better and safer ways to accomplish what Humble claims MMS can do.

I am using it transdermally, mixed with malic acid and DMSO to try to control a fungus infection between my toes. In the end I might conclude I am a bit out of my mind myself for sometimes just the fumes irritates my eyes and I do think I would vomit if I drank some, which would be a typical reaction to drinking a poison. Just thinking about drinking it makes me nauseous. No matter how much can be said for its anti-pathogen action, so far it only controls my fungus but does not eradicate it even though I have been using it for several months.

Many people do not know that MMS is essentially

bleach. It’s very effective for killing bacteria in

toilets, but you certainly shouldn’t be swallowing it.

Dr. Gabriela Segura


Almost five years ago I wrote in my Survival Medicine for the 21st Century compendium that: There has been a lot of commotion in health circles about a product called Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS). It is being advertised as the answer to AIDS, hepatitis A, B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind’s worst diseases. The claim about how the chlorine (a poison that would not be considered a mineral for health) interacts with pathogens is the same claim we can make about iodine (a safe nutritional mineral), which is known to also kill pathogens of all types on contact. Iodine is not normally thought to have this action when taken internally but in high enough doses it does. I personally know of a missionary in Africa who uses iodine instead of MMS to treat malaria.

Most people I have given MMS to usually react

very aggressively and have to stop taking it.

Dr. George Georgiou

Chlorine dioxide is formed from the chemical combination of sodium chlorite and acetic acid (vinegar) or citric acid. Chlorine dioxide is dangerous to handle and use. After searching for and reviewing material safety data sheets I am convinced of the risk of using this substance. Now whenever someone mentions MMS I recommend iodine instead.

Patricia Springstead, RN says, “The historical fact of MMS is that when activated it becomes what is equal to pool shock, to shocking bacteria, fungus and other pathogens from swimming water. In its dry state, MMS is sodium chlorite. When activated with citrus or vinegar, it becomes sodium dioxide.” According to Springstead, MMS side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Uncontrolled diarhea
  • Disorientation
  • Headaches
  • Chemical poisoning,
  • Fatigue
  • Electrolyte imbalances
  • Possible death


Chlorine gas used by Germans (Photo: Otto Dix, A German Gas Attack (1924)

Chlorine dioxide: May decompose explosively on shock, friction or concussion, or on heating rapidly. Strong oxidant: reacts violently with combustible and reducing materials and with mercury, ammonia, sulfur and many organic compounds. A strong irritant of the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract, and a strong oxidizer that promotes combustion; concentrated solutions may be corrosive to the skin and eyes; harmful if swallowed and can cause irritation to mouth, esophagus, stomach, and mucous membranes. Eye contact: contact causes redness, irritation, pain, blurred vision, tearing, corneal injury and burns. Inhalation: harmful if inhaled; coughing, headaches, labored breathing, nausea, shortness of breath may occur resulting in chronic bronchitis and permanent lung damage with chronic exposure.

In July 2010, the FDA issued a warning[1] about Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS): “Consumers who have MMS should stop using it immediately and throw it away.” MMS was then rebranded with the new name, “Advanced Oxygen Therapy.” Since then, the product’s salesmen have continued pushing their concoction onto some of the world’s most desperate and hopeless populations. Sylvia Fink, a Mexican woman visiting Epi Island with her husband in a Least Developed Country, Vanuatu, a South Pacific Island nation, died 12 hours after ingesting MMS.

“From almost the moment Silvie drank the mixture of MMS and lime juice—which she’d brewed up according to the instructions of Jim Humble, the principal proponent of the stuff—things went wrong. She became nauseated, and was soon both vomiting and suffering from diarrhea. But since the MMS literature emphasized that this was a normal reaction, she assumed it would pass. It didn’t. It turned into a day of torture, with Silvie gradually getting worse, to the point of having severe abdominal pains, then urinary pains. I helped her all day, bathing her, comforting her and trying to get liquids into her. But she couldn’t keep anything down. About the time it started to get dark, she began to feel faint. That’s when I became fully alarmed. She fell into a coma while I was on the VHF calling for assistance. With her unresponsive, I put out another radio call, this time for immediate emergency care. Fellow cruisers rushed to our boat within minutes. For over an hour we administered CPR and oxygen. But neither they nor an adrenalin shot administered by a physician from the village were able to revive her. Sylvie died aboard Windcastle around 9 p.m., just 12 hours after she’d taken that fatal drink of MMS.”

