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It doesn't wash out easily. It gets in the fatty tissues and it stays there. And so, it has a cumulative effect. . . . So we can't let the pharmaceutical companies and our government cover this mess up today because it ain't going to go away. And it's going to cost the taxpayers trillions more if we wait around on it."

Congressman Dan Burton, Congressional Hearings, December 2002. [1]

"Mercury is hazardous to humans. Its use in medicinal products is undesirable, unnecessary and should be minimized or eliminated entirely."

Congressman Dan Burton, Report to Congress, May 20, 2003 [2]

"Autism in the United States has grown at epidemic proportions during the last decade. By some estimates the number of autistic children in the United States is growing between 10 and 17 percent per year. The medical community has been unable to determine the underlying cause(s) of this explosive growth."     Ibid. [3]

"The CDC's failure to state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines in 2000 and again in 2001 was an abdication of their responsibility. As a result, many children received vaccines containing thimerosal when thimerosal-free alternatives were available."    Ibid. [4]

In previous Radio Liberty letters I discussed the fact that one of every six American children has a neurodevelopmental disorder or a learning disability, and over 750,000 American children have autism.

Congressman Dan Burton addressed that tragedy in December 2002, when he stated:

"Our government has to 'fess up about this. . . . Now, my grandson and thousands of children across this country were normal kids, and they got vaccinated with multiple vaccines. Mercury in the brain has a cumulative effect. All scientists will tell you that. It doesn't wash out easily. It gets in the fatty tissues and stays there. And so, it has a cumulative effect. And yet, we continue to get reports that say there's no scientific evidence that mercury causes autism. They don't say it doesn't. They say, we can't conclusively prove that mercury causes autism. They don't say it doesn't. . . . So we can't let the pharmaceutical companies and our government cover this mess up today because it ain't going to go away. And it's going to cost the taxpayers trillions (of dollars-ed) more if we wait around on it. . . ." [5]

The following information comes from the report that Congressman Burton submitted to Congress on May 20, 2003. His words are printed in bold type, my response is printed in regular type.

5. Autism in the United States has grown at epidemic proportions during the last decade. By some estimates the number of autistic children in the United Sates is growing between 10 and 17 percent per year. The medical community has been unable to determine the underlying cause(s) of this explosive growth. [6]

The incidence of autism has increased since that time because most of the influenza vaccine administered in the U.S. contains thimerosal, and the CDC recommended pregnant women receive an influenza shot during the last two trimesters of pregnancy, and infants receive two influenza shots during the first year of life. Subsequently, in 2008, the CDC recommended pregnant women receive an influenza shot at any stage of pregnancy, infants receive 2 influenza shots during the first year of life, and children receive an influenza shot every year until they are 18 years of age. Then, in 2009, supposedly in response to the H1N1 epidemic, the CDC recommended pregnant women receive a shot of H1N1 vaccine and a shot of seasonal flu vaccine at any stage of pregnancy, infants take 2 shots of H1N1 vaccine and 2 shots of seasonal flu vaccine (4 shots in 21 days), and older children receive both vaccines to protect them from influenza. What was the scientific basis for that recommendation? There was none, but as a result, (according to Dr. Mark Geier)

". . . some American children born today will receive almost twice as much mercury exposure from their childhood vaccines than at any time in the past." [7]

6. At the same time that the incidence of autism was growing, the number of childhood vaccines containing thimerosal was growing, increasing the amount of ethylmercury to which infants were exposed threefold. [8]

When Dr. Mark Geier and his son accessed the CDC thimerosal data base in 2003, they found there was a direct relationship between the quantity of mercury a child received and the incidence of autism. If a child got the complete dose of ethylmercury the CDC recommended, they had a 27-fold increase in the incidence of autism. When the CDC learned Dr. Geier and his son had that information, the CDC destroyed the thimerosal data base. [9]

7. A growing number of scientists and researchers believe that a relationship between the increase in neurodevelopmental disorders of autism, attention deficit hyperactive disorder, and speech or language delay, and the increased use of thimerosal in vaccines is plausible and deserves more scrutiny. In 2001, the Institute of Medicine determined that such a relationship is biologically plausible, but that not enough evidence exists to support or reject this hypothesis. [10]

The CDC paid the Institute of Medicine (IOM) $3 million for the Report they issued on May 14, 2004, that stated:

"The committee concludes that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism." [11]

8. The FDA acted too slowly to remove ethylmercury from over-the-counter products like topical ointments and skin creams. Although an advisory committee determined that ethylmercury was unsafe in these products in 1980, a rule requiring its removal was not finalized until 1998.

