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Life And What This Technology Will Do To It ...And Has Done To Some

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ly obsolete. The "chip" can be removed almost as easily as it can be put in. The U.S. Government has this technology, had it for many years, and because of brutal, Nazi-like experiments protected in the name of National Security, they kept it from commercial use. So, Journalist Danny Pearl who died (abducted) last year, did not have a chance to be found--the U.S. is indirectly responsible for his death and many other deaths (how many children have disappeared in the last several years?). Read on for more proof--

1. "U.S., Russia Hope to Safeguard Mind-Control Techniques" by Barbara Opall, DEFENSE NEWS, Jan. 11-17, 1993, page 29.

2. "Spying on Us" by Jim Wilson, POPULAR MECHANICS, April 2001, pgs. 69, 70...

3. "Techno-Cops, Police Tools of the '90's are Highly Advanced, But..." by Chip Johnson, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Nov. 12, 1990, front page.

4. "Field of Nightmares" by Simon North, WEEKEND LONDON GUARDIAN, Feb. 2-3, 1991, pgs. 10, 11.

5. "Mind-reading Computers..." by James Coates, CHICAGO TRIBUNE, April 9, 1993.

6. "Mind Control" by Larry Collins, PLAYBOY, Jan. 1990, pgs. 158.

7. "Family Chipper About Its Microchip Implants" by Leslie Jacobs, USA TODAY, May 8, 2002, pg. 15A.

How can a technology that could help humans and has been developing for over 40 years remain hidden and under government control in the name of National Security? Is it because humans have been targeted to be experimental guinea pigs by U.S. Scientists AGAIN playing God and AGAIN not subject to prosecution for crimes committed in the name of National Security? Using our tax money, these Nazi-like behavioral control experiments use shocks and sleep deprivation, for instance, all the while recording on computers from a distance the changes in Subjects heart rate, respiration, perspiration...etc. The goals being to sensitize or desensitize the Victims, depending on the goal of the Scientists doing the experiments. Like all such experiments done in secret (Tuskegee, M-K Ultra, spraying of U.S. subways to "test" chemicals, giving drugs to pregnant retarded women...etc.) these have run their course and are no longer useful. Most of the Scientists still involved are pushing 80 years old. What the technology is capable of is known and the governments involved are into bigger and more complex issues. The question now asked by the aging scientists involved in this horror of an experiment is, "How can we get rid of the people we used before anyone finds out what we did to them?"

Sent from Marlene DiFiori Locke, 11942 Loxley Lane, Maryland Heights, MO 63043-1236; telephone 314-739-4233.

Check Representative Kucinich's recent Bill, H.R. 2977, changed to 3616. Look at the first version, if possible. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee are suppose to protect citizens from the illegal research that was done in order to develop this, and other, technologies. They do not protect citizens. In the above, they were lied to and did not bother to ask questions. Former Senator John Danforth was on the Senate Intelligence Committee--he knew about this technology. Rather than ask questions, he decided to resign...the horrific nature of the experiments, all hidden under National Security, make Nazi experiments look pale.

I have a Master's Degree from Indiana University (studied at both the South Bend Campus and Bloomington Campus). My uncle is Lucien Arata, a retired doctor and county coronor of Shelbyville, Indiana. My cousin's husband, General Mike Dunn, is an Army man. I have never been in a mental institution or in trouble with the law. If this can happen to me, it can happen to you. This experiment, and almost more importantly, the cover-up, has grave implications for the United States Government. Be careful what laws you pass, they only apply to us--not people in the Government. Please ask questions...