Methemoglobin found in the blood was at a “significantly high” level according to Ms. Fink’s autopsy report. “Methemoglobin basically results in the inability of blood to carry oxygen within the body causing cyanosis (lack of oxygen to the system). The [autopsy] report states that if the 45 percent saturation reading was accurate and existed at the time of death, then the symptoms could be consistent with being caused by methemoglobinemia and therefore a possible cause of death. Most cases of methemoglobinemia are caused by exposure to drugs or toxic substances[2] including chlorate and chlorite.”

Dr. Segura, who is a heart surgeon with extensive experience and interest in alternative health, research, psychology and the human condition, would agree with this diagnosis, stated,“The popularity of MMS and its fervent, almost religious marketing involved the claim of curing malaria in tens if not hundreds of thousands of people. Sounds very noble indeed, but this is only natural as MMS’ sodium chlorite is well known to cause hemolysis in red blood cells—meaning that red blood cells are ruptured and destroyed. It is actually by killing red blood cells that the malaria parasite is killed since it invades red blood cells. MMS probably kills the parasite and the red blood cells. In fact, MMS consumers may develop anemia.”

Jim Humble has explained to a reporter friend of mine, Debra Dupré, that MMS is the only answer for people in the Gulf of Mexico region to survive the oil spill disaster and that the possibility exists for people with MMS to visit every home there, with help of his “church Ministers.” In an email on January 16, Humble wrote, “MMS is the only real answer all those people of the gulf have. It is cheap and it will detoxify their bodies. It is the greatest detoxifier for human bodies known at this time as I have observed thousands who have used it.” Ever since first reading Humble’s book I have gotten used to his use of thousands upon thousands of testimonials that spill with ease out of his mouth and unfortunately people do swallow his word hook, line and sinker.

“The active ingredient in MMS is not a mineral, but chlorine dioxide (oxygenated chlorine), which is formed from the chemical combination of sodium chlorite and acetic acid (vinegar) or citric acid. MMS as a poison does kill intrusive germs in your body, but it would be naïve to believe it to be carefully selective in what it kills and destroys, or to think that the damage done has only limited consequences. It is shocking that MMS is recommended so widely, that it is recommended to already weakened individuals AND that it is recommended for long-term use. In truth, the potential long-term and dangerous side effects of regular MMS use should give anyone the shivers,” writes Dr. Gabriela Segura.

My assistant Claudia French has been following the exploits of Jim Humble for years and has said that he changes his protocol like a slippery fish. Dr. Segura, speaking about his original protocol for what is now known as MMS1, said that his original protocol “suggests that taking up to 60 drops per day is within reason. There are 20 drops in one gram, which means that the protocol may call for the ingestion of 3 grams or more of what amounts to household bleach. This is three times the amount required to produce nausea and vomiting and 20 percent of the amount required to kill you. Even though we are told that nausea and diarrhea are positive signs of detoxification when following the MMS protocol, you can be sure that that’s actually the way our body tells us we’ve just been poisoned. If you happen to vomit, then be reassured that it might have saved your life by way of avoiding a lethal overdose of MMS.


Dr. Segura says, “MMS2 is basically calcium hypochlorite, which is a chemical compound widely used for water treatment and as a bleaching and disinfecting agent (bleaching powder). This one is indeed a mineral because it has calcium in it, but a mineral that reacts to produce hypochlorous acid when ingested. Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, and chlorine, is what some of our white blood cells produce in order to kill bacteria through the well-known process called oxidation.” The human body produces it to fight infection. White blood cells release this natural oxidant to fight invading pathogens. The hypochlorous acid produced by the human body’s immune system is done so in minute quantities because the acid holds danger for normal cells as well as the pathogens.

