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An Open Letter to our Supporters about Sucralose

James J. Gormley Senrior Policy Advisor- Citizens for Health

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Dear Citizens For Health Supporters:

Our thanks to all of you who have written to us about our campaign on sucralose and who have supported our Petition to the FDA.

Please note that we alone did not single out sucralose for action; consumers did, namely those consumers who have, in droves, reported adverse effects attributed to the consumption of this triple-chlorinated sweetening substance.

Over the years, our food-and-water safety initiatives have been important issues to us and to our members.  For instance, with respect to aspartame, here is a link to an article written by the chair of Citizens for Health, James Turner, regarding that substance.

Whenever there are health concerns (for humans or our environment) we work hard to encourage, and demand when necessary, avenues for the public to be heard. Our Citizen Petition asks the FDA to revoke its approval of sucralose until the safety questions can be properly addressed

Indeed, we never seek to take away healthful products from Americans - far from it; we are constantly striving to improve access to healthful products and healthful sweeteners, such as stevia.  Indeed, we never seek to take away healthful products from Americans - far from it; we are constantly striving to improve access to healthful products and healthful sweeteners, such as stevia.

It is up to the FDA to make sure that the American consumer has the information necessary with which to make those informed decisions, and to investigate safety issues when new information comes to light.

If you agree with us about the sucralose issue, take action now by supporting our Petition to the FDA.  As always, we are grateful for your views and for you support on this important topic.  Thanks for your support.

In good health,

James J. Gormley

Senior Policy Advisor

Citizens for Health @

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