Kacper Postawski joins Health Ranger for “tell-all” interview about Adya Clarity irresponsible marketing, clinical trial mistakes, lessons learned and better ways to help humanity heal
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) A few years ago, I publicly exposed the marketing fraud behind a product called “Adya Clarity,” a collection of inorganic minerals mined out of the ground and dissolved in acid and water to be sold as a dietary supplement. Its promoters loudly proclaimed the product was able to remove heavy metals from the body. It was very aggressively promoted by a huge number of gurus, “raw food” people and dietary supplement marketers. Tens of thousands of consumers were ultimately fooled by the claims, and Natural News led the way in halting the deceptive marketing of this product.
As I unveiled at the time, Adya Clarity contained high aluminum (about 1,200 ppm) and was deceptively marketed, deceptively labeled and promoted with highly deceptive claims that I knew to be completely bogus. (Since then, I built a state-of-the-art forensic science laboratory and achieved ISO 17025 lab accreditation for it. You can see my lab at CWClabs.com.)
In response to my public warnings, the Adya Clarity company went to war with Natural News, and they eventually funded what they believed was a legitimate clinical trial which, for years, was cited as “proof” that Adya Clarity worked as was claimed. This “proof” was used to continue promoting Adya Clarity across the ‘net, through various webinars.
Adya Clarity former marketer Kacper Postawski is now able to go public with the revelation that the clinical trial was eventually discovered to be completely fraudulent (and that he and Adya got scammed by the clinical trial company). The company conducting the trial — Fenestra Research Labs — was really just a collection of scam artists who ripped off the Adya Clarity company and produced nothing but fictional trial data. I was personally instrumental in helping the Adya Clarity company discover this by asking intelligent scientific questions of the clinical trial company. Kacper worked with me to ask those questions which immediately exposed the clinical trial company fraud.
For your amusement, a copy of the preliminary clinical trial report from Fenestra Research Labs — a fraudulent clinical trial organization — is available at this link on Natural News.
The Fenestra Research Labs website, incidentally, is still full of crazy typos all over its home page, including “Saftey and Effective Studies can support your marketing claims!” and “Humasn clinical trials” and “A saftery and Effectiveness Study on your product can open new marketing streams and ensure client health!”
Today, many years after all this happened, Kacper Postawski reached out to me to put together an effort to help set the record straight on what happened, to learn from the mistakes that were made, and to move forward with an intention of healing and integrity. I invited him to conduct a “tell-all” video interview, where we would discuss the Adya Clarity story, including the marketing claims, the faked clinical trial, and the lessons learned for moving forward in the future.
That video interview, which is slightly edited for brevity and clarity, is now posted on YouTube at this link (or watch it below). In this video, Kacper Postawski and I cover:
* How Adya Clarity was deceptively and irresponsibly marketed by dietary supplement companies.
* How Adya Clarity generated $5.5 million in sales from a deceptive webinar marketing strategy.
* Details on the Adya war with Natural News, and how Mike Adams effectively halted most sales of Adya nationwide.
* How Kacper Postawski had positive intentions, but was deceived by a clinical trial company.
* Details on how the clinical trials were faked by a scamming company that charged Adya Clarity over $50,000.
* Why strong marketing claims for non-food-based dietary supplements must be backed by solid evidence, not wishful thinking.
* How the pharmaceutical industry also fakes clinical trials.
* The placebo effect and the nature of positive customer testimonials.
* Why consciousness alone can’t save you from toxic elements in food or water.
* Details of an upcoming science investigation by Natural News that will call for the criminal arrest of an Indian “consciousness” guru who is poisoning people with mercury pills.
* Kacper’s interest in over-unity energy devices and his plans for helping uplift consciousness around the world.
* Links to Kacper’s website and documentary film project. KacperPostawski.com and QuantumLeap.is
Partial transcript from the interview
Note: This transcript is paraphrased or edited in many places for clarity and brevity, but the original intention of the words remains intact. To hear the full interview, word for word, watch the video above
Kacper Postawski: “The way that this was marketed wasn’t very responsible… it was irresponsible… I didn’t have the filters in me, which I do now… to be able to make decisions better.”
There were a lot of claims being made. It was very aggressively promoted. The [webinar] did very well as a promotion. To be fully transparent, we sold $5.5 million worth of product… we had money, happy clients, people saying they had good results…
You’ve got to get your facts straight. You have to be in integrity because there are a lot of people exposed to this.
Mike Adams: People wanted Natural News to promote it, so I started investigating… I do a lot of due diligence before I would support anything. First, I did a heavy metals test on the product and I found it had very high aluminum, and I saw aluminum wasn’t listed on the label [like the other elements were]. The product was mostly an iron supplement. It was really a flocculent, which you can buy as a pool cleaning product.
I saw it as something that was being dishonestly labeled and dishonestly promoted, and I saw there was no clinical evidence that metals were being removed from the body. I had a call with Matt Bakos and the red flags went up for me because he was talking pseudoscience… I raised the alarm, I went out with a warning, and some people selling the product issued voluntary “recalls,” and this is when the war began.