9. The FDA and the CDC failed in their duty to be vigilant as new vaccines containing thimerosal were approved and added to the immunization schedule. When the Hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenza Type b vaccines were added to the recommended schedule of childhood immunizations, the cumulative amount of ethylmercury to which children were exposed nearly tripled.

10. The amount of ethylmercury to which children were exposed through vaccines prior to the 1999 announcement exceeded two safety thresholds established by the Federal government for a closely related substance - methylmercury. While the Federal Government has established no safety threshold for ethylmercury, experts agree that the methylmercury guidelines are a good substitute. Federal health officials have conceded that the amount of thimerosal in vaccines exceeded the EPA threshold of 0.1 micrograms per kilogram of bodyweight. In fact, the amount of mercury in one dose of DTaP or Hepatitis B vaccines (25 micrograms each) exceeded this threshold many times over. Federal health officials have not conceded that this amount of thimerosal in vaccines exceeded the FDA's more relaxed threshold of 0.4 micrograms per kilo- gram of bodyweight. In most cases, however, it clearly did.

11. The actions taken by the HHS to remove thimerosal from vaccines in 1999 were not sufficiently aggressive. As a result, thimerosal remained in some vaccines for an additional two years.

12. The CDC's failure to state a preference for thimerosal-free vaccines in 2000 and again in 2001 was an abdication of their responsibility. As a result, many children received vaccines containing thimerosal when thimerosal-free alternatives were available. [12]

Since the CDC doesn't recommend the use of thimerosal-free vaccines, when Sanofi-Pasteur recalled their thimerosal-free H1N1 vaccine in December 2009, it was almost impossible to obtain a shot of H1N1 vaccine that didn't contain a toxic dose of mercury. Why did Sanofi-Pasteur recall their thimerosal-free H1N1 vaccine, and leave the rest of their vaccine in health facilities across the United States? [13]

13. The Influenza vaccine appears to be the sole remaining vaccine given to children in the United States on a regular basis that contains thimerosal. Two formulations recommended for children six months of age or older continue to contain trace amounts of thimerosal. Thimerosal should be removed from these vaccines. No amount of mercury is appropriate in any childhood vaccine. [14]

The repeated reference to thimerosal in influenza vaccines as "trace amounts of thimerosal" is misleading because there is no safe dose of thimerosal. Have you ever heard anyone refer to the mercury content of fish as "trace amounts"? Influenza vaccine contains 25mcgm of ethylmercury per cc. (cubic centimeter) and the mercury is injected into the blood stream. Swordfish contains .9 mcgms of methylmercury per cc, most of the mercury is excreted in the stool, and most of the mercury that is absorbed is immediately excreted by the liver. [15]

Have you ever wondered why the FDA removed thimerosal from the childhood vaccines administered in the United States, but left the poisonous product in the vaccines that are given to the children living in third- world countries? Why isn't the FDA and the U. S. Public Health Service concerned about the health of the children that live in Africa and Asia?

14. The CDC in general and the National Immunization Program in particular are conflicted in their duties to monitor the safety of vaccines, while also charged with the responsibility of purchasing vaccines for resale as well as promoting increased immunization rates.

15. There is inadequate research regarding ethylmercury neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity.

16. There is inadequate research regarding the relationship between autism and the use of mercury-containing vaccines.

17. To date, studies conducted or funded by the CDC that purportedly dispute any correlation between autism and vaccine injury have been of poor design, under-powered, and fatally flawed. The CDC's rush to support and promote such research is reflective of a philosoph- ical conflict in looking fairly at emerging theories and clinical data related to adverse reactions from vaccinations. [16]

This, and two previous Radio Liberty letters, cover a page-and-a-half of the eighteen-page report Congressman Dan Burton submitted to Congress on May 20, 2003. The complete text, the transcript of the Simpsonwood meeting, the Congressional Hearings on Autism, and several books, audio-tape sets, and DVDs that deal with mercury and autism can be purchased from Radio Liberty by calling 800-544-8927.

The mercury content of vaccines has destroyed the lives of millions of children, but I believe there is another agenda, and last month I wrote:

"It's a classic 'bait and switch operation.' I believe the Brotherhood of Darkness promotes vaccinations because they want to limit the population, and while we focus our attention on the cause of autism, they are poisoning reproduction (the reproductive capacity of people-ed) throughout the world." [17]

Many people realize mercury can destroy the brain, but very few people realize mercury can destroy the reproductive system, and I believe the Brotherhood of Darkness is using vaccinations to reduce the population of the world.