The researchers said the human immune system produces hypochlorous acid in response to infection but the substance does not kill only the bacterial invaders. It kills human cells too, which may explain how tissue is destroyed in chronic inflammation. Knox et al. first noted that HClO is a sulfhydryl inhibitor that, in sufficient quantity, could completely inactivate proteins containing sulfhydryl groups. This is because HClO oxidizes sulfhydryl groups, leading to the formation of disulfide bonds that can result in crosslinking of proteins. The HClO mechanism of sulfhydryl oxidation is similar to that of chloramine, and may only be bacteriostatic, because, once the residual chlorine is dissipated, some sulfhydryl function can be restored. Hypochlorous acid reacts readily with amino acids that have amino group side-chains, with the chlorine from HClO displacing a hydrogen, resulting in an organic chloramine.

Dr. Segura says, “The amount of HOCl that our body is already capable of producing on its own is dangerous enough. In fact, some of our white blood cells have toxic and damaging effects on our DNA through the formation of hypochlorous acid. In fact, hypochlorous acid (MMS2) has the power to chlorinate the building blocks of DNA, breaking the DNA double helix apart and thus interfering with its vital biological functions.”

Jim Humble claims that, “The answer to AIDS, hepatitis A, B and C, malaria, herpes, TB, most cancer and many more of mankind’s worst diseases has been found. Many diseases are now easily controlled. More than 75,000 disease victims have been included in the field tests in Africa. Scientific clinical trials have been conducted in a prison in the country of Malawi, East Africa. Separate tests conducted by the Malawi government produced identical 99% cure results. Over 60% of the AIDS victims that were treated in Uganda were well in 3 days, with 98% well within one month. More than 90% of the malaria victims were well in 4 to 8 hours. Dozens of other diseases were successfully treated and can be controlled with this new mineral supplement. It also works with colds, flu, pneumonia, sore throats, warts, mouth sores, and even abscessed teeth.”

Dr. David Kroll, a natural products cancer pharmacology professor, says, “The product website is full of the most unreal claims I’ve seen in any online marketing scheme.” And this is the main point to look at when reading Humble’s book or site. He says anything and everything to convince us that this is the greatest stuff that has ever touched down in the world of medicine and health but he substantiates nothing. The FDA (not my favorite organization) says, The FDA is not aware of any research that MMS is effective in treating any of these conditions.” There is not a person alive who is aware of any documented research yet there is a religious fever based on word of mouth and hearsay.

In a video, Mr. Humble relates the story of a man who “chug-a-lugged” two ounces of MMS because he had mistaken it for a glass of water. Mr. Humble says that the man became very ill. His kidneys stopped working and he had to go on dialysis. He was hospitalized for several weeks. Mr. Humble says that people should know that if they get extremely sick after taking MMS, “they need to go to the hospital because the kidneys will quit working.”

Taking vitamin C, an antioxidant, is also discouraged as it neutralizes the effects of this strong oxidant MMS. Jonathan Campbell tells us that because CLO2 is a chemical oxidizer (called a “free radical”) it depletes vitamin C and causes oxidative stress. Putting it another way, the vitamin C and other antioxidants in our body get depleted in their attempts to detoxify CLO2; vitamin C and other antioxidants are our “free radical scavengers.” The instructions provided with MMS specifically warn people not to take vitamin C while they are taking MMS because vitamin C “interferes” with it. This is a red flag that MMS is a toxic chemical, since vitamin C is our primary detoxification agent. Vitamin C depletion is extremely dangerous: it is the bulwark of our immune system, and it is needed for dozens of other body functions.

According to Jonathan Campbell, health consultant: “The entire approach of Jim Humble is to treat the human body as if it were a simple plumbing system, and MMS is akin to Drano, chemically killing pathogens. But the human body does not work that way. Your body does not need toxic chemicals from a factory to kill pathogens. When fortified properly, your body has the capability to fight literally any pathogen or illness. A healthy immune system automatically and selectively targets pathogens with an array of antibodies and white blood cells. MMS disrupts this natural immunity by depleting immune-building antioxidants.

MMS is the wrong approach to

immunity—it is chemotherapy!

Jonathan Campbell

MMS is dangerous, even Humble admits that. I am not saying in this essay that MMS cannot be used for certain situations when used transdermally. I even know a doctor in South Africa who safely uses it in her IV cocktail but it is implemented under strict supervision and monitoring like most dangerous drugs needs to be. Doctors often try extreme methods when a patient’s life is on the line, when there is little or nothing to lose.

