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Fluoride to be Added to Drinking Water Despite Majority Oposition

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Fluoride is to be added to the water supply of 200,000 people in Hampshire in order to reduce tooth decay in children after local health bosses voted through the move.

Seven out of ten people in the area were opposed to fluoridation, but the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) made the decision using powers under the Water Act 2003 to demand water companies add the chemical.

Telegraph | Feb 26, 2009

by Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor

Around five-and-a-half million people have drunk water with added fluoride for several decades in Britain and experts say it helps fight tooth decay in the population.

After a three month consultation that move was agreed by Southampton City Primary Care Trust (PCT) where four in every 10 children have a filling by the time they start school.

Other areas that do not already have fluoride are expected to follow.

Five-year old children from Southampton have over twice as many teeth affected by decay as those from South Birmingham, where the water is fluoridated, and around three times more than those from South Staffordshire where there is also fluoride in the water.

But campaigners opposed to the decision said fluoride could be a risk to health and adding it to tap water amounts to mass medication of the population.

During the consultation seven out of 10 people in the area who responded were opposed to fluoridation.

The South Central Strategic Health Authority (SHA) made the decision using powers under the Water Act 2003 to demand water companies add the chemical.

It will now enable the PCT to go ahead and ask Southern Water to act, probably by 2010.

Dr Andrew Mortimore, Public Health Director, added: “The safety and effectiveness of water fluoridation has been confirmed by a large number of respected health organisations, research from existing schemes which have been running for 60 years in the UK and worldwide, and the advice from internationally-respected local experts.”

Peter Robinson, Professor of Dental Public Health, University of Sheffield, said: “The very best evidence indicates that adding tiny amounts of fluoride to drinking water reduces the amount of tooth decay in children by about a third.”

Professor Damien Walmsley, Scientific Adviser at the British Dental Association said: “The BDA commends South Central’s decision as we believe that fluoridation is a safe and effective method of reducing dental decay and oral health inequalities.

“We look forward to the day when we see fewer children in Southampton having to endure the pain and discomfort of decayed teeth or the trauma of having a tooth extracted as a result of adopting this initiative.”