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US FDA Misleads Public on Danger of Thimerosal (Mercury)

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From: "kathelee" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 9:32 PM
Subject: [WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED] US FDA Misleads Public on Danger of Thimerosal (Mercury)

From: "Gabriela DeVelbiss" <>

Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 1:01 PM

US FDA Misleads Public on Danger of Thimerosal (Mercury)

US FDA Misleads Public on Danger of Thimerosal (Mercury)

For Immediate Release CoMeD President [Rev. Lisa K. Sykes (Richmond, VA) 804-364-8426]

December 1, 2007 CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake Hiawatha, NJ) 973-997-1321]

WASHINGTON, DC – The ubiquitous and largely unchecked use of Thimerosal (mercury) in drugs represents a medical crisis according a newly published scientific study. With no warning, recall, or ban of mercury in vaccines and many other drugs as of yet, the victims of this mandated, unwarranted, and massive mercury exposure are an unsuspecting public and, above all, defenseless unborn children and babies.

This study, "A Review of Thimerosal (Mertholate) and Its Ethylmercury Breakdown Product: Specific Historical Considerations Regarding Safety and Effectiveness" was just published in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part B: Critical Reviews (Volume 10, pgs 575-596). The authors of this study are David A. Geier, Lisa K. Sykes, and Mark R. Geier. Researchers from the non-profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., the non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and the Genetic Centers of America conducted this study. A grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism Research & Education (BHARE) Foundation (Elk Grove, IL) to the Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. funded this research.

Thimerosal (a/k/a Merthiolate) is an ethylmercury derivative that was developed in 1927 and is 49.55% mercury by weight. From the early 1930s, Thimerosal has been marketed, without proof of safety, as an antimicrobial agent in a range of products, including antiseptic solutions and antiseptic ointments for treating cuts, nasal sprays, ear and eye drops, vaginal spermicides, and diaper rash treatments.

Most significantly, Thimerosal has also been used as an in-process sterilant and a preservative in vaccines and other injectables. Moreover, most flu-shot doses recommended for routine administration to pregnant women and children in the US today still contain an unsafe level of Thimerosal.

Recent statements made by those holding national and global responsibility for vaccine and drug safety are difficult to reconcile with 70 years of published medical studies repeatedly demonstrating harm caused by Thimerosal in pregnant women, children, and adults. For example, researchers reported on Thimerosal:

• Pittman-Moore Company (1935) – "in other words, [Thimerosal] is unsatisfactory as a preservative for serum intended for use on dogs."

• Ellis (1943) – "it may be advisable to withdraw this product from the market."

• Fagen et al. (1977) – Reported on 13 cases of infants exposed to Thimerosal, 10 of whom died. "The results showed that [Thimerosal] can induce blood and organ levels of organic mercury which are well in excess of the minimum toxic levels…the fact that mercury readily penetrates intact membranes and is highly toxic seems to have been forgotten."

• The Collaborative Perinatal Project of the NIH, CDC, and FDA (1977) concluded Thimerosal exposure during the first 4 months of a women’s pregnancy resulted in nearly 3-times as many birth defects.

• Heyworth and Truelove (1979) – "[Thimerosal] should now be regarded as an inappropriate preservative…"

• Kravchenko et al. (1983) – "the use of thimerosal for the preservation of medical biological preparations, especially those intended for children, is inadmissible."

• Cox and Forsyth (1988) – "severe reactions to [Thimerosal] demonstrate a need for vaccines with an alternative preservative."

• Aberer (1991) – "Thus mercury is still much more frequently used than is generally believed. This seems incomprehensible because side effects are not only potentially disastrous but also numerous and well documented."

This new study clearly refutes claims by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) andthe World Health Organization (WHO) that, "Thimerosal has been used for >60 years in infant vaccinesand in other applications and has not been associated with adverse health effects…"

After its December 2007 update, the CoMeD’s website,, will contain a full copy of this study, among other articles on the dangers posed by the use of Thimerosal in medicine.

Love, Gabby. :0)