“Bishop” Humble is really doing a huge disservice to the alternative medical field. He is making all of it seem more unbelievable not to mention the disservice he is doing to religious orders. There is the ancient tradition of pastoral medicine but it has nothing to do with “Jonestown” and the drinking of poisons. I never thought I would be on the same side of the fence as the FDA but on the question of MMS I certainly am.

Testimonial One

What follows is a testimonial of the reactions Graham from Spain had when he began taking the MMS – he has basal cell carcinoma on different areas of his face and back. I began this protocol – following the mixing instructions carefully – after having been on the high mineral protocol for several days. The mixture felt highly toxic and reminded me of cellulose – acetona. At the 1 drop X 5 all was well with no side effects. Increasing over 3 days to 3 X 15 drops similarly resulted in no problems apart from a reduced appetite. When I increased to 4 x 20, all hell let loose within about an hour! I suffered severe diarrhoea and purging for the entire day, with stomach ache, headache, nausea, sinus pain and nose running along with disorientation and sight disturbances. I had to lay down near the bathroom the entire day. By evening, all these symptoms had settled and I was able to eat a little and sleep. The following day after breakfast I took the same dosage, expecting a lesser effect, but it was an exact repeat for the entire day. I even tried one more day at this 4 x 20, believing that I would get over this hump and reap the benefits, but it was no different. (Masochist or what!) I subsequently discontinued the MMS protocol and continue with the high mineral intake. One further interesting effect is that I am left with a revulsion to certain foods that I used to crave!  I am not convinced this was a healing crisis caused by the detox effect and die off. It seemed more to me like a reaction to a toxic substance. I used to be very sensitive to the smell of paint and thinners as well as certain dust – like cement dust etc. – which in the past has caused a similar effect. The effects the MMS created were more like that than of a detox taking place. Such smells have not bothered me since I began taking HMD around 5 years ago. This was also the first headache I have had in that time, having previously suffered overlapping headaches and migraines for over 40 years.

Testimonial Two

My doctor put me on a special mineral increase due to lack of iron, copper and magnesium in my blood tests. I followed “the book” and did not tell him I use MMS. Now I have to do a stint in the hospital because my counts are worse than ever when they were supposed to improve. My doctor took a urine test (which has been orangeish) and he said the tests show that something is absorbing or disrupting the minerals and not letting them get into my blood where they are needed. Six hours between MMS and the mineral pills and cap. Could MMS be causing this? I am worried that because I did not tell my doctor as the book says, and others here give that same advice, that the hospital will be looking for reasons and doing tests on me unnecessarily. I feel I should take my MMS with me to the hospital and tell them but Jim (Humble) say’s don’t tell doctors because they don’t understand. So I’m confused. My readings only went down since taking MMS and I do as they say here 15 drops 3 times a day with citric acid 75 drops in lemon juice for taste. I have lost 8 kilos since starting and constantly suffer D (diarrhea) and nausea. But my doctor says I will not like how and what they will have to suppository as what I take orally is having no effect and they need to find out why. They think I have a gastrointestinal disease that leads to significant mal-absorption and will need to see a biophysicist. Any advice will help as I go to hospital at Queenstown on the south island Tuesday. My MMS comes from MMS pacific. The teaspoon I use to mix it with is rusted after 12 weeks—is this normal also?

Testimony Three

The MMS lowered my viral load, but it seriously messed up my lab results. My RBC, BUN, EGFR, CO2, Protein (globulin), bilirubin, ALT, AST, platelets, lymphs and cholesterol all went out of range on MMS, in about 6 weeks of taking it. I came to some conclusions about MMS because of my labs and tried to discuss it with Jim Humble; he was not so humble, he got angry with me and told me my results were invalid because I got sick several times. I think the explosions kill red blood cells as they are in close contact with the MMS. It lowered my platelets, cholesterol, protein, RBC, BUN and EGFR and raised the rest.