Have you ever wondered why the fertility rate and the male sperm count is declining throughout the world? Have you ever wondered why a group of wealthy people advocate both "population control" and childhood vaccination? [18]

Are vaccines safe and effective? Vaccination has eliminated or controlled most of the major diseases that plague mankind, but they have killed or incapacitated millions of people. Can that be proven? Certainly, but before you can understand why vaccination is dangerous you must understand how your immune system works.

You are surrounded by microorganisms. They live on your skin, they grow in your digestive tract, and they colonize your respiratory system, but they don't harm you because your immune system keeps them in check. When a foreign organism gains access to your body, your immune system launches a three-phase response. During the first, or acute, phase of the response, your white cells (granulocytes) recognize the infection or foreign antigen, and hold it in check until your lymphocytes mobilize (the second phase), produce antibodies, localize and expel the invasion. During the third phase, your immune system must shut down so your white cells don't attack normal tissue and create an autoimmune disease. [19]

Vaccines create artificial immunity. They contain an altered form of a disease, or an antigen that simulates the disease, chemicals, metals, and in some instances foreign proteins that stimulate the second (antibody) phase of immunity and bypass the first and third phase of your immune response. As a result, vaccination can produce permanent allergies or autoimmune disease, and that is why the incidence of allergy, asthma, juvenile arthritis, type-one diabetes, and autoimmune disease has increased since the advent of vaccination, and those conditions are rarely seen in people who haven't been vaccinated.

I have compiled a Time Line that chronicles the tragic events that have taken place.

1796: The success of Edward Jenner's smallpox (cowpox) vaccine led to the widespread use of vaccination. The eradication of smallpox was a remarkable accomplishment.

1870-85: Louis Pasteur developed vaccines for anthrax and rabies.

1890-1892: Scientists developed a toxoid that neutralizes the toxins that kill patients with diphtheria and tetanus, and those diseases are rarely seen today.

1906: Scientists developed a vaccine for whooping cough, but it didn't work very well.

1930's: Eli Lilly developed thimerosal, and used it to sterilize vaccines.

1942-1946: The mortality rate of childhood diseases declined 90-95% when routine vaccination was introduced.

1942: The Army used pooled human serum contaminated with hepatitis B virus to produce a vaccine for Yellow Fever; 28,000 soldiers contracted hepatitis B, 100 died. [20]

1951: The Army administered squalene to U.S. soldiers; many developed multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. [21]

1954: Despite the fact that Dr. Bernice Eddy (a NIH scientist) discovered live polio virus in the Cutter polio vaccine, it was released. Two hundred people contracted polio, three-quarters of them developed paralysis, and 11 people died. [22]

1960: Dr. Eddy discovered the Sabin polio vaccine contained a cancer virus (SV40), the NIH distributed the vaccine, and millions of people contracted the virus. A 1996 Italian study demonstrated 23% of the blood samples and 45% of the semen samples obtained from healthy people contained SV40, and the virus is often found in bone, brain, lymphoma and mesothelioma tumors. [22]

1960-70: The World Health organization used contaminated hypodermic needles when vaccinated 2 billion people, who contracted Hepatitis B.

1976: One soldier died of Swine Flu, so 44 million people were immunized, 500 people contracted Guillain- Barre disease, 25 people died, and there were 4,000 lawsuits. [23]

1976-1977: Homosexuals in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles took an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine, and 61% (76%-ed) of the SF cohort contracted AIDS. [24]

1990: The CDC recommended health care workers take Hepatitis B vaccine, and a subsequent study of nurses discovered a 300% increase in the incidence of multiple sclerosis. [25]

1990-1995: Women of child-bearing age in the Philippines, Kenya, and other third-world countries, were given tetanus shots that contained chorionic gonadotropin, and couldn't have children. [26]

1991: The U.S. Army administered an experimental vaccine (Vaccine A) that contained squalene and a genetically modified form of Mycoplasma fermentans. Two-hundred thousand U.S. servicemen contracted Gulf War Illness, and almost 80,000 have died. [27]

1993: The government paid for the Influenza vaccine shots that were administered in nursing homes, and the incidence of pneumonia increased. [28]

1999: The American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service recommended removal of thimerosal from childhood vaccines.

