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Airport Body Scanners Under Pressure: Experts Now Warn X-ray Devices "could give you cancer"

Activist Post

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being used in airports is exceedingly harmful, along with being an invasion of privacy.

An increasing number of people are becoming informed and are deciding to opt-out of the radiation and the X-rated detail of you and your family.  Naturally, this has forced the TSA to threaten more invasive physical searches, as they try to coerce people into taking the "easier" option.  This is a sign of desperation, since the success of these machines in airports will determine the future of their presence throughout America. They already are being deployed in street roving vans, and are most likely headed to a mall near you if the public doesn't continue to raise its voice.

This Daily Mail article on the subject is another nail in the coffin for X-ray scanning technology.  Even if you don't care about privacy issues, the fact that experts are now saying that "radiation from the scanners has been underestimated," and that "because the beam concentrates on the skin -- one of the most radiation-sensitive organs of the human body -- that (the) dose may be up to 20 times higher than first estimated," should sound the final alarm.

G. Edward Griffin and Idaho state representative, Phil Hart, have made a strong case that the states have jurisdiction over this Federal program, which has yet to be approved by Congress.

The battle almost has been won before it began; with public support of proposed state legislation, we will see these machines sent to the waste bin where they belong.

Oct. 31, 2010