March 9, 2011


  1. Mirella says:

    Mark, thank you for highlighting the truth about MMS. My background is biotechnology, but chemistry is my education and background. For years I have been telling people, who really have no health issues to begin with, not to touch this dangerous chemical, because that’s what it is – an industrial chemical. I would even draw the structure for them and try to educate them that it was no different than drinking bleach. But they persisted in bringing in Jim’s Humble’s literature and videos to try and convince me that I must be wrong.

    One gentleman that was very proud of his health and the lengths that he would go to; eating natural, having an expensive water filter to filter out chlorine, he even fermented his own kefir to maintain a healthy microflora. I was impressed by his vigilance. He was determined that I see all the videos to be convinced. Take them home watch them at leisure. I told him, I didn’t have to seen anymore than the chemical structure to be convinced that we should not be drinking it. I told him any bugs that were being killed were being killed by the same means as the bugs in his swimming pool or our water supply.

    I told him that if it was killing bugs in his gut, then it was also killing his indigenous microflora who are the linchpin to his immunity and if he continued taking it then he was destroying his immune system.

    Well I had no success trying to get my message across, because Jim was GOD as far as everyone was concerned. I could excuse, the layman for being duped, but then I learnt that some practitioners that I respected also recommended it. Some enterprising Naturopaths were even bottling their own version in my town.

    Of course what did I understand, I was a chemist and if you are not from alternative health then you simply don’t understand or can’t be trusted because we have been brain-washed by Big Pharma.

    Come on guys, isn’t time we stop duping the public and using them as guinea pigs and give the human body the respect it deserves.

    By the way, do you know what affects iodine has on the indigenous flora, something I have been wanting to know for a long time now.


  2. Michael Doll says:


    I appreciate the tenacity with which you put forth your point of view. Especially the state of things and the seeming recklessness of society in general. Gulf toxicity, drug toxicity,etc.

    and you are allowed to have your opinion about MMS. However I expected that you would speak to your experience with the compound and not cast aspersions or make character assessments of the originator, Jim Humble. If all you have is, he is an embarrasment to the health field or he is a Bishop in his own church (what kind of church can that be…) then you are just saying the same thing about him that others in the health field say about you. You minimize the man in hopes of minimizing or destroying the protocol. I have been a user of his chlorine dioxide discovery for over 2 years and have found it to be effective and consistent. You are a bit conflicted and my sense would be that you have more problems with the religious fervor of his followers than the protocol itself. I used it for jock itch and athletes foot. My assumption, which I got through much investigation, was that these fungal sites were only outward manifestations of a overburdened inward condition of too much fungus. It got rid of my problem after using it for 7 days. I do believe that with a profound nutritional protocol, I could have gotten rid of it. So I believe that in my case it was shock therapy. I know you understand shock therapy so I guess you can understand this shock therapy. I have been able to control my external fungus problems by using an intermittent therapy of MMS. So until I have the courage of following my ideal nutritional protocol, I will use this as intermittent therapy. Is it chemotherapy? Yes I believe it is. Has it killed anyone? That is yet to be determined. Based on the number of people who have found therapeutic results from using it, I would say that chlorine dioxide is WAY ahead of pharmaceuticals in efficacy.

    How do you think things like black salve and hemp oil reach their present state of efficacy? (Hemp oil is still to be determined) Trial and error and by people who have been willing to take a step in faith. Eventually, a useful protocol was obtained. Perhaps if more people were interested in documenting their experience we would have a protocol that is more effective and have less side effects. The protocol has been changed over time as a result of the experiences people have had. This is test by internet…no other time has been like this one. It is effective, it is not to be taken lightly and needs to be respected as another tool.

  3. Ron Rossman says:

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the great report. I used mms once for diarrhea related to Ibs. I had had it for four months and had tried everything natural to stop it. I was getting desperate and decided to try mms. I worked up to 15 drops twice a day within a few days and on the tenth day the diarrhea stopped. I was grateful but understood that it was basically bleach so never used it again. I felt more comfortable using it as it is used at the Reno Integrative Medical Clinic for cancer. Thanks again for all you do. I have been using nascent iodine, magnesiium (powder and oil), baking soda, and Vit c with mineral ascorbates and bioflavonoids and my immune system is stronger than its ever been. Candida it no problem now and it was. I have found that for IBS pain (left side for me) is greatly reduced by massaging mag oil into the area. I apply 2 heavy doses of the oil separated by 5 minutes and the relief is profound. I muscle tested the amount to be used as I was only applying it rather lightly and only once with only mild results. Take care

  1. Larry says:

    Interesting article. However, I used the protocol suggested for sodium chlorite (6 drops a day) to treat throat infection and sinus buildup. It has worked exceptionally well. And a friend of mine tried the same thing, with the same result. So it has been positive for me.

