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The Truth Behind Big Pharma's Latest Cancer (Updated June ,2009)

Dr. Issac Eliaz

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From: Dr. Isaac Eliaz - Urgent Health Alert
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 1:13 PM
Subject: The truth behind Big Pharma's latest cancer "breakthrough"

Just a couple of days ago, I stumbled across a truly infuriating story in The New York Times. The headline?

“Promising Results in Stomach and Breast Cancer Drugs”

Now, considering the fact that a large portion of my career has been devoted to the search for effective cancer therapies, you might find my frustration just a little confusing. After all, it goes without saying that any progress in the fight against cancer—however small—is incredibly good news that’s worth celebrating.

So why am I so frustrated by this latest story?

Well, the Big Pharma-controlled media would have you believe that this new research is a major breakthrough—when, in fact, a closer look reveals a classic example of “one step forward and two steps back.”

Let me explain…

Herceptin is a breast cancer drug, used in combination with chemotherapy to target breast tumors abundant in a specific protein called Her2. As it turns out, this protein is not limited to breast cancer cases—in fact, researchers found that roughly 22 percent of the 3,807 stomach cancer patients they examined also showed high amounts of Her2 in their tumors. So naturally, the goal of this new study (conveniently sponsored by Herceptin’s manufacturer, Roche) was to examine the effects of the drug on 594 of these patients—all diagnosed with Her2-positive stomach tumors.

The result? Stomach cancer patients treated with chemotherapy alone lived a median of 11.1 months… compared with 13.8 months among those who received Herceptin in addition to standard chemo.

At first glance, that seems like great news—there’s no question that every extra day counts when you’re fighting for your life. But what media reports failed to mention are the notorious side effects associated with Herceptin treatment: fever, chills, nausea, and muscle aches in many cases… with heart or lung failure falling upon an even more unlucky few.

Combine these complications with the already well-known side effects of chemotherapy, and those two extra months of survival may not look so promising after all. Especially when research has shown for some time now that you can achieve similar results—while actually improving your quality of life—by making lifestyle and dietary changes, adding supplements and botanicals to your daily regimen, and integrating body mind medicine into your protocol.

What’s more, these changes can benefit far more than just a small percentage of patients—and they don’t require additional drugs (or any of their health-robbing side effects, for that matter).

If you’ve been a member of my community for a while, then you know that modified citrus pectin—known as MCP, for short—is one of my primary targets of research. And over the last fifteen years, I have been involved in numerous published, peer-reviewed studies showing the promising cancer-fighting power of this single natural compound. Ongoing clinical trials continue to demonstrate its unique ability to halt tumor metastasis—even in late-stage treatment-resistant cancer patients—safely, effectively, and without notable side effects.

Sadly, without the backing of a big-name drug company, you aren’t likely to hear the mainstream media reporting on this truly extraordinary breakthrough anytime soon. So in the meantime, I consider it my duty as a doctor to do the job for them.

That’s why I’d like to invite you to read my comprehensive report on the growing role of modified citrus pectin in the fight against cancer. It’s absolutely free, and you can download it from my website HERE.

As always, I encourage you to share it with friends, family, and anyone who might benefit from this valuable information. Armed with the contents in this free report, it’s my greatest hope that you will feel empowered to make your own decisions in the face of this frightening diagnosis… with or without Big Pharma’s “help” along the way.

Yours in good health,  

Isaac Gabriel Eliaz, M.D., L.Ac., M.S

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1.  (Reply)

----- Original Message -----
From: RT
Sent: Saturday, June 06, 2009 3:40 AM
Subject: :SPAM: Cancer?
Dear Patrick and Anne Bellringer,
Greetings intrepid warriors of the Light! Just was reading the missive about cancer you have posted and I thought to speak up with my understanding of what cancer is and clear the smoke from the many fires going around its manifestation. The big Pharma and the medical industry are not in the game to eradicate this simple disease which, like the common cold, is almost universally misunderstood. As simply as it can be put cancer is caused by TOO MUCH ENERGY IN A SYSTEM. There can then be many paths to cancer and so there are many cures. People create resistances within their bodys and minds and the resistance becomes like the fillament in a light bulb and holds back the flow enough to heat up and glow.  You cant put blockages on the creative forces  without endangering the integrity of the system. Erroneous thinking can create resistance in the mind with resulting cancerous growth in thought forms that can become physical manifestations and worst case scenario lead to the death of the body. Toxic input into the body via food that isnt food and all the chemicals foisted on us nowadays in our food and from our environment create resistances that can become cancerous if it reaches flashpoint from overabsorbtion. From this understanding it can be seen that what we call cancer is really a name for blocking the life forces that ebb and flow throughout our experience. As there are so many different ways to acheive this the cure for any one manifestation of it is as individual as is the cause.  I am not a doctor or a professional in any healing modality but the truth of it is not limited to professors or the like.
Cancer can be addressed and beaten as it so often is by removing resistances on the flows that cause the life forces to accumulate instead of moving as they should.
 You may remember the story of Terry Fox from Vancouver who ran across Canada for Cancer in the 70s with the hope of generating money to find cures for cancer. He had been in remision when he did his run and sometime after he decided to do another run. When he announced his intention to run for cancer again I said to those around me at the time that I was sure he would develop the cancer again because he was running FOR CANCER and so he empowered that. Sure enough he developed it again and passed away from it. He is thought of as a hero by most but to me it was a waste of  young life. Any money he raised that went into the cancer institute just kept alot of people busy while ignoring the real causes as they would all lose their jobs if the truth was mainstream. This is just a sample case of what you  effort for you empower. Running for cancer is akin to fighting for peace. Soon we will rise above the smoke clouds created by the sickness industry and it will all fade into history. Till then Cheers and keep up the great work you do in making truth availabe to the masses.
Namaste, RT