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Taiwan Removes All Cell Towers Near Children

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Interesting move in Taiwan to remove cell phone towers from proximity to certain groups of people such as children.

From second article below:

"The professors note that greatest risk is among children due to the relative thinness of their skulls and the fact that their brains and nervous systems are still growing. "

No amount of radiation like this is safe...cell phones to cordless house phones to WiFi wireless conections are all dangers.

And consider this study:

But a 2005 study in Turkey showed that long-term exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RFEMF) from cell phones could increase free radical levels in the brain, raising the risk of brain cancer. Again ­ nothing conclusive, just theory.

Which brings us to this new study from researchers at Sweden's Örebro University.

The Örebro team examined two cohort studies (in which medical records for subjects who used cell phones were compared to the records of subjects who didn't use cell phones) and 16 case-control studies (in which cell phone use among subjects with cancer was compared to cell use among healthy subjects). All of the subjects who used cell phones had used them for 10 years or more. The studies were conducted in the U.S., Japan, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Germany, and Britain.

Analysis of the research produced these results:

Most of the studies found a link between cell use and increased tumor risk

Several studies found that cell phone users had an increased risk of malignant gliomas ­ cancers of the cells that protect nerve cells

Several studies found a link between cell phone use and a higher rate of acoustic neuromas ­ a benign tumor of the auditory nerve, which often results in deafness and balance problems

Tumors are more likely to occur on the side of the head that the cell handset is used

One hour of cell phone use per day significantly increases tumor risk after ten years or more Professor Kjell Hansson Mild (one of the authors of the study) told the UK newspaper The Independent, that newer cell phones emit less radiation compared to phones that were on the market in the 90s.

But that's about it for the good news. The Independent also reports that previous research conducted by Professor Mild and his colleague Professor Lennart Hardell showed that consistent use of cordless phones present about the same risk as cell phones in the development of malignant glioma and acoustic neuromas.

The professors note that greatest risk is among children due to the relative thinness of their skulls and the fact that their brains and nervous systems are still growing.

And there's one more disturbing development. When I checked the web site for the American Cancer Society, I found a page titled "Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?" Here's what the ACS has to say: "This represents a legitimate area of scientific controversy and should not be dismissed as a myth."

Uh oh. When an organization as seriously mainstream as the ACS doesn't rubber-stamp the cell/cancer link as bunk, you know someone in the medical establishment is nervous about this topic.