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Environmental conditions that can damage the developing brain (of our children.)

Patrick McGean

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A solution?


Our research may be of interest for the children you describe and lament due

to the damage chemicals have done, for the profits of the petrochemical

corporations.  The key words is stockholders and lack of responsibility.


To the children lost in their own minds.  Yes the same words of Dr. Alzheimer

used to describe pre menopausal women who became “lost in their own minds,”

after 60 years of eating chemically fertilized foods in Germany.  Same reason

Warburg saw enough cancer to describe the anaerobic cellular degeneration

which resulted.  Have we created premature Alzheimer’s for our children,

who are what they eat?


Chemicals can poison quickly or so slowly but the result is the same, our

bodies can not metabolize synthetic chemical compounds, our childrens’

minds are the proof you describe.


Organic Sulfur a pure crystal form of methylsulfonylmethane may have

demonstrated the ability to bring these young minds back from back the

abyss of chemical toxicity.  Our study does not pick and choose so when

a mom in Illinois calls to tell us her daughter awakened her with “Good

morning mom,” after two years of “no speaking.”   Vaccines?  Mom worked

in a chemical plant when pregnant with her daughter.

The why is irrelevant, we have observed kids on Ritalin,  zombies become

so human their moms take them off the Ritalin within a week ( note Ritalin is

the precursor to METH.)  The moms are no longer taking any SSRIs including

Prozac, they “Just feel better.”  Don’t need mother’s little helper.


The bottom line is if organic sulfur can help these kids with no adverse side

effects what harm can be done?  If Sofie is more than a remarkable case

study of one,  would these the still lost kids appreciate someone listening

through the “too loud” of the noise or the blinding “too much” light of life.


Four children and two grandchildren, all healthy, now; that is adequate

Motivation for a researcher, Sofie is priceless, one of the reasons why we

do what we do.


Happy Fourth of July, independence is all these kids or their families want.

It could happen, it will happen, the Pied Piper will have to bring the kids back

from Hamelin, a fairly tail or a tragedy similar to what we are seeing today?  


Did you read how fat the rats were?  That is what preservative have done to

our children.  We are what we eat, drink and breathe, preservatives prevent

cellular biology.  Both in our food and in our bodies.


Patrick McGean


Cellular Matrix Study

Body Human Project est. 1999
