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Rival journal attacks Lancet for publishing Wakefield MMR study

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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dical Journal (BMJ) recently went after The Lancet for ever publishing Wakefield's work in the first place, even though such work was peer-reviewed and was conducted in a sound, scientific manner.

Wakefield's study on the correlation between the MMR combo vaccine and high cases of both gastrointestinal disorders and various autism-related symptoms was never well-received by the medical elite and the drug companies that control them. So over the years, these groups have worked not only to destroy Wakefield's credibility by claiming he committed fraud, but also by targeting his entire career, which eventually led to the revocation of his medical license.

Now, BMJ is accusing The Lancet of dragging its feet in investigating the claims made against Wakefield by Brian Deer, the now-infamous reporter from the U.K. Sunday Times that aggressively went after Wakefield's work. According to the accusations, The Lancet allegedly failed to investigate the situation sooner and retract the paper in a timely manner.

But if anything, the The Lancet began the retraction process too soon, having initiated a partial retraction less than three weeks after Deer's abrupt accusations came forward. And recent documents have revealed that Deer's accusations against Wakefield were false to begin with, and that Wakefield's work had been verified and replicated by two other researchers more than a year before it was even published (

But the actual facts seem to be of little importance to the medical organizations and mainstream media outlets involved in the raging attack against Wakefield. Rather than carefully examine Wakefield's study and the issues he raised, as well as the safety of the MMR combo vaccine and the implications of its widespread use, these agenda-driven groups continue to falsely slander him.

To hear the truth for yourself, be sure to catch Mike Adams' exclusive interview with Dr. Andrew Wakefield that is soon to be posted at

Sources for this story include:

Feb. 2, 2011