The high priced egg scam
The Unhived Mind
The high priced egg scam
By Jim Stone.is
Several people have written saying that the real reason for the egg scam is to get eggs out of the American diet, and I could not agree more. Of all food animals out there, the chicken is #1, followed by the cow. You cannot possibly get cheaper meat of a higher quality, and then follow up with something as useful and good for you as eggs from the same animal. If the overall goal is to destroy America and the american people, the chicken would be a prime target.
Need to get over antidepressant damage? Eggs are probably the best food there is, when fried in real butter. Need to study well for college, and be in overall good health? You cannot beat the egg. Need to get over being sick and want a food source that is high quality to heal yourself? You cannot beat real home made boiled chicken soup, and the Jews know this, which is why their “chicken soup for the soul” and other irritating (for me, because I know the source) “self help” books are often titled with chicken soup in one way or another . . . . they know the chicken is the champion of healing foods and I believe this is precisely why all this hoaxing regarding chicken is going on.
There really is no chicken crisis in America. There is no bird flu going on. If there was, America, which takes products from everywhere, would just import the eggs, eggs last practically forever and can handle being shipped, especially from Mexico. If the egg crisis was real, eggs would be at record high prices in Mexico, where growers would blast them up to America to take advantage of the higher profits there.
How can prices in Mexico be at an all time low? From having America’s eggs shipped south. That’s how. I said this yesterday, but want to repeat it from a different perspective – that the egg and chicken crisis in America is nothing but a war on good health and clear thinking, eggs are one of the foods that significantly un-do the damage from all the poisonous brain stifling foods in the American market and someone in America wants the benefit of eggs removed from the American diet. With prices at 69 cents per dozen large grade A eggs in Mexico, this is the only possibility, rule of economics would invert that in a legitimate bird flu scenario.
What we have here is the continued attack on natural man’s meat-eating by the evil pirates of the Worshipful Company of Coopers and their forks such as Elizabeth Kucinich. It’s very true that chicken has a lot of healing properties and yes it has always been used during or after illness to aid recovery. Chinese doctors are well aware of the healing powers of poultry including duck and both their eggs especially duck eggs. If you want some serious nutrition then you can’t get much better than a duck egg which can be up to three times more nutritious than a chicken egg the only downside to duck eggs is that more people may suffer an allergy to them. The Coopers pirates ultimately want to turn the slave herd into sick vegans and do away with meat. Why? Veganism promotes dampness etc and ends up with the being suffering Qi problems. There is no better sustaining food to promote energy than meat and this is why we’ve eaten meat since day one. I was a vegan for ten years and I always had Pam Killeen’s warnings in my mind but my then vegan brainwashing stopped me from getting away from the eating practice. Eventually I decided to drop veganism and listen again to Killeen and she’s exactly right. The zero-growth society relies on the medical industry to aid the pathetic economy so wouldn’t you want a populace on a diet that will hinder their energy, mind and health over a period of time? Think about it! My advice is to stick with traditional diets and meat-eating. If you can eat some food straight from the tree then do so and make sure you eat it within seven minutes of picking because you will then take on an energy force that cannot be found in store bought foods. The culling of birds under the guise of H5N1 isn’t just an attack on chickens but an attack on independent farming hoping to bankrupt struggling farmers so the corporations can take control. It’s very true that you need good saturated fats to aid your brain function, Virgin Coconut Oil is one of the best but always use animal products and fats.
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