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Toxic Gas Alert


Our very humanity and the nobility of medicine are on the line with the Gulf oil spill disaster. How we respond and what we respond with will be remembered, so we better get it right. Dr. Stuart Scheckner says though, “As a victim of mercury toxicity from a spill in my dental practice, I understand the insidious danger from poisons. The average physician does not have a clue when it comes to toxicity.  Diagnosis and treatment of toxicity problems are not well understood by many physicians. Toxic rain and air will be a nightmare.  How do you wake up those who represent us?”

The medical officials in the federal government who cannot recognize the harm and toxic dangers of mercury-laden vaccines and how they “might” have caused autism and other neurological and learning disorders in children are certainly not the people to lead us through this crisis.

Hydrogen Sulfide, commonly known as swamp gas: a normal level in the

air for it ranges from 5 to 10 parts per billion (ppb). At the monitoring station in

Venice, on May 2, the levels recorded were 30 ppb. The next day, May 3, the

reading was nearly 40 times that, at 1,192 ppb. The day after that, May 4,

it dropped down to 46 ppb, before rising on May 5 to 1,010 ppb.

The best suggested treatment of course is to have people try to avoid exposure as much as possible but because the government is hiding, as it usually does behind its smoke screens of convoluted communication, people are not taking precautions and the workers on cleanup are not being protected. My assistant in the Tampa area said, “People I’ve been talking to don’t seem concerned at all about this problem. They are all unaware of the dangers and think everything will just disperse, and that the beaches are the only problem.”

Gulf Emergency Summit

Kindra Arnesen of Venice LA, mother of two speaks to her local community about her on-site experiences with British Petroleum (BP). She was given a security pass to go to meetings and was able to visit command centers in the Gulf where she got a bird’s eye view of events as they are unfolding. She got the strong impression that the public is expendable and really do not matter to BP. She talks about BP wanting now to cut costs, their while making it difficult to impossible for workers to get respirators, how the company plays games with federal inspections officials, how the company and its top officials makes light of the sickness that is occurring among onsite workers and how they are flat out lying.

Doctors should be very aware of her testimony. Her own children have broken out in rashes from the toxic fumes and she has taken them out of town several times to see their symptoms clear and then come back home again only to see the problems come back. She calls for a mass evacuation…and cries out, “THESE PEOPLE ARE POISONING ALL THE PEOPLE I HAVE EVER LOVED IN THIS LIFE. THEY ARE NOT CLEANING IT UP THEY ARE COVERING IT UP.” Her parish is right up there on the front lines of this disaster where everyone is being affected.

Wilma Subra, a chemist who heads up a lab and environmental consulting firm in New Iberia, said, “They’re there at a little over the levels that you would expect to start getting those health impacts. So, that is of concern, that the people understand what is there and understand if they start getting the health impacts, they should take precautions to move out of the area. Those who should pay particular attention are the young, the elderly or those who already have underlying breathing problems. Experts said anyone experiencing symptoms of exposure to those chemicals, should see their doctor.”


From the very beginning local professionals have been concerned with toxic substances already noted in the area. It is now two months later from the above video and we might have more than 100 million gallons more of toxicity in the local geographic area. It’s like a chemical nuclear device going off in slow motion, but make no mistake, it is a weapon of mass destruction that we have unleashed on ourselves. The reports of illness are only going to increase as the toxicity builds up to nightmarish proportions. Doctors are going to have a lot of sick people on their hands so they had better quickly learn what they need to do.

The best suggested treatment is to have people try to avoid exposure as much as possible but because the government is hiding, as it usually does behind its smoke screens of convoluted communication; people are not taking precautions and the workers on cleanup are not being protected. My assistant in the Tampa area said, “People I’ve been talking to don’t seem concerned at all about this problem. They are all unaware of the dangers and think everything will just disperse, and that the beaches are the only problem.”

Unbelievable amounts of benzene and other gases are being

released into the atmosphere. This is a clear and present

danger not only for the elderly and people with respiratory

problems but also the general Gulf population as a whole.

Approximately 40 percent of crude oil evaporates within several hours of reaching the surface of the water. It ends up airborne. It’s really a problem for people who are working out in the Gulf, especially those closest to where oil is surfacing. Extended exposure to dispersants complicates the chemical toxicity equation and, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, dispersants can cause central nervous system problems or damage to the blood, the kidneys, or the liver, and leave a metallic taste in the mouth. Russian scientists and others fear apocalyptic destruction assessment due to BP’s use of millions of gallons of the chemical dispersal agent known as Corexit 9500, which is much more toxic than the oil itself. Corexit 9500 is being pumped directly into the leak of this wellhead over a mile under the Gulf of Mexico waters.

It is already raining oil in the Gulf

Medical researchers discussing the health effects of the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico at a meeting sponsored by the Institute of Medicine. As might be expected, after a long day of questions and answers one participant summed up the experience thus: “The answers that people are getting are much like the oil coming out of the floor of the ocean,” Hosey told the assembled scientists. “There’s a lot of it coming up, but none of its worth very much,” said John Hosey, a clergyman with the Mississippi Interfaith Disaster Task Force. It was reported that none of the distinguished researchers in the audience disagreed with his assessment.

“At nearly every important juncture since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded April 20, killing 11 workers, the government’s and BP’s estimates on the size of the spill, its effect on wildlife and the time frame for containing it have spectacularly missed the mark,” writes Michael Kunzelman  the Associated Press. This same principle is in operation in terms of human health effects. All we can anticipate is for them to get this all wrong.

People in communities where the oil fouled the beaches had much higher incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety all of which translates into higher rates of heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory disorders and other physical illnesses. This is a slowly expanding medical disaster whose true shape and depth will unfold for many years to come even if the oil was shut off tomorrow.

With little-to-no prospects of ending this expanding health nightmare we can think the worst in terms of negative health impact on the southern United States and, perhaps in a year, Europe, because of where the Gulf current will eventually take the toxic mess. Perhaps in ten years of nonstop eruption of the oil volcano we will have black oceans and black toxic rain everywhere, so if we are alive in five years, we can celebrate.

Special Note: To all good doctors, alternative healthcare practitioners and my entire readership I request that they help the IMVA get this message out to the general public. Niche writers like me do not get much play in the mainstream but this disaster is happening out in the open. The news is obviously being managed and repressed by people who do not want people to wake up no matter what is happening but even then people are scared and anxious, at least the people I know. So please send this newsletter or the link to its placement on our sites out to everyone you know and to Internet groups.

I could say many things about this but in terms of my SAVE THE CHILDREN campaign, which I was going to start next month with the launch of my Humane Pediatrics book, know that we are all responsible for what happens to humanity now. So for instance those children being allowed to swim on public beaches where oil is washing up is outrageous. This is happening because people are not aware of the medical and health implications. It is my intention and hope that this document will raise the consciousness of everyone and that this will provide some hope of minimizing the damage to the public’s health. So please pass it around and even print it and hand it out. I will prepare today a shortened version for use as a press release.

The instant lesson that everyone needs to learn is that toxins must be pulled out once they are in the body and every effort must be made to prevent them from entering in the first place. Toxicity will be spread through many means. For example a leaky truck filled with oil-stained sand and absorbent boom soaked in crude pulls away from the beach, leaving tar balls in a public parking lot and a messy trail of sand and water on the main beach road. A few miles away, brown liquid drips out of a disposal bin filled with polluted sand. The United States has a huge mess on its hands at the exact moment it can least afford the resources to deal with it.

The government does not warn people about geographical dangers of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It really matters where you live in terms of toxic exposure.