Bakos began impersonating online personalities to attack me while I was trying to warn people not to take this product.
Kacper Postawski: I’m here to take responsibility for everybody who ever marketed Adya Clarity. Some high profile health personalities. I think only a few people issued refunds. I’m here to take responsibility for all of us collectively in this marketplace who misrepresented the product by making claims which were unsubstantiated at that time. We have strong reasons to believe that some of them may be true, but at this time there isn’t any really solid medical science to prove… so I want to take responsibility because that wasn’t right.
I didn’t come from intentions of wanting to lie to people, or to mislead people, but I honestly believed that this was true, but it turned it to be either not true or perhaps not yet proven. It may take all these things out of the water, but to say that it takes out of the body without having really solid proof that you can claim wasn’t right at the time. And the proof that Adya Clarity and Matt Bakos did have at the time were… a few odd little private blood tests from certain users, which most of them weren’t made public… so just based on that to spring up a multi-million dollar advertising campaign was pretty flimsy, and that’s where you stepped in.
Back then, I was a 25, 26 year old kid and I was really quite confused, Mike you were my hero, I was like, “Wow, Mike is the last one on Earth who should be against this…” I was kind of going through a dark night of the soul. But looking back on it now I can see you did the right thing. And it taught me a lot… what really integrity means, and looking with a global scope and global reach… what’s really necessary in terms of science and proof… there’s a right way of doing things…
Mike Adams: Your intention has always been positive. You’ve always wanted to help people heal… but intention alone is not enough, especially when we’re talking about a dietary supplement that’s not food.
One of the things that was a red flag to me about Adya Clarity was that it was not a food. It was metals, minerals, inorganic elements dissolved in acid… this was not food. So anytime we’re dealing with something that isn’t food… vaccines, pharmaceuticals, miracle supplement, if it’s not food, the required level of proof and evidence is so much higher because it’s not something that we have traditionally consumed as a civilization.
Kacper Postawski: My intention was to do good in the world… my view is that [Adya Clarity] is a fantastic product, I believe it does what the claims actually said… that’s my wishful belief and what I’ve seen in my own body… my team said “We gotta fight.”
We decided to push against it… start a war… so we took another webinar out, we stripped out the health claims… it didn’t do us good, but we got the business rolling again, and we started Water Liberty, talking about things that could affect water. It starting doing okay but not great… we saved enough cash and said what do we have to do to prove that this works? Let’s get a clinical trial.
So we found a clinical trial company, and the long and short is that we got scammed. And you helped me see that in the end.
Mike Adams: I remember you came to me and said Mike can you help us interpret and analyze this clinical trial, and I said yes… and it was fascinating.
Kacper Postawski: It was really expensive… I think… over $50,000, it may have gone up to $90K, it was the classic con, like, “You’ve got these stats, if you pay us a little more, and extend this study, we’ll really prove that this works, we’ll get even better numbers…” All the warning signs were there, we were getting so scammed, but I was just too young and too naive to see it. We would never visit them in the right office, it was the weirdest circumstance…
Then you asked me hey, just call them up and ask for proof, if you get anything but stonewalled, that this actually happened, you know where you stand.
So we called them up… and not only did we get stonewalled, we got violently stonewalled, it was like… this kind of response of calling us idiots and fools. So what do we do now? Do we go to war and sue these people? It was a total disaster. By this time we had already published this study on the website… we thought we were so cool, yeah we’re getting studies out there, we can be globally recognized.
Mike Adams: I remember some people in the Adya Clarity camp were attacking me, saying they had a clinical trial, saying it’s proof. I think I wrote 15 or 20 questions for you to ask the clinical trial company, questions like, what instrument are you using for the elemental analysis…
Kacper Postawski: We didn’t even get there, we asked can you maybe show us anything at all? “Oh those records are in an underground computer somewhere where we can’t access them, it’s gonna take us six months to get them…” What I learned from that is that anybody in this industry, the FDA is corrupt, the pharmaceutical industry is corrupt, what do clinical trials even mean, they’re all fake anyway. This company is the same company others would use…
Mike Adams: The pharmaceutical industry also fakes clinical trials. The difference is their fakery is far more sophisticated. They produce fake data sets, they have fake documentation, but the company that you went with that you got scammed by, I recall they analyzed heavy metals levels in blood plasma by using muscle testing. I have a mass spec instrument, muscle testing is not a quantitative analysis method. I’m glad that you saw that, I’m glad the red flags went off. What was going through your mind?
Kacper Postawski: …I started really backing away from the company… Since then I’ve been doing a lot of work personally, completely changing the focus of my life… what I learned is that anybody can stand at the top of the tower and say I’ve got the solution for Parkinson’s, and that guy can always be argued with, that can be a corporation, or a random guy setting up a company online. You can always argue with someone who’s making claims. But no one can argue with a public investigation, and that’s very much what you’ve been leading to with Natural News, bringing truth to the public.