    There is a yahoo group that discusses MMS and some people on the list have had success with disease elimination and others not. Like any health issue some results may depend on the user and their nutrition, in my case, my nutrition is almost always vegetarian and low in refined sugar and no milk products. However, until MMS, every winter I got strep in my throat as well as sinus infections. Since taking MMS, these issues have completely disappeared. Regards.

  2. Cathy says:

    I recently developed a very, very bad cold and cough with sinus involvement. Other friends and family were struggling with it for many weeks, and the residual cough can last for months. I began taking MMS early on, and within days, I was much better and able to function; it went away quickly. Everyone asked how I overcame this particularly persistent virus so quickly. My experience (though only intermittent and not daily use) was remarkable. I will not be without MMS.

  3. Mirella says:

    If I was desperate and it was a life/death situation I might be swayed to try MMS, the same if I was fighting cancer I would have chemo. These would be on my list of last resorts. I have been battling an autoimmune condition and yes I am fully aware of the infection connection. I was conducting research in the overlap between allergy, infection and autoimmunity, until I had to take a leave of absence due to my health. I was unable to walk for nine months and in excruciating pain. In all my desperation I have not thought to take such desperate measures as introducing such an aggressive agent into my system. I decided to take a deeper look at iodine on the basis that yes it’s an oxidising halogen though not as aggressive as fluorine or chlorine but still commands respect. I will still not take iodine in mg doses and only consume iodine rich foods and not as potassium iodide.

    I try to work as close to nature as possible and I am not a natural health practitioner. I don’t go overboard with these foods either as I don’t want to overwhelm enzymatic detoxification pathways. A life time of fluoride and mercury exposure and you need to tread very carefully. I also make sure that I have all the cofactors required to keep detoxification pathways working optimally. I also make sure that I am eating plenty of sulfur proteins – I don’t understand how vegetarians do this, unless they have superior detoxification mechanisms that I am not aware of.

    One of my first research projects was looking at cadmium toxicity at the molecular level in alga and mollusks. Cadmium is one of the most toxic elements on earth and kills all organisms. So the molecular mechanism of how these particular species do not become poisoned and in fact thrive was of extreme interest to me. I had no idea at the time how invaluable this knowledge would be to me.

    Getting back to iodine. I experimented with iodine on my husband’s feet tinea. He had tried all the lotions and potions. I made up a solution of iodine and swabbed all his feet. It lives in the skin and is only noticeable between the toes because it is the perfect niche. What happened next absolutely shocked me and had me stumped. The next day, both feet swelled, they were huge, red, oozing and ulcerated. He is a chemist and works in the lab. He was not able to work, because he could not wear safety shoes or sandals, he had to work outside his lab barefoot. His colleagues were shocked. There was nothing we could do until the reaction subsided. I decided to take advantage of the situation as I was researching the healing properties of red light. I treated one foot with the red light and left the other to heal on its own. Well the red light was a dud. But what happen next was amazing. The ulcers healed to reveal this beautiful pink skin. What puzzled me was that not all areas of the feet ulcerated. We tried the experiment again to determine whether the reaction was specific to those area that may have been infected. Each time there was less and less blistering and ulceration. So what I think happened was that the iodine reacted only with the areas of the skin that were infected and healthy tissue was left unscathed. Today he can swabbed the whole area and not get the same reaction. Though he doesn’t do this. He now only uses it between the toes to keep it under control. The tinea will completely disappear when his malabsorption situation is corrected, which we have been working at systematically, always working as close to nature as possible. The malabsorption condition is a result of taking too many NSAID for pain management and antiobiotics. He also has many amalgam fillings. So the connection between the fungal infection, mercury & antibiotics is of even more interest. to me as a biotechnologist.

