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TAINTED FOOD ALERT! Melamine may be in US food supply (video)

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I don't often send bulletins, but this is potentially very serious.

 You have probably heard of the deliberate adulteration of infant formula with melamine in China.

 It killed and injured thousands of children there.

 What you don't know - because the FDA and others don't want you to know - is that as much as  20 million TONS of Chinese manufactured milk powder  and products containing milk powder were imported into  the US from China this year.

 Now please read the next part very carefully:

 The the ONLY country...including China...  that has NOT pulled food products containing milk powder manufactured in China off its shelves.

 Please re-reread the previous paragraph carefully.

 The person blowing the whistle on this is an expert in toy manufacturing who stumbled on this while researching this season's Halloween candy offerings.  He has found candy manufactured in China with milk powder widely being sold in  US stores.

 Obviously, I have not had time to check all the facts, but knowing the parties involved - China, the FDA, the Bush administration, and corporate America - I have no doubt that this is not only highly plausible, it's highly likely.

 It's serious.

 - Brasscheck

 P.S. Please share this with friends and colleagues so they can make informed decisions about what they eat.

 Do not eat or feed to your children any food made with milk powder manufactured in China.

 - Brasscheck

 P.S. Please share Brasscheck TV e-mails and

 videos with friends and colleagues.

 That's how we grow. Thanks.


Take this seriously and pass it along

In China, ANYTHING made with Chinese-manufactured milk powder before September 14th was PULLED from their store shelves.

In the US, this garbage is still being sold!

Foods at risk: ANY food manufactured in China and potentially any food containing milk powder. US food manufacturers imported millions of pounds of milk powder from China before September 14th. The FDA continues to allow to be sold.

This includes chocolate, cookies, cakes, and even things like packaged macaroni and cheese.


Mike Mozart is a product designer who also runs a video blog about new developments in the toy industry.

His reviews are normally light, cheerful affairs and completely apolitical.

If he appears distraught, it's because he is. This is serious.

Mozart has discovered that the US is the ONLY country that still permits potentially melamine-contaminated food on its shelves. Even China has removed these products from its stores.

That's right. This poison that killed and injured thousands of people, mainly children, may be in US food. We're the only country that hasn't pulled it from its shelves.

More info here:

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