…we had over 20,000 clients, we’ve had incredible success cases with the product. I know that many of the claims were unsubstantiated… even the clinical trial… we know that it’s not real. What I would like to end this interview with, is where do we go from here? What should the people who are currently using the product be thinking about their own health?
I personally love the product. I do believe that it does these things to the body… but I don’t believe it was marketed responsibly. I believe there could have been a much more level headed approach… and in hindsight, we looked at what it would have cost to do a real clinical study… it would have been less than what we paid.
Mike Adams: …your company could have sold a placebo and you would have received an enormous number of testimonials with positive results. Placebo may be the most powerful phenomenon in modern medicine… placebo is effective in about one-third of the cases of everything… cancer patients, diabetes, heart disease. A lot of people don’t believe in placebo, and they believe medicine has to be toxic in order to work, and what they’ve found in antidepressant drug trials is that people don’t believe the drug is working until they start to feel toxic side effects. Then they convince themselves they have the real drug, then they kick in their own placebo effect to make the drug “work” better. People have been trained that side effects means they got the real drug.
Kacper Postawski: Truth changes depending on the level of consciousness you’re bringing to it… there’s really nothing here but consciousness… the placebo effect is absolutely huge. Where I want to be is exploring consciousness as a healing tool. …Thought creates reality.
Mike Adams: At a level, I understand what you’re saying, but I do want to go back to something, I agree that consciousness is really the course of ultimate healing for humanity… but we have to remember, this is where the science side kicks in, that we exist as non-material conscious beings but inhabiting material physiological bodies, and we have to take care of both parts of that existence.
Here’s where I challenge other people on this. I might see people order shrimp for lunch, and they’ll ask me a question like, “Are shrimp clean? Or will I find heavy metals?” I tell them normally something out of the ocean you’re going to find arsenic and mercury. And sometimes they will tell me, they will say “I’m going to pray over this food and have positive intention and nullify the mercury” and I tell them, “That doesn’t work. You can have all the prayer you want, buddy, but you’re still eating mercury. You need to be smart about what you’re putting in your body…” you can’t pray your way out of eating poison.
We are about to expose an Indian guru, he runs around the USA with seminars about consciousness healing, and he prescribes these custom made pills to people… a reader who was taking these pills, she would vomit every time she took them, she send us her pills. We ran them in my lab on the ICP-MS. We were absolutely shocked. The mercury we found in the pills was so off the charts, we had to recalibrate our instrument. 1,200 ppm mercury. No one knows about this. We’re going to expose this, and we’re going to call for criminal investigations.
And it’s by a guy who preaches consciousness… his philosophy is that poison cures poison, so it’s sort of like… this guy thinks you should eat mercury to heal from mercury. We all have to be very cautious about those kinds of warped philosophies that will invoke the words of consciousness but they’re actually poisoning you.
Kacper Postawski: There are a lot of reality checks happening out there right now… the reality we believe is about to burst… up until that burst, a lot of people have resistance, because the ego hates to be wrong, you either grow or you implode… with that said, I don’t believe it’s all mind over matter, it’s the middle path, it’s consciousness and the material body. You can talk about consciousness all day long to someone eating Burger King, and they just don’t get it.
Mike Adams: I haven’t met anybody who can levitate. I’ve seen a lot of people talk about teleporting in astral bodies, but I’ve never seen somebody who could take mercury and turn it into zinc. If you show me that person, I have a business model for that person, it’s called “making gold.”
Let me ask you this, Kacper, you have a big heart, you have a lot of love for humanity, you have an open mind. You’re looking at the big solutions for humanity… can you talk about some of the things you’re involved with or looking toward? Or what’s on your mind about how to help humanity look forward?
Kacper Postawski: I researched a lot about free energy… the solutions to the greatest problems on Earth are out there… Tesla… etc., I thought why aren’t we making these machines? I got really fascinated… I wanted to earn money to invest in these things so we could make these and get them out to the world. They also flew… gravity inversion… he built a way to control the gravity of this machine.
These days I’m stepping back, I’m much more focused on health and consciousness… a friend told me if you keep doing this [free energy] work, you’re going to get a bullet in your head… humanity isn’t ready.
When the consciousness of humanity is ready for these things, they will appear…
Mike Adams: Consciousness is really the answer because once we expand our awareness, understanding, knowledge, wisdom, only then would we be ready for free energy technology. Today, mankind’s consciousness is all about short term greed and gain… we have not found a way to live in harmony with the planet. If free energy existed now, we would destroy the world with it. Humanity’s population would explode, we would kill all of nature, we would commit suicide on a massive scale if we had free energy. I don’t believe humanity is ready for free energy.
Kacper Postawski: …My key passion right now is health, because I think consciousness does come first if we want to change the planet. Unhealthy people are not at the level where they can hold the consciousness that’s necessary. … You talk to them about consciousness and they’re busy just… I’m deeply passionate about helping those people. Making documentaries about solutions that really make a difference out there. I want to find solutions that drastically change the world and get them out to people.
Mike Adams: I want to thank you for reaching out to me, and having the courage to walk this path and share this publicly. It’s really to your credit. I really look forward to the things you’re going to be working on. I want to thank you.