    Fungi and yeasts accumulate micronutrients such as Cu, Zn, Mn & non-nutrient metals, U, Cd, Sn, & Hg in higher amounts than their nutritional requirement. Fungal biomass are used as bioremediation of heavy metals and radionuclides from polluted waters. Different species have different mechansms ie. metal binding proteins etc.

    So my concerns are that perhaps fungal overgrowth in the body is not only a response to toxic environment, but perhaps a protective mechanism that enables the sequestration, bioaccumulation and also the possibility of transmutation to less toxic metals so that we do not bioaccumulated toxic metals in tissue sites. The danger of aggressively annihilating these organisms is the consequence of releasing these toxic metals into the system for redistribution to tissue sites.

    So does anyone know of any research or personal experience regarding the supplementation of iodine and its effects on gut ecology?

    Best :)

  4. Louise says:

    I dragged myself to read through your article. It smells of illuminati as they continue to create fear. Boo boo..I am not scared of your fear based article. I am more scared of taking a prescription pill with all its side effects and a dose that is recommended for one and all, taking in no consideration for everyone’s unique body.

    The formula for sodium chlorite is NaClO2. Na = Sodium,Cl = chlorine, and O2 = Oxygen. The O2 indicates that two atoms of oxygen exist. It is not an indication of the charge. The actual charge on the oxygen is –2, which leaves the oxygen in a neutral condition. This oxygen has the same charge as the oxygen in carbon dioxide, thus it can’t be used for oxidation. The formula for chlorine dioxide is ClO2. The Na (sodium) has been removed from the sodium chloride (NaClO2) to make the chlorine dioxide. The O2 is two oxygen ions with a charge of two electrons each. This is considered a –2 charge, because electrons have a negative charge. Oxygen ions with a –2 charge cannot oxidize anything, and thus not available to the body for oxidization. The Cl stands for chlorine, which in this case, is a chlorine ion with a positive charge—until it oxidizes and destroys something, in which case it winds up with a negative charge as well. It is then a chloride, which is the same as the chloride in table salt. It cannot create any further reactions.

    Chlorine dioxide is the most powerful killer of pathogens known to man. Chlorine dioxide is used in many industrial processes. It has been used to sterilize food products, such as red meat and poultry for over 50 years. It is used in hospitals and clinics as a sterilizing agent.The formula for chlorine dioxide is ClO2. The Na (sodium) has been removed from the sodium chloride

    (NaClO2) to make the chlorine dioxide. The O2 is two oxygen ions with a charge of two electrons each. This is considered a –2 charge,because electrons have a negative charge. Oxygen ions with a –2 charge cannot oxidize anything. The Cl stands for chlorine, which in this case, is a chlorine ion with a positive charge—until it oxidizes and destroys something, in which case it winds up with a negative charge as well. It is then a chloride, which is the same as the chloride in table salt. It cannot create any further reactions.

    Mixing this MMS alkaline with the called for acid forms chlorous acid.

    Of course any country medicine can harm you, so can sugar and salt can also kill you within twenty four hours if you want to ingest the entire box. It is up to the “researchers” to be cautious. A few drops of MMS, mixed correctly, certainly can give one body the runs and yet not for the other…every body is unique.

    I will continue to use it for how it has removed bacteria’s that were taxing my immune system and my body was able to heal itself. I could afford MMS. I did not need to take time off from work, loose income, did not need to drive through traffic to sit amongst a room full of sick people and wait an hour after my appointment time just to see an MD so he or she could write me up a legal drug. Then drive to the pharmacy and then pay an arm and a leg for something that may or may not work, but must see the MD in six weeks and he/she may change it to another drug,,,if it doesn’t work!

  5. Tom says:

    As a former Pharmaceutical chemist of 20+ years, I have never supported the use of toxic MMS. Before it came along people used food grade Hydrogen Peroxide for many of the same indications, but without many of the toxic effects of Chlorine. Hydrogen Peroxide breaks down to water and oxygen…no chlorine. Hydrogen Peroxide can also be injected IV as can Ozone to overcome many imbalances, but it cannot be patented as a “miracle”, so it does not appeal to those interested in profit at the expense of patient’s health.

    Thanks for your continued reports, which, although not popular when they challenge cherished belief systems, serve a purpose of helping many who are open.