2000: The CDC held a secret meeting to discuss the danger of thimerosal (Simpsonwood). [29]

2002: The U.S. spent billions of dollars on Tamiflu during the SARS epidemic.

2003: The CDC recommended 6-month old infants, and women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy, receive shots of influenza vaccine. Dr. Mark Geier accessed the CDC web site, and found a 27-fold increase in the incidence of autism in the children who took vaccines that contained thimerosal. [29]

2005: The CDC identified a new strain of influenza (H1N1), the WHO declared the disease was a pandemic, and the pharmaceutical industry made billions of dollars.

Vaccines have saved millions of lives, but they have killed or injured billions of people. Can the drug manufacturers make safe vaccines? I believe the polio vaccine program would have been beneficial if it had been produced properly. Was that a mistake? I don't think it was a mistake because the National Institute of Health (NIH) demoted Dr. Bernice Eddy after she discovered a live polio virus in the Cutter vaccine, and banished her because she discovered a cancer virus in the Sabin vaccine. Furthermore, someone added chorionic gonadotropin to the tetanus vaccine that was given to women of child-bearing age in third-world countries, the FDA left mercury in the childhood vaccines that are given to the children living in the third- world, and the CDC recommends infants and pregnant women receive influenza shots that contain mercury.

I believe vaccination has been used to injure children, and destroy the fertility of future generations.

As always there is much more to this story, so I suggest you obtain a DVD of my recent speech, "The Specter Haunting America," or a CD of that talk. Both are available from Radio Liberty at 800 544 8927.

The American economy is deteriorating; 17-22% of our work force is either unemployed or underemployed, and 12-18 million people have lost their homes. Why did that happen? I believe the Globalists (the Brotherhood of Darkness) want to transfer our wealth to other countries, and impoverish the American people. Can we stop them? I believe we are gaining ground. Millions of people watched the Jesse Ventura TV "Conspiracy Theory" program in which Alex Jones and I discussed the Georgia Guidestones, and the BOD's effort to destroy Western civilization.

What can you do? You can tell your family and friends about the covert organizations that control the United States, and the dark spiritual force that directs them. If we inform others, I believe the Lord will bless our effort, and I am consoled by the thought that Christopher Columbus faced a similar problem on his initial voyage to the Western Hemisphere, but when he reached the limit of his endurance:

"Then, pale and worn, he kept his deck,

And peered through darkness. Ah, that night

Of all dark nights! And then a speck ---

A light! a light! a light! a light!

It grew, a starlit flag unfurled!

It grew to be Time's burst of dawn.

He gained a world; he gave that world

Its grandest lesson: On, sail on!" [30]

We must stay the course, and if you are in a position to help Radio Liberty I would like to hear from you. Barbara and I appreciate your generous support, and your faithful prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Stanley Monteith


1. Lisa Sykes, Sacred Spark, Fourth Loyd Productions, Burgess, Virginia, 2009, p. 69.

2. Dan Burton, "Mercury in Medicine Report," Congressional Record, Extension of Remarks, May 21 2003, p. E1012.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid., p. 1011.

5. Lisa Sykes, op. cit.

6. Dan Burton, op. cit. p. E 1012.

7. Lisa Sykes, op. cit., p. 291.

8. Dan Burton, op. cit., E1012.

9. Personal communication, Dr. Mark Geier.

10. Dan Burton, op. cit., p. E1012-13.

11. Lisa Sykes, op. cit., p. 156.

12. Dan Burton, op. cit., p. E1013.

13. market/

14. Dan Burton, op. cit., p. E1013.


16. Dan Burton, op. cit., p. E1013.

17. Stanley Monteith, Radio Liberty Letter, November 2009, p. 6.


19. The Merck Manual, 18th Edition, p. 1320-40.

20. Edward Shorter, The Health Century, Doubleday, New York, 1987, p. 51.

21. p. 4.

22. Edward Shorter, op. cit., pp. 199-204: See Also:, p. 5: See Also:

23. Front page




27. http://vaccinetruth, op. cit.: See Also: Radio Liberty tape set, "Vaccine A": See Also: Personal communication with Dr. Garth Nicolson.

28. Personal communication with Bill Sardi.

29. Transcript of Simpsonwood meeting; available from Radio Liberty.

30. One Hundred and One Famous Poems, Reilly & Lee, 1958, p. 38.

(Dec. 2009)

March 10, 2010